Manpower Planning

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Manpower Planning

Name-Prashant kumar
System id -2019634763
HMM305 Presentation
Submitted to- Ms Nidhi sharma
 Manpower Planning which is also called as Human Resource Planning
consists of putting right number of people, right kind of people at the
right place, right time, doing the right things for which they are suited
for the achievement of goals of the organization. Human Resource
Planning has got an important place in the arena of industrialization.
Human Resource Planning has to be a systems approach and is
carried out in a set procedure. The procedure is as follows:
1. Analysing the current manpower inventory
2. Making future manpower forecasts
3. Developing employment programs
4. Design training programs
1. Future Personnel Needs clubbed with current needs Eg – Public Sector
2. Coping with the change- Eg- voluntary quits, discharges, marriage,
promotions seasonal and cyclical fluctuations, high rise in std of living
3. Creating Highly Talented People- Eg- L&T having 70% of MBA’s &
Engineer employees
4. Protection of Weaker Sections – Eg– Plan for quota SC& ST categories
5. International Strategies- Eg Jet Airways has 30% of pilots as expats
6. Resistance to Change and Move
7. Foundation for Personnel Functions
8. Increasing Investments in Human Resources
1. Type & Strategy of organization – Eg. Acquisitions or mergers would have
layoff as a strategy because of job duplication, AI & IA merger
Organizational growth cycles & Planning- Embryonic , growth, matured and
decline phase
Environmental Uncertainties Eg – the expansion of the aviation industry ther
has been an interim shortage of technical personnel such as pilots
1. Time Horizon
2. Type and Quality of forecasting information
3. Nature of jobs being filled
4. Off loading of the work
Decision on the time span for the HRP Process
Implementation of the HRP process
HRP Process should be compatible with the
organization’s policies and objectives

Realistic and feasible process should be planned for

It should be an integral part of the corporate plan
HRP Process – Diagram
Managerial Judgement
Managers across all levels sit together and forecast on their own
judgment. This can be a top-down approach or bottom up approach
and the judgments could be reviewed across departments, divisions
and top management which could conclude on the final figures. Eg-
Used in smaller organizations.
Ratio Trend Analysis
It involves studying past ratios and forecasting future ratios making
some allowance for changes in the organization for its methods.
Work Study Techniques
It is possible when work measurement to calculate the length of
operations and the amount of manpower required. The starting point
can be production budget, followed by standard hours, output per
hour, man-hours required etc
Delphi Techniques
It solicits estimates from a group of experts, and HRP
experts normally acting as intermediaries, summarizes
various responses and reports the findings back to experts
Flow Models
This technique involves the flow of following
components . Determine the time required , establish
categories, count annual movements, estimate probable
transitions. Here demand is a function of replacing those
who make a transition
Existing Human Resources
The existing employees can be categorized as skills inventories and managerial
Skill Inventory
Personal data, skills, Special Qualifications, Salary, Job history ,Company
data ,capabilities special preferences etc
Management Inventory – Work History, SW, Promotion Potential, Career Goals,
Number and type of subordinates etc
Internal sources of supply
Inflows and Outflows (transfers, promotion, separations, resignations, retirements, etc)
Turnover rate( No of sep pa./avg empl. Pa x 100)
Conditions of work (leaves , absences )
Productivity level
Job movements ( job rotations or cross functional utilizations )

External sources of supply

New blood, new experience , replenish the lost personnel.
Recruitment and Selection
Training and Development
Retraining and Redeployment
Retention plan
Downsizing Plans
Control and Evaluation of HRP

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