Presentation On Instruments

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What is a Musical Instrument
• A musical instrument is a device constructed or modified for the purpose of making music.

• In principle, anything that produces sound can serve as a musical instrument.

• The term "musical instrument", however, is generally reserved for items that have a specific musical


Percussion Wind Brass
Instrument Instrument Instrument
String Instruments
 Their sound is made by a vibrating string. Strings can be made of metal, synthetic or natural materials.

 The strings can have different gauge or thickness, weight, length and tension.

Guitar - The guitar is

Piano - A piano is a large
a string instrument which is played
musical instrument that you play by
by plucking the strings.
pressing black and white keys on a

Harp - stringed instrument in Violin - a stringed instrument

which the resonator, or belly, is that's held to a player's neck and
perpendicular, or nearly so, to the played with a bow.
plane of the strings.
Percussion Instruments
 It means, "the hitting of one body against another," instruments in the percussion family are played
by being struck, shaken, or scraped.

 In the orchestra, the percussion section provides a variety of rhythms, textures and tone colors.

Chimes - Chimes are a tuned

Xylophone - percussion
instrument consisting of a set of
instrument consisting of a set of 12 graduated, tuned wooden bars supported at
to 18 metal tubes hung from a metal nodal points and struck with sticks or
frame. padded mallets.
Wind Instruments
The woodwind family have different sources of sound. Vibrations begin when air is blown
across the top of an instrument, across a single reed, or across two reeds.

Flute - is played by blowing across Piccolo - highest-pitched

a specially-shaped opening in such a way woodwind instrument of orchestras
as to produce a vibrating column of air and military bands.
whose pulsations we hear as sound.

Saxophone - any of a Oboe - A lower pitched

family of single-reed wind instrument is the A woodwind, the
instruments ranging from soprano to oboe d'amore, which is pitched in A
bass and characterized by a conical major.
metal tube and finger keys.
Brass Instruments
Brass family instruments produce their unique sound by the player buzzing his/her lips while
blowing air through a cup- or funnel-shaped mouthpiece only.

Trombone - a brass instrument Tuba - tuba, deep-pitched brass Trumpet - The trumpet is a brass
consisting of a long cylindrical metal wind instrument with valves and wide instrument commonly used in classical
tube with two turns and having a conical bore. The word tuba originally and jazz ensembles. The trumpet group
movable slide or valves for varying the was the name of a straight-built Roman ranges from the piccolo trumpet with the
tone and a usual range one octave lower trumpet and was the medieval Latin word highest register in the brass family, to the
than that of the trumpet. for trumpet. bass trumpet.

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