A Summer Internship Projct Report: ON "Flipkart'S Warehouse"

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Flipkart is an Indian e-commerce company, headquartered
in Bangalore, Karnataka, India, and incorporated
in Singapore as a private limited company. The company
initially focused on online book sales before expanding into
other product categories such as consumer electronics,
fashion, home essentials, groceries, and lifestyle products.

The service competes primarily with Amazon’ Indian

subsidiary and domestic rival Snapdeal . As of March 2017,
Flipkart held a 39.5% market share of India's e-commerce
How does Flipkart process its work?
Strategic Objective

“Flipkart” aims to become the largest retailer of India.

Flipkart wants to be present across all categories,
except in groceries and automobiles, the CEO said.
“Our target is not just those who shop online. We
want to highlight the convenience of e-commerce to
traditional offline shoppers and, thus, help grow the
Supply Chain
 Supply chain is a sequence of processes and (material,
information and money) flows that aim to meet final
customer requirements and take place within and
between different supply chain stages.

 The supply chain not only includes the manufacturer

and its suppliers, but also (depending on the logistics
flows) transporters, warehouses, retailers, and
consumers themselves. It includes but is not limited to,
new product development, marketing, operations,
distribution, finance, and customer service.
Supply Chain Processing In 5 Components Of It:
1.  Planning – Plan and manage all resources requires to meet customer demand
and enterprises need to fulfill the quantity. The supply chain determines with
the metrics whether the process is effective and efficient to deliver value to
the customer.

2.  Sourcing – Supply chain choose to provide good who can source the product
in a marketing view as well. Then establish a process to monitor and manage
supplier relationships. The key process includes: Ordering, receiving, managing
inventory and authorizing supplier payment.

3.  Manufacturing – In this activity it accepts the raw material, manufactures the

product, tests for quality, Package for shipping and schedule for delivery.

4.  Delivery and customer logistics – It is associated with a customer order,

schedule deliveries, dispatch loads, invoice customers and receive payment.

5.  Returning – This process has a network of creating the network of the process
the return back of returned issue by the consignor or customer.
Flipkart Divided Into 3 Segments Themselves On The Basis To Work

1. Inbound – Inbound is the processing centre where they

welcome the Inventory as they use or list over the website
and keep them in a manner where they can find it easily as
the customer want. Also which can easily help them in
finding the quantity of the stock.
2. Outbound – Outbound is the process that helps the
consumer get their product after going through their
process like – Packaging, Keeping data.
3.Return centre – Return Centre is the place where all
the products come back from the consumer.Where they
have segmented in different parts for Flipkart side.
I have learned a lot of things while doing this survey like consumer psychology­how
they behave, what they want, what they need, how they think while collecting the
information about  Flipkart and also observe the behaviour of Delivery Boys, how
they handle the customers, how they communicate with the customers, etc. Flipkart
has a wide category of Stuffs some are core products and some are the premium
products. Mostly customers know more about core products in comparison to
premium products and this may be due to lack of advertising or marketing of the
premium range of products. The study was conducted in Delhi region. After the
survey was done I came to know that the consumers are not using online shopping
only for the easiest way to get the stuffs but also for cheapest in comparison to the
retailers . Consumers have very good experience with Flipkart 48% respondents were
highly satisfied,23% respondents were satisfied which sound very good result. It was
found apart from the price and quality of the products offered by flipkart is not the
best online shopping website as it suffers at va rious other points in the survey. Most
of the respondents have rated it as just above and average. The research a Iways
reflects the truth. No doubt Flipkart has very good quality product and availability at
the web portal. Many consumer feels delightful with the Flipkart services and is
satisfied with Flipkart after sales service.

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