Hajj For The Tarbiyah Class Lifeline
Hajj For The Tarbiyah Class Lifeline
Hajj For The Tarbiyah Class Lifeline
Especially Merciful
• Hajj falls in the month Dhul Hijjah
• Dhul Hijja is the 12th month of the Islamic lunar
• Whoever does Hajj becomes cleansed of all past
• Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated on 10th of Dhul Hijjah
and offer sacrifice (Qurbani)
Ibrahim ()علي ِهـ ســالم
Ibrahim ( )علي ِهـ ســالمis given title of “Khaleelullah” – A friend of
Allah ى
() ســبحانـهـ وـتـعـاــل.
َ ح َس ُن ِدينًا ِّم َّم ْن َأ ْسل ََم َو ْج َه ُهـ هلل َو ُه َو ُم ْح ِس ٌن واتَّ َب َع ِمل ّ َ َة ِإ ْب َرا ِه
يم َحـنِيفًا ْ َو َم ْن َأ
ً خلِيال
َ يمَ خ َذ الل ّ ُه ِإ ْب َرا ِه
َ ََّوات
“And who is better in religion than one who submits himself to Allah
( ) ســبحانـهـ وـتـعـاــلىwhile being a doer of good and follows the religion
of Ibrahim ( ) علي ِهـ ســالم, inclining toward truth? And Allah
( ) ســبحانـهـ وـتـعـاــلىtook Ibrahim ( ) علي ِهـ ســالمas an intimate friend.”
(An-Nissa (The Women): 125)
Why did Allah ى
( ) ســبحانـهـ وـتـعـاــلchoose him as
a friend?
• Ibrahim (عليهـ ســالم ِ ) was repeatedly tested by Allah
( ) ســـبحانـهـ وـتـعـاــلat different times and he passed
every test with flying colors. He accepted all
commands and sacrificed for Allah ى () ســبحانـهـ وـتـعـاــل
• And so as a result of passing all these tests, Allah
( ) ســبحانـهـ وـتـعـاــلrewards him by making him a leader
of the people as stated in the ayah.
Ibrahim ( )علي ِهـ ســالمis made a Leader
َ ات َفَأتَ ّ َم ُه ّ َن ق
َال ِإ ِن ّي ٍ يم َر ّبُ ُه ِبكَلِ َم
َ ابتَل َى ِإ ْب َرا ِه
ْ َوِإ ِذ
اما ً اعل َُك لِلن ّ َِاس ِإ َم
ِ َج
ْ ت َأ ِو
َ اعتَ َم َر َفال َ ْالصفَا َوال َْم ْر َو َة ِمن َش َعآِئ ِر الل ّ ِه ف ََم ْن َح َّج ال َْبيَّ ِإ َّن
ٌ ِ عل
يم َ خيْ ًرا َفِإ َّن الل ّ َه َشاكِ ٌر َ عل َيْ ِه َأن يَط َّ َّو َف ِب ِه َما َو َمن تَط َ َّو
َ ع َ احَ َ ُجن
تِ ْاع َد ِم َن ال َْبي ِ يم الْقَ َو ُ َوِإ ْذ يَ ْرف َُع ِإ ْب َرا ِه
ُ َّ الس نت َ َأ يل َر ّبَنَا تَقَ ّبَ ْل ِمنَّا ِإن َّ َك ُ اع ِ َوِإ ْس َم
يمُ ِ ال َْعل
“And [mention] when Ibrahim ( ) علي ِهـ ســالمwas raising the
foundations of the House and [with him] Ismail ( علیہ
) ســالم, [saying], "Our Lord, accept [this] from us. Indeed
You are the Hearing, the Knowing.”
Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow):127
Another Du’a Of Ibrahim ()علي ِهـ ســالم
آمنًا َو ْار ُز ْق َأ ْهل َُه ِم َن
ِ اج َع ْل َهـ َ َذا بَل ًَداْ ب ِّ يم َرُ ال ِإ بْ َرا ِهَ َوِإ ْذ َق
ال َو َمن َ اآلخ ِر َقِ آم َن ِمن ْ ُهم ِبالل ّ ِه َوال ْيَ ْو ِم َ َ ن
ْ م ِ
ات ر َ
َ َ ّالث
اب الن ّ َِار َوبِْئ َس ِ ع َذ
َ َى ل ِإ ه ر ط ض َأ
ُ ُّ َ ْ َ ّم ُ ث ً ال ي ِ ل ق
َ ه ِ ُأ
ُ ُ ّ َ ك َ َف َر َف
ع ت م
ير ِ
ُ ال َْم
“And [mention] when Ibrahim ( ) علي ِهـ ســالمsaid, "My
Lord, make this a secure city and provide its people with
fruits - whoever of them believes in Allah () ســبحانـهـ وـتـعـاــلى
and the Last Day." [ Allah ( ] ) ســبحانـهـ وـتـعـاــلىsaid. "And
whoever disbelieves - I will grant him enjoyment for a
little; then I will force him to the punishment of the Fire,
and wretched is the destination.”
(Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow) :126)
• Kaaba is also known as Haram
• Another two names are Bait-ul-Ateeq and Bait-
Importance of Making Du’a
• We learn the importance of making du’a and
especially when we do a good deed, we have to
pray for its acceptance.
While they were constructing Maqam-e-Ibrahim –
the Kaaba, Ismail (عليهـ ســالم ), means place where
would bring the stones to his
Ibrahim ( )علي ِهـ ســالمstood.
father, who would place them
in the right place. They had
raised the walls of the Kaaba,
Ismail (عليهـ ســالم ), got a stone
on which Ibrahim ()علي ِهـ ســالم,
stood to raise the walls even
more. This stone still has his
footprints on it.