Fatigue Stress in Bolts

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Fatigue Loading of Tension Joints

• Tension-loaded bolted joints subjected to fatigue action can be analyzed

directly by the methods studied in the previous unit. Table 8–16 lists average
fatigue stress-concentration factors for the fillet under the bolt head and also
at the beginning of the threads on the bolt shank. These are already corrected
for notch sensitivity and for surface finish.
In fact, Peterson observed that the distribution of typical bolt failures is about 15
percent under the head, 20 percent at the end of the thread, and 65 percent in
the thread at the nut face.
Use of rolled threads is the predominant method of thread-forming in screw
fasteners, where Table 8–16 applies. In thread-rolling, the amount of cold work
and strain strengthening is unknown to the designer; therefore, fully corrected
(including Kf ) axial endurance strength is reported in Table 8–17.
For a general case with a constant preload, and an external load on a per bolt basis fluctuating
between Pmin and Pmax, a bolt will experience fluctuating forces such that
Fbmin = CPmin + Fi (a)
Fbmax = CPmax + Fi (b)
•The alternating stress experienced by a bolt is
σa = (Fbmax − Fbmin)/2At = (CPmax + Fi ) − (CPmin + Fi )/ 2At
•σa = C(Pmax − Pmin)/2At
•The midrange stress experienced by a bolt is
•σm = (Fbmax + Fbmin)/2 At
•=( (CPmax + Fi ) + (CPmin + Fi ))/2At
•σm = C(Pmax + Pmin)/2At + Fi/At
A load line typically experienced by a bolt is shown in Fig. 8–20, where the stress starts
from the preload stress and increases with a constant slope of σa/(σm − σi ).
The Goodman failure line is also shown in Fig. 8–20. The fatigue factor of safety can be
found by intersecting the load line and the Goodman line to find the intersection
point (Sm, Sa). The load line is given by Load line:
Sa =((σa/(σm − σi))*(Sm − σi ) (a)
The Goodman line, rearranging
Sa = Se − (Se/Sut)*Sm (b)
Equating Eqs. (a) and (b), solving for Sm, then substituting Sm back into Eq. (b) yields
• Sa = Seσa(Sut − σi )/((Sutσa + Se(σm − σi ))
The fatigue factor of safety is given by
nf = Sa/σa
Substituting Eq. (c) into Eq above gives
nf = Se(Sut − σi )/(Sutσa + Se(σm − σi ))
The same approach can be used for the other failure curves, though the algebra
is a bit more tedious to put in equation form such as Eq above.
Example 8-17:
Two identical aluminum plates are each 2 in thick, and are compressed with one bolt
and nut. Washers are used under the head of the bolt and under the nut. Washer
properties: steel; ID = 0.531 in; OD = 1.062 in; thickness = 0.095 in
Nut properties: steel; height = 7/16 in
Bolt properties: 1/2 in-13 UNC grade 8
Plate properties: aluminum; E = 10.3 Mpsi; Su = 47 kpsi; Sy = 25 kpsi
(a) Determine a suitable length for the bolt, rounded up to the nearest 1/4 in.
(b) Determine the bolt stiffness.
(c) Determine the stiffness of the members.

a) Grip, l = 2(2 + 0.095) = 4.19 in. L ≥ 4.19 + 7/16 = 4.628 in. Rounding up, L = 4.75 in
(b) From Eq. (8-13), LT = 2d + 1/4 = 2(0.5) + 0.25 = 1.25 in
From Table 8-7, ld = L - LT = 4.75 - 1.25 = 3.5 in,
lt = l -ld = 4.19 - 3.5 = 0.69 in
Ad = π (0.52)/4 = 0.1963 in2.
From Table 8-2, At = 0.1419 in2.
From Eq. (8-17)
• kb = (Ad At E)/(Adlt + Atld )
• = 0.1963*0.1419*60/(0.1963*0.69+0.1419*3.5)
• 1.322 Mlbf/in
Upper and lower halves are the same.
For the upper half, Steel frustum: t = 0.095
in, d = 0.531 in, D = 0.75 in, and E = 30 Mpsi.

From Eq. (8-20)

[1.155*0.095+0.75+0.531)(0.75-0.531]} =

Aluminum: t = 2 in, d = 0.5 in, D =0.75 + 2(0.095) tan 30 = 0.860 in, and E = 10.3
Mpsi. Eq. (8-20) gives k2 = 9.24 Mlbf/in
For the top half, 1/k’m2 = (1/k1 + 1/k2) = (1/89.20 + 1/9.24) = 8.373 Mlbf/in
Since the bottom half is the same, the overall stiffness is given by
(1/k’m+1/k’m)=K’m/2= 8.373/2 = 4.19 Mlbf/in
• Figure 8–21 shows a connection using cap screws. The joint is subjected to a
fluctuating force whose maximum value is 5 kip per screw. The required data are:
cap screw, 5/8 in-11 NC, SAE 5; hardened-steel washer, tw = 1/16 in thick; steel
cover plate, t1 = 5/8 in, Es = 30 Mpsi; and cast-iron base, t2 = 5/8 in, Eci = 16 Mpsi.
• (a) Find kb, km, and C using the assumptions given in the caption of Fig. 8–21.
• (b) Find all factors of safety and explain what they mean.
• (a) For the symbols of Figs. 8–15 and 8–21,
• h = t1 + tw = 0.6875 in,
• l = h + d/2 = 1 in, and
• D2 = 1.5d = 0.9375 in.
• The joint is composed of three frusta; the upper two frusta are steel and the
lower one is cast iron.
• For the upper frustum: t = l/2 = 0.5 in, D = 0.9375 in, and E = 30 Mpsi. Using
these values in Eq. (8–20) gives k1 = 46.46 Mlbf/in.
• For the middle frustum: t = h − l/2 = 0.1875 in and D = 0.9375 + 2(l − h)tan 30◦
= 1.298 in. With these and Es = 30 Mpsi, Eq. (8–20) gives k2 = 197.43 Mlbf/in.
• The lower frustum has D = 0.9375 in, t = l − h = 0.3125 in, and Eci = 16 Mpsi.
The same equation yields k3 = 32.39 Mlbf/in.
Substituting these three stiffnesses into Eq. (8–18) gives km = 17.40 Mlbf/in.
The cap screw is short and threaded all the way. Using l = 1 in for the grip and
• At = 0.226 in2 from Table 8–2, we find the stiffness to be kb = At E/l = 6.78
Mlbf/in. Thus the joint constant is C = kb/(kb + km) = 6.78/ (6.78 + 17.40) =
(b) Equation (8–30/31) gives the preload as
Fi = 0.75Fp = 0.75At Sp = 0.75(0.226)(85) = 14.4 kip
• where from Table 8–9, Sp = 85 kpsi for an SAE grade 5 cap screw. Using Eq. (8–28),
we obtain the load factor as the yielding factor of safety is
• Answer np = Sp At/(CP + Fi) = 85(0.226) /(0.280(5) + 14.4) = 1.22
• This is the traditional factor of safety, which compares the maximum bolt stress to
the proof strength.

Using Eq. (8–29), nL = (Sp At − Fi)/CP = (85(0.226) − 14.4)/0.280(5) = 3.44

This factor is an indication of the overload on P that can be applied without exceeding
the proof strength.
Next, using Eq. (8–30), we have no = Fi/P(1 − C) = 14.4/5(1 − 0.280) = 4.00
If the force P gets too large, the joint will separate and the bolt will take the entire
σi = Fi/At = 14.4/0.226 = 63.72 kpsi

σa = CP/2At = 0.280(5)/2(0.226) = 3.10 kpsi

σm = σa + σi = 3.10 + 63.72 = 66.82 kpsi
This is the modified Goodman criteria.
From Table 8–17, we find Se = 18.6 kpsi. Then, using Eq. (8–45), the factor of safety is found
to be
nf = Se(Sut − σi )/(σa(Sut + Se)) = 18.6(120 − 63.72)/3.10(120 + 18.6) = 2.44
This is on the proof-strength line where Sm + Sa = Sp (1)
In addition Sm = σi + Sa (2)
Solving Eqs. (1) and (2) simultaneously results in
Sa = (Sp − σi)/2 = (85 − 63.72)/2 = 10.64 kpsi
The factor of safety resulting from this is np = Sa/σa = 10.64/3.10 = 3.43

For the Gerber criterion, from Eq. (8–46), the safety factor is

nf = 3.65
Exercise 8-32/50
Exercise 8–32 For a bolted assembly, the stiffness of each bolt is kb = 4 Mlbf/in and the
stiffness of the members is km = 12 Mlbf/in per bolt. The joint is subject to occasional
disassembly for maintenance and should be preloaded accordingly. A fluctuating external
load is applied to the entire joint with Pmax = 80 kips and Pmin = 20 kips. Assume the load
is equally distributed to all the bolts.
It has been determined to use 1/2 in-13 UNC grade 8 bolts with rolled threads.
(a) Determine the minimum number of bolts necessary to avoid yielding of the bolts.

(b) Determine the minimum number of bolts necessary to avoid joint separation .
Exercise 8–50 For the bolted assembly in Exercise. 8–32, assume 10 bolts are used. Determine
the fatigue factor of safety using the Goodman criterion.
(a) Table 8-2, At = 0.1419 in2. Table 8-9, Sp = 120 kpsi.
Eq. (8-31), Fi = 0.75 Fp = 0.75 At Sp = 0.75(0.141 9)120 = 12.77 kips
Eq. (f ), p. 436, kb/(kb+km) = 4/(4+12) = 0.25
Eq. (8-28) with np = 1,
N= Ptotal*C/(SpAt-Fi) = 80*0.25/(0.25*120*0.1419) = 4.69 Round to N = 5 bolts

(b) Eq. (8-30) with n0 = 1,

• Ptotal/N = Fi/(1-C) then N= P(1-C)/Fi = 80(1-0.25)/12.77
• Round to N = 5 bolts
Per bolt, Pbmax = Pmax /N = 80/10 = 8 kips, Pbmin = Pmin /N = 20/10 = 2 kips
C = kb / (kb + km) = 4/(4 + 12) = 0.25
(a) Table 8-2, At = 0.141 9 in2, Table 8-9, Sp = 120 kpsi and Sut = 150 kpsi
Table 8-17, Se = 23.2 kpsi
• Eqs. (8-31) and (8-32), Fi = 0.75 At Sp  i = Fi /At = 0.75 Sp = 0.75(120) =90 kpsi
• Eq. (8-35), a=C(Pbmax-Pbmin)/2At = 0.25(8-2)/(2*0.1419) = 5.29 kpsi
• Eq. (8-36), m=C(Pbmax+Pbmin)/2At + i = 0.25(8+2)/(2*0.1419) + 90 = 98.81
• Eq. (8-38), nf = Se(Sut- i)/(Sut a +Se(m-i)) =
23.2(150-90)/(150*5.29)+23.2*(98.81-90))) = 1.39
Bolted and Riveted Joints Loaded in Shear
Riveted and bolted joints loaded in shear are treated exactly alike in design and
Figure 8–23a shows a riveted connection loaded in shear. Let us now study the various
means by which this connection might fail.
Figure 8–23b shows a failure by bending of the rivet or of the riveted members.
The bending moment is approximately M = Ft/2, where F is the shearing force and t is
the grip of the rivet, that is, the total thickness of the connected parts. The bending
stress in the members or in the rivet is, neglecting stress concentration,
σ = MI/c
where I/c is the section modulus for the weakest member or for the rivet or rivets,
depending upon which stress is to be found. The calculation of the bending stress
in this manner is an assumption, because we do not know exactly how the load is
distributed to the rivet or the relative deformations of the rivet and the members.
Although this equation can be used to determine the bending stress, it is seldom used
in design; instead its effect is compensated for by an increase in the factor of
• In Fig. 8–23c failure of the rivet by pure
shear is shown; the stress in the rivet is
• τ = F/A
• where A is the cross-sectional area of all
the rivets in the group. It may be noted
that it is standard practice in structural
design to use the nominal diameter of
the rivet rather than the diameter of
the hole, even though a hot-driven rivet
expands and nearly fills up the hole
Rupture of one of the connected members or plates by pure tension is illustrated in Fig. 8–23d.
The tensile stress is σ = F/A
where A is the net area of the plate, that is, the area reduced by an amount equal to the area of
all the rivet holes. For brittle materials and static loads and for either ductile or brittle
materials loaded in fatigue, the stress-concentration effects must be included. It is true that
the use of a bolt with an initial preload and, sometimes, a rivet will place the area around
the hole in compression and thus tend to nullify the effects of stress concentration, but
unless definite steps are taken to ensure that the preload does not relax, it is on the
conservative side to design as if the full stress-concentration effect were present.
The stress-concentration effects are not considered in structural design, because the loads are
static and the materials ductile.
In calculating the area for Equation above the designer should, of course, use the combination
of rivet or bolt holes that gives the smallest area.
Figure 8–23e illustrates a failure by crushing of the rivet or plate. Calculation of this stress, which
is usually called a bearing stress, is complicated by the distribution of the load on the
cylindrical surface of the rivet.
The exact values of the forces acting upon the rivet are unknown, and so it is customary to
assume that the components of these forces are uniformly distributed over the projected
contact area of the rivet.
• This gives for the stress σ = −F/A
where the projected area for a single rivet is A = td. Here, t is the thickness of the thinnest plate
and d is the rivet or bolt diameter.
Edge shearing, or tearing, of the margin is shown in Fig. 8–23f and g, respectively.
In structural practice this failure is avoided by spacing the rivets at least 1 1/2 diameters away
from the edge. Bolted connections usually are spaced an even greater distance than this
for satisfactory appearance, and hence this type of failure may usually be neglected.
In a rivet joint, the rivets all share the load in shear, bearing in the rivet, bearing in the
member, and shear in the rivet. Other failures are participated in by only some of the
joint. In a bolted joint, shear is taken by clamping friction, and bearing does not exist.
When bolt preload is lost, one bolt begins to carry the shear and bearing until yielding
slowly brings other fasteners in to share the shear and bearing.
Finally, all participate, and this is the basis of most bolted-joint analysis if loss of bolt
preload is complete.
The usual analysis involves
• Bearing in the bolt (all bolts participate)
• Bearing in members (all holes participate)
• Shear of bolt (all bolts participate eventually)
• Distinguishing between thread and shank shear
• Edge shearing and tearing of member (edge bolts participate)
• Tensile yielding of member across bolt holes
• Checking member capacity
EXAMPLE 8–6 Two 1- by 4-in 1018 cold-rolled steel bars are butt-spliced with two 12 -
by 4-in 1018 cold-rolled splice plates using four ¾ in-16 UNF grade 5 bolts as
depicted in Fig. 8–24. For a design factor of nd = 1.5 estimate the static load F that
can be carried if the bolts lose preload.

From Table A–20, minimum strengths of Sy = 54 kpsi and Sut = 64 kpsi are found for
the members, and from Table 8–9 minimum strengths of Sp = 85 kpsi and Sut = 120
kpsi for the bolts are found.
• F/2 is transmitted by each of the splice plates, but since the areas of the splice
plates are half those of the center bars, the stresses associated with the plates are
the same. So for stresses associated with the plates, the force and areas used will
be those of the center plates.
• Bearing in bolts, all bolts loaded:
• σ = F/2td = Sp/nd
• F = 2tdSp/nd = 2(1)(3/4)85/1.5 = 85 kip
Bearing in members, all bolts active:
• σ = F/2td = (Sy)mem/nd
• F = 2td(Sy)mem/nd = 2(1)34*54/1.5 = 54 kip
Shear of bolt, all bolts active: If the bolt threads do not extend into the shear planes for
four shanks:
• τ = F/4πd2/4 = 0.577Sp/nd
• F = 0.577πd2Sp/nd = 0.577π(0.75)2 85/1.5 = 57.8 kip
If the bolt threads extend into a shear plane:
τ = F/4Ar = 0.577Sp/nd
F = 0.577(4)Ar Sp/nd = 0.577(4)0.351(85)/1.5 = = 45.9 kip
Edge shearing of member at two margin bolts: From Fig. 8–25,
• τ = F/4at = 0.577(Sy)mem/nd
• F = 4at0.577(Sy)mem/nd = 4(1.125)(1)0.577(54)/1.5
• = 93.5 kip

Tensile yielding of members across bolt holes:

σ = F/(4 − 2*(3/4))t = (Sy)mem/nd
F = (4 − 2*(3/4))/t)*(Sy)mem/nd = (4 − 2*(3/4))(1)54/1.5 = 90 kip
Member yield:
• F = wt (Sy)mem/nd
• = 4(1)54/1.5 = 144 kip
On the basis of bolt shear, the limiting value of the force is 45.9 kip, assuming the
threads extend into a shear plane. However, it would be poor design to allow the
threads to extend into a shear plane. So, assuming a good design based on bolt
shear, the limiting value of the force is 57.8 kip. For the members, the bearing
stress limits the load to 54 kip.
• Exercise 8–69 The bolted connection shown in the figure is subjected to a tensile
shear load of 90 kN. The bolts are ISO class 5.8 and the material is cold-drawn AISI
1015 steel. Find the factor of safety of the connection for all possible modes of
Shear Joints with Eccentric Loading
The analysis of a shear joint undergoing eccentric loading requires locating the center
of relative motion between the two members.
In Fig. 8–26 let A1 to A5 be the respective cross-sectional areas of a group of five pins,
or hot-driven rivets, or tight-fitting shoulder bolts. Under this assumption the
rotational pivot point lies at the centroid of the cross-sectional area pattern of the
pins, rivets, or bolts. Using statics, we learn that the centroid G is located by the
coordinates x’ and y’, where xi and yi are the distances to the ith area center:
• When the load is applied eccentrically to a group of rivets forming a joint, the
effect of the torque or moment must be taken into account, as well as the direct
load. A typical example is shown in Fig below, where the joint of N rivets is
subjected to a moment equal to P*e. Let it be assumed that the moment load on a
rivet varies directly with the distance from the center of gravity of the group of
rivets, and is directly perpendicular to the radius to the center of gravity of the
group of rivets, and is directed perpendicular to the radius to the center of gravity.
Equations for moment forces F1, F2, and F3 in Figure below may then be written
• F1 = Cr1; F2 =Cr2; F3 = Cr3, Where C is the constant of propotionality.
The externally applied moment is equal to the summation of the products of these
forces and their arms to the center of gravity. Hence,
T=P*e = N1F1r1 + N2F2r2 + N3F3r3 + …..
= C(N1r22 + N2r22 + N3r32 ….) 10
Where N1 is the number of rivets with radius r1, N2 is the number with radius r2, and
so on, until the entire joint has been taken care of. When the value of C has been
determined from Eqn. 10, the moment force for each rivet can be computed by
multiplying by the appropraite r. It is customary to assume the direct load P/N is
the same for all rivets of the joint. The vectorial sum of moment force and direct
force is the resultant force on the rivet.
• Find the value of the force carried by the most heavily loaded rivet for the joint of
Fig Below. Find the value of the shear stress for ¾ -in. rivets and the value of the
bearing stress if the plate is 5/16 in. thick.

• The physical dimensions of the joint are shown in the Figure

• The loads are applied eccentrically and the moment must be taken into account.
The moment load on a rivet varies with the distance from the center of gravity of
the group of rivets.
• Direct force on the rivets
• F=10,000/6 = 1667 lb
• Taking moments about the bottom row of rivets
• Y’=(2x6+2x9)/6 = 5 in.
• Using Equation 10
C = 463
Rivet at A has the maximum force
Moment force is F3 = 463 x 5.385 = 2493 lb
This force has the horizontal and vertical components shown in the figure.
The resultant force is Fr = SQRT ((926+1667)^2+(2315^2)) = 3476 lb
Area in shear is pix0.75^2/4 = 0.4418 in2
Shear stress in the rivet is  =(3476/0.4418) =7870 psi
Area in bearing is
A = (5/16)x(3/14) = 0.2344 in2
Bearing stress in the rivet is
 =(3476/0.2344) = 14830 psi

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