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3 - Structure of The Atom - Bohr's Model

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Structure of Atom: Bohr’s Model

Learning Objectives
Student is expected to be able to:
• State Bohr’s postulate
• Discuss Bohr model of hydrogen atom.
• Calculate energy states transitions using hydrogen series (Balmer, Lyman, and Pashen
• Explain the Correspondence Principle.
• Apply Bohr extended model for hydrogen to other elements in which all but one
electron had been removed.
• Set comparison between Thompson’s, Rutherford's’ and Bohr atomic models.

Figures and details in this presentation are taken from: Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers by S. Thornton and A. Rex,
Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Serway, 5 th Ed & 6th Ed, and many websites like physicsclassroom.com and
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
Bohr’s Model of Atom
• 1885–1962
• An active participant in the early
development of quantum mechanics
• Headed the Institute for Advanced
Studies in Copenhagen
• Awarded the 1922 Nobel Prize in physics
– For structure of atoms and the
radiation emanating from them

In 1913 Niels Bohr developed his

atomic model.

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

The Quantum Theory
Light is radiated and absorbed in indivisible packets, or quanta.
We now call these packets, or quanta, photons.
Max Planck
The amount of energy comprising a photon is
determined by the frequency of the radiation. It is
directly proportional to this frequency since

E = h =ch/
where h is the Plank constant (h = 6.63x10-34 J.s)

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
Bohr’s Postulates: Law of Classical Mechanics
1. An electron in an atom moves in a circular orbit
about the nucleus under the influence of Coulomb
attraction between the electron and the nucleus,
obeying the law of classical mechanics.

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Bohr’s Postulates: Stationary States
2. Despite the fact that it is constantly accelerating,
an electron moving in such allowed orbit does not
radiate electromagnetic energy. Thus, its total energy
E remains constant (Stationary states).

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Bohr’s Postulates: Quantum Jumps
3. Electromagnetic radiation
is emitted if an electron,
initially moving in an orbit
of total energy Ei
discontinuously change its
motion so that it moves in
orbit of total energy Ef

The frequency of the emitted

radiation is given by
Einstein equation:

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Bohr’s Postulates: Angular Momentum
4. Instead of the infinity of orbits which n=1

would be possible in classical mechanics,

it is only possible for an electron to move
in an orbit for which its orbital angular
momentum L is an integral multiple of
ħ = h/2

The angular momentum of the n state is:

where n is called the Principal Quantum Number.

Angular momentum is quantized!

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
If the angular momentum of the electron in hydrogen-like atom is
Ln = 7.38210-34J.s. What is the quantum number of the level
occupied by the electron?


Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Bohr’s Model of Hydrogen Atom
The angular momentum is:

So the velocity is:

But: So:

Solving for rn: where:

a0 is called the Bohr radius. It’s the diameter of the Hydrogen

atom (in its lowest-energy, or “ground,” state).
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
Bohr Radius

is the radius of the unexcited hydrogen atom and is equal to:

The “ground” state Hydrogen atom diameter is:

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Energy of Orbits
• A general expression for the radius of
any orbit in a hydrogen atom is:
rn = n2ao
• The energy of any orbit is

This becomes:

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

The Hydrogen Atom Energy Diagram

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Photon Absorption or Emission

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

The Rydberg Formula
From Bohr’s third postulate: Emission of light occurs when the atom
is in an excited state and decays to a lower energy state (ni → nf ):

where n is the frequency of a photon.

R∞ The Rydberg constant

for infinite nuclear mass:
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
Transitions in the Hydrogen Atom

The atom will remain in the excited

state for a short time before emitting
a photon and returning to a lower
stationary state.
In equilibrium, all hydrogen atoms
exist in n = 1, the ground state.

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Hydrogen Series

me e 4 7 1
R   1.097  10 m
4 3 c 02
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
Balmer Series
• In 1885, Johann Balmer found an empirical equation that
correctly predicted the four visible emission lines of

– Hα is red, λ = 656.3 nm
– Hβ is green, λ = 486.1 nm
– Hγ is blue, λ = 434.1 nm
– Hδ is violet, λ = 410.2 nm
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
Example: Balmer Series
Calculate the wavelength of a photon
emitted from hydrogen atom when an
electron drops from n = 3 to n =2

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Example: Balmer Series
Calculate the wavelength of a photon
emitted from hydrogen atom when an
electron drops from n = 3 to n =2

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Other Hydrogen Series
• Lyman series:

• Paschen series:

• Brackett series:

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

How much energy is required to remove an electron from a
hydrogen atom in a state with n = 8.
To remove an electron, final state is with n = 
En   2 eV
∴ ∆ 𝐸= − 2 − − 2
8 (
∞ )( )
E  h  Ei  E f
 13.6   13.6 
E    2     2 
 ni  
 n 
f 
∴∆𝐸=(−0.213 )− 0∴∆𝐸=−0.213𝑒𝑉
 13.6  atom
The Hydrogen  13will
.6 be ionized if it absorbs a photon of
E    2     2 
energy more
3 than
  0.213
2 eV
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
If the electron in a hydrogen atom in state n =2 absorbs a photon of
wavelength = 327 nm, does the hydrogen atom become ionized?


The Hydrogen atom will be ionized if it absorbs a photon of energy

more than 3.4 eV

The Hydrogen atom will be ionized by the absorbed photon.

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
 Using Bohr's quantization rule, derive a formula for
electrons speed in the quantized Bohr's orbits.

 By putting in the values of constants, explicitly derive

the value of electrons speed in n = 1 orbit.

 What fraction of speed of light it is?

 Is it justified to treat electrons motion as non-

relativistic in Hydrogen atom?

 What happens to the speed in higher levels?

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
Non-relativistic Nature of Electron Inside H Atom

• The electron’s velocity in the Bohr model:

• In the ground state:

• v1 ≈ 2.2 × 106 m/s  1% of the speed of light. No

need to apply the special theory of relativity.
• The ratio of v1 to c is the fine structure constant:

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Correction for Finite Nuclear Mass
• The electron and
hydrogen nucleus
actually revolve
about their mutual
center of mass.
• The electron mass is replaced by its reduced mass:

M/me  2000

• The Rydberg constant for infinite nuclear mass, R∞, is replaced

by R:

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
Correction for Finite Nuclear Mass



Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Limitations of Bohr’s Model
The Bohr model was
a great step in the
new quantum
theory, but it had its

• Works only for single-electron “hydrogenic” atoms.

 Could not account for the intensities or the fine structure of the
spectral lines (for example, in magnetic fields).

 Could not explain the binding of atoms into molecules.

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
Limitations of Bohr’s Model

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Apply Bohr’s model to singly ionized helium, that is, to a helium
with one electron removed. What relationships exist between
this spectrum and the hydrogen spectrum?

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Energy Levels of Hydrogen-like Ions: He+

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Extension to Other Atoms
Bohr extended his model for
hydrogen to other
elements in which all but
one electron had been
removed such as He+, Li++

Z is the atomic number of

the element

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Example Find the radius of the second orbit, ionization
energy from first excited state, and the
wavelength of the absorbed photon when an
electron jumps from the 2nd to 3rd orbit in a
singly ionized helium atom.

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Energy Levels of Hydrogen-like Ions: Li2+

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Example Calculate the shortest wavelength that
can be emitted by H atom, He+, and Li++

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

A True View of Atomic Model Apply
Quantum Mechanics

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Extra Solved Problems

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Find the approximate number of photons emitted in 1 s from a source
that emits 1 J of light energy at a wavelength of 500 nm.
The emitted energy is a multiple n of the photon energy

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Prove that Plank’s constant has the dimensions of angular momentum.


Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022


Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022


Answer is B
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

∴ ∆ 𝐸=−3.4 − ( −13.6 )=10.2 𝑒𝑉

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

∴ 𝐸 𝑛=−0.85 𝑒𝑉

∴12.75 𝑒𝑉 =𝐸 𝑛 − (− 13.6 ) 𝑒𝑉 ∴𝑛=4

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
Show that for all Bohr orbits the ratio of the magnetic dipole moment
of the electronic orbit to its orbital angular moment has the same value.
Magnetic dipole moment ( = I A) of an orbiting electron. The
right-hand rule determines the direction of the magnetic moment of a
current-carrying loop. The direction of the electron's angular
momentum vector L can be obtained using the right hand rule for
angular momentum.

The magnetic moment of an electron

is proportional to its orbital angular
momentum  very small
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
The Beryllium nucleus contains 4 protons. If a Beryllium atom is triply
ionized with the one remaining electron in the ground state.
(a) How much energy (in eV) is required to remove that electron?
(b) Calculate the size of the orbit of the fifth excited state of the atom.
(c) Estimate the Paschen series limit for this atom.
Z2 4
Solution : (a ) En  2  13.6 eV   En  2  13.6 eV 
n n
 1 1
E  E f  Ei  16  13.6 eV  2  2   217.6 eV
 1 
 0

 a0  2  0.53 A  2 0
(b) rn    n  r6    6  4.77 A
Z  4 
 
1 
2 1 1  1
(c)   R Z

 n2 n2 

 4 2
1 
.097  10 7
m 1
 19  1 
 f i   
 19.5  106 m 1    51.3 nm

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
An electron in the n = 5 level of hydrogen remains for 51 ns before
jumping down to a lower level. How many revolutions did it
complete while it was in the n = 5 level?
Solution : We need to calculate the time for one revolution (T ) :
 2 2 rn
    2 Tn 
r T n
   
 rn  5.3  10 11 m n 2  r5  5.3  10 11 m 52  1.33  10 9 m
2.2  106 2.2  10 6
 n  m / s 5  m / s  4.40  105 m / s
n 5
2  1.33  10 9 14
T5  5
 1 .9  10 s
4.4  10
51  10 9 6
# of revolution s   2 .69  10
1.9  10 14
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
A hydrogen atom at rest is in a state of quantum number n = 6. The
electron jumps to a lower state, emitting a photon of energy 1.13 eV.
(a) What is the quantum number of the state to which the electron
13.6 13.6
Solution : ( a ) E  E f  Ei  2
eV  eV
n 62
 E  1.13 eV
eV  1.13  0.38  1.51 eV
n2  9
n  3
L 3 1
(b )  Ln  n  3  
L6 6 2
(c ) p f  pi  p atom  p photon
E E 1.13  1.6  10 19
mH     
c mH c 1.67  10  27  3  10 8
  0.36 m / s

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

A hydrogen atom at rest is in a state of quantum number n = 6. The
electron jumps to a lower state, emitting a photon of energy 1.13 eV.
(b) What is the ratio of the angular momentum of the electron after
the emission of the photon?
(c) Estimate the recoil speed of the hydrogen atom due to emission of
the photon.
13.6 13.6
Solution : ( a ) E  E f  Ei  2
eV  eV
n 62
 E  1.13 eV
eV  1.13  0.38  1.51 eV
n2   9
n  3
L3 3 1
(b )  Ln  n   
L6 6 2
(c ) p f  pi  p atom  p photon
E E 1.13  1.6  10 19
mH     
c mH c 1.67  10  27  3  10 8
  0.36 m / s

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

An electron in a hydrogen atom in its ground state absorbed 1.5 times
as much as the ionization energy of the atom in the ground state. What
is the wavelength (in nm) of the emitted electron?
Solution :1.5 times of 13.6 eV  20.4 eV is absorbed
by hydrogen atom out of which 20.4  13.6  6.8 eV is
converted to kinetic energy.
 K  6.8  1.6  10 19  1.09  1018 J
1 K
K  m 2   2
2 m
1.09  10 18
 2  31
 1.55  10 6 m / s
9.11  10
h 6.63  10 34 10
    31 6
 4 . 7  10 m
m 9.11  10  1.55  10
   0.47 nm
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
The figure below shows the energy level structure for an unknown
hydrogen-like atom. The figure is a schematic representation, it is not to
scale, and the spacing between adjacent levels in the figure is not
proportional to the differences in the given energies. Determine the value of
X, the energy in electron volts of the ground state.
Solution :
En  13.6 2 eV
For n  2,  122.4eV  13.6 2 eV
9  Z  6
 E1  13.6 2 eV  489.6 eV
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
Which hydrogen like species will have same radius as that of Bohr's
first orbit of hydrogen atom? 
a) n = 2, Li2+ 
b) n = 2, Be3+ 
c) n = 2, He+ 
d) n = 3, Li2+
e) n = 1, Be3+ 

Solution: The radius of Bohr's orbit in hydrogen and

hydrogen like species can be calculated by using the
following formula:

Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

Now compare the n2/Z values of orbits for given
species with that of hydrogen's first orbit to get the

1st Option e
Option a Option b Option c Option d n=1, Be3+
  orbit of
n=2, Li2+  n=2, Be3+ n=2, He+ n=3, Li2+
H atom
n= 1 2 2 2 3 1
Z =  1 3 4 2 3 4
n2/Z 2 12/4 = 1/4
1 /1 = 1 22/3 = 4/3 22/4 = 1 22/2 = 2 32/3 = 3

Conclusion: Since the n2/Z values are same for second

orbit of Be3+ and first orbit of H, their radii are also equal.
Answer is option is (b).
Dr. Khalil Ebrahim, PHYCS 324, 2nd Semester 2021-2022

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