Disk Free Space Management
Disk Free Space Management
Disk Free Space Management
Block 2 3, 4, 5
Block 5 8, 9, 10
Block 10 11, 12, 13
Block 13 17, 28, 25
Block 25 26, 27
2 4
8 6
17 2
25 3
o Store addresses of n free blocks in the first free block
o The first n-1 of these are actually free
o The last block contains the address as of another free blocks.
• Large number of free blocks can be found quickly
Based on the fact that several contiguous blocks may be allocated and
freed simultaneously
Holds the address of the first free block and number “n” of free
contiguous blocks that follow the first block
Each entry is the free space list consist of a disk address and count
Entry in a free space list consists of
• Disk address
• Count
What it’s limits
1. Each entry requires more space than a simple disk address
2. The over all list be shorter, as long as the count is greater than one
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