UNIT I - Modern Concepts & Trends of Child Health Care

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Course : B.

Sc (Nursing) III Year

Subject Name : Child Health Nursing

Unit : 1. Introduction

Topic : Modern concepts & Trends of child care

Prepared By : Dr. Zealous Mary, Professor


By the end of this presentation learners will be able to:

 describe the term of paediatrics
 define the concepts of paediatrics
 identify the importance of paediatrics
 know the historical background of child health
 understand the current concepts & trends of paediatric nursing
 describe the role of paediatric nurse
 The term paediatric is derived from the Greek words-

Pedia iatrike ics

child treatment branch of science

Paediatric means the science of child care and scientific treatment

of childhood disease. Paediatric is synonymous with child
 The term paediatric is derived from the Greek words-
Pedia – child and iatrike – treatment and ics – branch of science

 Paediatric means the science of child care and scientific

treatment of childhood disease.

 Paediatric is synonymous with child health

 Paediatric nursing is the specialized area of the nursing practice

concerning the care of children during wellness and illness, which
includes preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative care of
Paediatric can be defined as the branch of medical science that deals
with the care of childhood from conception to adolescent in health and
illness. It concern with prevention, promotion, curative and rehabilitative
care of children.”

Paediatrics is concerned with the health of infants, children and

adolescents, their growth and development, and their opportunity to
achieve full potential as adults.

(Richard E.Behrman in Nelson's Textbook of Paediatrics)


 Major consumers of health care.

 35 – 40 of total population are children below the age of 15.

 More vulnerable to various health problems.

 Majority of Childs morbidity & mortality preventable.

 Needs special care to survive & thrive.


• Abraham Jacob is known as FATHER OF PEDIATRICS

• The first citation of quality of breast milk and child hygiene was 225

• Hippocrates a Greek philosopher also known as father of modern

medicine has made significant contribution to diseases found in

• The first Indian paediatrician were kashyapa and Jevaka .they worked
on children diseases and child care.

• The first manuscript on management of children diseases was written

by kashyapa and Samhita
• Charak was the physician of Peshawar. He wrote on care and
management of newborn in his Sansthan and Ashtanga –hridaya

• Arab physician Rhazes wrote the first book on the diseases of children.

• In 1545 Ad.Thomas Phare wrote the first book in English on children’s


• In 1802 first paediatric hospital was opened in Paris .

• The first paediatric hospital was the Children’s Hospital of

Pennsylvania, founded in 1855

• In 1920 the first crèche was opened in India to provide day care to
 Child health nursing is undergoing tremendous advancement in
paediatric medicine and surgery.

 Child care has a prime importance as the mortality and morbidity

rates are highest in this group and most of the diseases are
 The goal of Paediatric nursing is to foster the growth and
development of the child and promote an optimum state of health
physically, mentally and socially.
 Holistic view of health Widely accepted term, ”Wholeness”. It is a
philosophy believes in an integration and harmonious balance of
body, mind and spirit to maintain or regain health.
 Areas to be considered: Health promotion, Prevention of illness,
Health maintenance, Health restoration.

 Caring the health care of the child from the day of conception.

 Participate in the prevention of illness and health promotion activities.

 Comprehensive care of the child in his home through community

health centers.

 Flexibility in hospital setting.

 Health oriented.

 Warmth and love oriented.

 Health promotion activities, services related to fertility, sex
education and counselling.

 Safe guard and protect the children's right by health providing,

cultural practice and laws encouraging.

 The Nurse must observe the state of the child’s health illness state,
his strength and weakness, and the effectiveness of coping

 The nurse must have patience and emotional balance, while

dealing with children and their parents especially in critically ill

 Family centered Care  Primary nursing

 High technology care  Case Management
 Atraumatic care  Cost containment
 Evidence based practice  Ethics in pediatric nursing
 Child oriented environment  Nursing process application
Family centered care:
FCC is based on the philosophy that quality care can be provided in
an environment that family can promote the psychological and
physiological health of the child. It assumes that if the family gain
adequate information and support capable of making health care

Enabling – Enable families by creating opportunities and means for all

family members to display their current abilities and competencies to
acquire new ones.

Empowering – Interact such families to maintain or acquire a sense of

control over their lives and acknowledge positive changes.
High Technology care:
The advancement in the diagnostic technology has made
detection of many disorders even in the fetal period. Laboratory
methods to assess fetal maturity and health of the fetus in the

Evidence Based practice:

In evidence based practice, nurse need to make decision on
the best available evidences make decision on the best available
evidences. EBP in nursing provides a systematic approach to
enable nurses to effectively use the best solution related to
nursing practice
Primary Nursing:
 The system of primary nursing provide extreme commitment to
patient accountability. 24 hour responsibility and accountability by
one nurse for the care of a small group of patient is possible with
primary nursing

 It is consider as an extension of primary nursing It is usually of

primary nursing . It is usually used in outpatient setting by assigning
a case management to a patient or a group of patients.

 A child friendly environment should be provided to a child who is

admitted to hospital
Cost containment:
Best possible care with minimal costs Prevent duplication of
Nursing care

Ethics in pediatric practice:

 Non maleficence : Do no harm
 Beneficence : Do good
 Justices : There are three aspects as legal justice, respect for
right, and fair distribution of resources even the nurses time
and attention.
 Respect for autonomy : Respect the individual’s right to make
informed and thought out decisions for themselves.
 Truth telling

 The role of pediatric nurse is both caring and curing. Caring is a

continuous process in both wellness and illness. It refers a helping,
guiding and counseling. Curing refers to the act of diagnosis and
management, usually during illness.

 Pediatric nurse have the responsibilities of providing nursing care

in hospital, home, clinical, school and community where children
and their parents have health and counseling needs.

 Primary caregiver  Manager

 Health educator
 Child care advocate
 Nurse- counselor
 Recreationist
 Social worker
 Nurse consultant
 Team coordinator and
collaborator  Nurse researcher
 Ethical decision maker  Counselor

 Hockenberry – Wong’s Nursing Care of the Infants &

Children, 2007, Elsevier
 Kyle – Essentials of Paediatric Nursing, 2009,LWW
 Ricci – Maternal & Paediatric nursing, 2009, LWW
 Achar’s Textbook of Paediatrics, 2009, Orient Black Swan
 Richard E.Behrman in Nelson's Textbook of Paediatrics

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