SDM Institute of Technology, Ujire: "Cyber Security "

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Under the guidance of

Mrs. Sowmya T K
Asst. Professor
Department of ECE

Presented By
Anoop s rao(4SU18EC009)
 Overview of the company

 Introduction to Cyber Security

 Introduction to IoT Platforms

 Project work carried out

 Conclusion

 Certification

Overview of company

Dlithe Consultancy Service Pvt Ltd

• Dlithe Consultancy Service Pvt Ltd is a software company delivering high quality,
cost effective, reliable result-oriented web and e-commerce solutions on time for a
global clientele.

Introduction to Cyber Security
 Computer security, cyber security, or information technology security
is the protection of computer systems and networks from information

 Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability are major classes in the

Computer Security.

Types of Hackers
 Black Hat Hacker : Black-hat Hackers are also known as an Unethical Hacker or a Security Cracker. These people hack the system
illegally to steal money or to achieve their own illegal goals. They find banks or other companies with weak security and steal
money or credit card information. They can also modify or destroy the data as well. Black hat hacking is illegal.

• White Hat Hacker : White hat Hackers are also known as Ethical Hackers or a Penetration Tester. White hat hackers are the good
guys of the hacker world.
• These people use the same technique used by the black hat hackers. They also hack the system, but they can only hack the system
that they have permission to hack in order to test the security of the system. They focus on security and protecting IT system. White
hat hacking is legal.

• Grey Hat Hacker : Gray hat Hackers is Hybrid between Black hat Hackers and White hat hackers. They can hack any system even
if they don’t have permission to test the security of the system but they will never steal money or damage the system.
• In most cases, they tell the administrator of that system. But they are also illegal because they test the security of the system that
they do not have permission to test. Grey hat hacking is sometimes acted legally and sometimes not sometimes acted legally and
sometimes not.
How Hacking is Performed
 Information Gathering : This is the first step of Hacking. It is also called as Foot printing and
Reconnaissance. This is the preparatory phase where we collect as much information as possible
about the target.

 Exploitation :

 Privilege Escalation : This phase is where an attacker breaks into the system/network using
various tools or methods. After entering into a system, he has to increase his privilege to
administrator level so he can install an application he needs or modify data or hide data

 Creating a Backdoor : Hacker may just hack the system to show it was vulnerable or he can be so
mischievous that he wants to maintain or persist the connection in the background without the
knowledge of the user.

 Clearing the tracks : Erasing trace of attack.

Required Tools:-

 Virtual Box - Software

 Unpatched Windows 7 - OS

 Metasploitable - OS

 Parrot Sec OS (Less Weighted)

 Kali Linux (More Weighted)

Project work
 Scanning
a. Ports Scan :
b. Vulnerability Scanning
 Exploitation
a. Exploiting Windows Machine (using Metasploit)
b. Exploiting Linux Machine (using Metasploit)

Project work
Vulnerability Scanning
Tools Used for Vulnerability Scanning
a. Nessus
b. Qualys guard
c. Openvas(Free)
d. Burpsuite

Project work carried out
In this project, we analysed several data such as
 Attack on Windows 7
 Password cracking using the tool Burp suite
 Retrieving the password by preparing the wordlist: Wordlist
contains set of passwords.

Cyber Security is one of the Fields which helps you to build your career successfully. Cyber is
nothing but a Crime invoked the using a smart device. Though its a one of the opportunity for us
learn the Cyber security helps us to protect our device from network.

 Not Hand over credentials to colleagues or Friends.

 Do not keep your system always connected to Internet 24X7.

 Avoid less unsing of USB Drives.

 Keeping on System Up to date.

 Frequently Change your Credentials




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