Corpo Sec 1 - 34
Corpo Sec 1 - 34
Corpo Sec 1 - 34
of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 11232, February 23, 2019
Section 2. Corporation Defined
A corporation is an artificial being created by
operation of law, having the right of succession
and powers, attributes, and properties expressly
authorized by law or incidental to its existence.
Characteristics of a Corporation
It is considered as a separate and distinct
(7th Par.) Shares of capital stock issued without par value shall be deemed fully
paid and non-assessable and the holder of such shares shall not be liable to the
corporation or to its creditors in respect thereto: Provided, That no-par value
shares must be issued for a consideration of at least Five pesos (₱5.00) per
share: Provided, further, That the entire consideration received by the corporation
for its no-par value shares shall be treated as capital and shall not be available for
distribution as dividends.
(8th Par.) A corporation may further classify its shares for the purpose of ensuring
compliance with constitutional or legal requirements.
1st Par. – Doctrine of Equality of Shares.
Each share (Common share/stock) shall be equal in
all respects (rights and liabilities) to every other
share except as otherwise provided in the articles
of incorporation and stated in the certificate of
1st. Incorporators
2nd. Board of Directors and Stockholders (by way
of amendment) by majority vote of BOD and
consent of stockholders representing 2/3 of the
outstanding capital stocks.
2nd Par.
2 kinds of RS
1. Mandatory or Compulsory and
2. Optional
(2nd Par) Corporations with certificates of incorporation issued prior to the effectivity of this Code and
which continue to exist shall have perpetual existence, unless the corporation, upon a vote of its
stockholders representing a majority of its articles of incorporation: Provided, That any change in the
corporate right of dissenting stockholders in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
(3rd Par.) A corporate term for a specific period may be extended or shortened by amending the articles
of incorporation: Provided, That no extension may be made earlier than three (3) years prior to the
original or subsequent expiry date(s) unless there are justifiable reasons for an earlier extension as may
be determined by the Commission: Provided, further, That such extension of the corporate term shall
take effect only on the day following the original or subsequent expiry date(s).
(4th Par) A corporation whose term has expired may apply for revival of its corporate existence, together
with all the rights and privileges under its certificate of incorporation and subject to all of its duties,
debts and liabilities existing prior to its revival. Upon approval by the Commission, the corporation shall
be deemed revived and a certificate of revival of corporate existence shall be issued, giving it perpetual
existence, unless its application for revival provides otherwise.
(5th Par) No application for revival of certificate of incorporation of banks, banking and quasi-banking
institutions, preneed, insurance and trust companies, non-stock savings and loan associations (NSSLAs),
pawnshops, corporations engaged in money service business, and other financial intermediaries shall
be approved by the Commission unless accompanied by a favorable recommendation of the
appropriate government agency.
What is BB-POPIN?
Bank, Banking and quasi-banking institution,
Preneed companies, Other financial intermediaries,
Pawnshop, Insurance companies, Non-stock savings
and loan associations.
Section 12.
If special law so provides.
i.e. Corporations engaged in pawnshop business
requires that at least 70% of its voting capital
stock belongs to Filipino citizen.
Section 15.
Amendment of Articles of Incorporation. - Unless
otherwise prescribed by this Code or by special law, and
for legitimate purposes, any provision or matter stated in
the articles of incorporation may be amended by a
majority vote of the board of directors or trustees and
the vote or written assent of the stockholders
representing at least two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding
capital stock, without prejudice to the appraisal right of
dissenting stockholders in accordance with the provisions
of this Code. The articles of incorporation of a non-stock
corporation may be amended by the vote or written
assent of majority of the trustees and at least two-thirds
(2/3) of the members.
The original and amended articles together shall contain all
provisions required by law to be set out in the articles of
incorporation. Amendments to the articles shall be indicated
by underscoring the change or changes made, and a copy
thereof duly certified under oath by the corporate secretary
and a majority of the directors or trustees, with a statement
that the amendments have been duly approved by the
required vote of the stockholders or members, shall be
submitted to the Commission.
De facto corporation MUST have filed its AOI and was issued with
COI, otherwise, it will NEVER be a DFC.
It will have its juridical personality and may exercise corporate
Section 21.
Effects of Non-Use of Corporate Charter and Continuous In-operation. - If a corporation does
not formally organize and commence its business within five (5) year from the date of its
incorporation, its certificate of incorporation shall be deemed revoked as of the day
following the end of the five (5)-year period.
However, if a corporation has commence its business but subsequently becomes inoperative
for a period of at least five (5) consecutive years, the Commission may, after due notice and
hearing, place the corporation under delinquent status.
A delinquent corporation shall have a period of two (2) years to resume operations and
comply with all requirements that the Commission shall prescribed. Upon the compliance by
the corporation, the Commission shall issue an order lifting the delinquent status. Failure to
comply with the requirements and resume operations within the period given by the
Commission shall cause the revocation of the corporation's certificate of incorporation.
The Commission shall give reasonable notice to, and coordinate with the appropriate
regulatory agency prior to the suspension or revocation of the certificate of incorporation of
companies under their special regulatory jurisdiction.
Non – Organization and Commencement of
business for a period of 5 consecutive years is a
ground for revocation of AOI.
Acts of Organization
Directors shall be elected for a term of one (1) year from among the
holders of stocks registered in the corporation's book while trustees
shall be elected for a term not exceeding three (3) years) from among
the members of the corporation. Each director and trustee shall hold
office until the successor is elected and qualified. A director who
ceases to own at least one (1) share of stock or a trustee who ceases
to be a member of the corporation shall cease to be such.
(2nd Part) The board of the following corporations vested with public interest shall have independent
directors constituting at least twenty percent (20%) of such board:
(a) Corporations covered by Section 17.2 of Republic Act No. 8799, otherwise known as "The Securities
Regulation Code", namely those whose securities are registered with the Commission, corporations
listed with an exchange or with assets of at least Fifty million pesos (50,000,000.00) and having two
hundred (200) or more holders of shares, each holding at least one hundred (100) shares of a class of
its equity shares;
(b) Banks and quasi-banks, NSSLAs, pawnshops, corporations engaged in money service business,
preneed, trust and insurance companies and other financial intermediaries; and
(c) Other corporations engaged in businesses vested with public interest similar to the above, as may
be determined by the Commission, after taking into account relevant factors which are germane to the
objective and purpose of requiring the election of an independent director, such as the extent of
minority ownership, type of financial products or securities issued or offered to investors, public
interest involved in the nature of business operations, and other analogous factors.
An independent director is a person who apart from shareholdings and fees received from any
business or other relationship which could, or could reasonable be received to materially interfere
with the exercise of independent judgment in carrying out the responsibilities as a director.
Board of Directors
Must own
Board of Trustees
at least 1 Must be a
share in the member
Exercises acts of
Governing body of the corporation –
Corporations being an artificial being, acts and
contracts through its BOD and BOT.
If the corporation is vested with public interest, the board shall also elect
compliance officer. The same person may hold two (2) or more positions
concurrently, except that no one shall act as president and secretary or as
president and treasurer at the same time, unless otherwise allowed in
this Code.
The officers shall manage the corporation and perform such duties as may
be provided in the bylaws and/or as resolved by the board of directors.
-Sec. 25.
Section 26.
Disqualification of Directors, Trustees or Officers. - A person shall be disqualified from
being a director, trustee or officer of any corporation if, within five (5) years prior to
the election or appointment as such, the person was:
(a) Convicted by final judgment:
(1) Of an offense punishable by imprisonment for a period exceeding six (6)
(2) For violating this Code; and
(3) For violating Republic Act No. 8799, otherwise known as "The Securities
Regulation Code";
(b) Found administratively liable for any offense involving fraudulent acts; and
(c) By a foreign court or equivalent foreign regulatory authority for acts, violations or
misconduct similar to those enumerated in paragraphs (a) and (b) above.
Notice of the time and place of such meeting, as well as of the intention to propose such removal, must be
given by publication or by written notice prescribed in this Code. Removal may be with or without
cause: Provided, That removal without cause may not be used to deprive minority stockholders or
members of the right representation to which they may be entitled under Section 23 of this Code.
The Commission shall, motupropio or upon verified complaint, and after due notice and hearing, order the
removal of a director or trustee elected despite the disqualification, or whose disqualification arose or is
discovered subsequent to an election. The removal of a disqualified director shall be without prejudice to
other sanctions that the Commission may impose on the board of directors or trustees who, with
knowledge of the disqualification, failed to remove such director or trustee.
Who may remove BOD/BOT?
-SH/M with or without cause, however, removal
without cause may not be used to deprive
minority of their right to be represented.
When the vacancy is due to term expiration, the election shall be held no later
that the day of such expiration at a meeting called for that purpose. When the
vacancy arises as a result of removal by the stockholders or members, the
election may be held on the same day of the meeting authorizing the removal
and this fact must be so stated in the agenda and notice of said meeting. In all
other cases, the election must be held no later than forty-five (45) days from
the time the vacancy arose. A director or trustee elected to fill vacancy shall
be referred to as replacement director or trustee elected to fill a vacancy shall
be referred to as replacement director or trustee and shall serve only for the
unexpired term of the predecessor in office.
(2nd Part) However, when the vacancy prevents the remaining directors
from constuting a quorum and emergency action is required to prevent
grave, substantial, and irreparable loss or damage to the corporation, the
vacancy may be temporarily filled from among the officers of the
corporation by unanimous vote of the remaining directors or trustees. The
action by the designated director or trustee shall be limited to the
emergency action necessary, and the term shall cease within a reasonable
time form the termination of the emergency or upon election of the
replacement director or trustee, whichever comes earlier. The corporation
must notify the Commission within three (3) days from the creation of the
emergency board, stating therein the reason for its creation.
1. Any other reason not stated above, provided the board constitutes a quorum.
When shall vacancy/ies filled?
In no case shall the total yearly compensation of directors exceed ten percent
(10%) of the net income before income tax of the corporation during the preceding
Directors or trustees shall not participate in the determination of their own per
diems or compensation.
Corporations vested with public interest shall submit to their shareholders and the
Commission, an annual report of the total compensation of each of their directors
or trustees.
Section 30.
Liability of Directors, Trustees or Officers. - Directors or trustees who
willfully and knowingly vote for or assent to patently unlawful acts of the
corporation or who are guilty of gross negligence or bad faith in directing
the affairs of the corporation or acquire any personal or pecuniary
interest in conflict with their duty as such directors or trustees shall be
liable jointly and severally for all damages resulting therefrom suffered
by the corporation, its stockholders or members and other persons.
Where any of the first three (3) conditions set forth in the preceding paragraph is absent, in
the case of a contract with a director or trustee, such contract may be ratified by the vote of
the stockholders representing at least two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock or of
at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members in a meeting called for the purpose: Provided, That
full disclosure of the adverse interest of the directors or trustees involved is made at such
meeting and the contract is fair and reasonable under the circumstances.
Self-dealing director/trustee
A contract entered into by the corporation with one or more of its D/T,
officers or their spouses and relatives within the 4 th civil degree of
consanguinity or affinity is voidable, unless:
1. The presence and vote of such D/T in the meeting where such contract
was entered, is not necessary to constitute a quorum and approval of
the contract;
2. The contract is fair and reasonable;
3. In case of Corporations vested with public interest, contract must be
approved by 2/3 of the entire BOD with at least majority of the
independent directors;
4. In case of an officer, the contract must have been previously authorized
by the BOD/BOT.