An Empirical Study On Factors Affecting Customer Retention in Logistics Service Providers - A Case Study On Abc Logistics (PVT) Limited
An Empirical Study On Factors Affecting Customer Retention in Logistics Service Providers - A Case Study On Abc Logistics (PVT) Limited
An Empirical Study On Factors Affecting Customer Retention in Logistics Service Providers - A Case Study On Abc Logistics (PVT) Limited
Logistics is a critical part of a healthy economy in today’s globalization. The transportation, manufacturing and
distribution of goods to local and international markets plays an immense role in business (Vootman, 2004).
In the current challenging regional context, Sri Lanka has aspirations to become South Asia’s leading maritime,
logistics and distribution hub as geographically it’s well situated in South Asia region.
This study is based on a well reputed logistics service provider in Sri Lanka namely, ABC Logistics (Pvt) Limited,
which has been an industry giant with over 25 years in the logistics business in Sri Lanka.
During the past five years the company has experienced a gradual increase in the attrition of existing customers
which has effected the organizational performance.
Customer retention is contemplated a significant feature in influencing the execution of the business (Dawes,
Justification of the problem
Turnover against GP margins (LKR)
Customer Attritions
Financial Turnover Percentage
Customer Total Customer Year (Millions) GP (Millions) %
Financial Year
Attritions Base
2013-2014 48 1320 2013/2014 3,675.50 445.00 12%
2014-2015 58 1262
2015-2016 72 1190 2014/2015 3,524.25 334.80 10%
2016-2017 82 1108
2017-2018 93 1015 2015/2016 3,465.45 291.10 8%
1200 1320
1000 1108
800 GP Margin
600 4,000.00
0 48 58 72 82 93
2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2,000.00
• A guidance on how well the organization is utilizing the retention strategies, identify any gaps that may avoid
retention and work towards enlightening customer retention.
• To evidence on what strategies related establishments can embrace to accomplish customer retention.
• The researcher has found that there are number of studies which have been done in order to recognize the
connection among customer satisfaction and business achievement in other industries. Thus, very few studies
have been done specially on the logistics industry from the perspective of customer retention.
Problem Statement
What are the factors affecting the retention of To identify factors affecting the retention of customers
customers at ABC Logistics (Pvt) Limited? at ABC Logistics (Pvt) Limited
What is the relationship between independent variables To identify the relationship between independent
and dependent variable? variables of the study and the dependent variable
Which is the most significant independent variable To identify the most significant independent variable
which influence the dependent variable? to influence the dependent variable
What is the combined impact of identified independent To identify the impact made by identified independent
variables to dependent variable? variables to dependent variable
Literature Review
Literature Review
Type of Variable Article Name Author Year
Price Competitiveness Satisfaction and Repurchase Kellar & Preis 2011
Intention: B2B Buyer-Seller
Relationships in Medium-
Technology Industries
Reducing construction costs:
European best practice supply Proverbs and Holt 2000
chain implications.
Corporate Image The collective impact of service Nguyen 2006
workers and services cape on the
corporate image formation
Relationship between corporate Kim and Lee 2010
image and customer loyalty in
mobile communications service
Customer Retention A model of customer satisfaction Sim, Mak & Jones 2006
and retention for hotels
Customer retention management– Ahmad 2002
a reflection of theory and practice
Conceptual Framework
Data Analysis
1015 existing customers
of ABC Logistics (Pvt)
Agility 5 Point
1.0 Customer Satisfaction (Meng et al. 2010) 1.1 – 1.5 Likert
Customization Scale
Reliability 5 Point
2.0 Relationship Quality Responsiveness (Cronin, J. and Taylor, S. 1992) 2.1 – 2.5 Likert
Assurance Scale
5 Point
4.0 Customer Retention loyalty (Edward and Sahadev 2011) 4.1 – 4.4 Likert
5 Point
5.0 Corporate Image Image (Newell and Goldsmith 2001) 5.1 – 5.3 Likert
5 Point
Price stability/
6.0 Price competitiveness (Hsu and Wann 2004) 6.1 – 6.3 Likert
Hypotheses of the study
Variable Hypotheses
There is a relationship between customer satisfaction and customer
Customer retention
Satisfaction There is no relationship between customer satisfaction and customer
16% 6%
21% 26% 22%
48% 52%
Shipping Manager General Manager Above 7 and below 11 Above 11 and Below 15
Procurement Manager Marketing Manager Over 15
Descriptive Statistics
Variable Mean Value Standard
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std.Error of the
Square Estimate
1 .892a .852 .890 .49121
R R squared Significance
Conclusion Recommendations
Cronin, J., J., and A. Taylor, S. 1992. “Measuring Service Quality: A Re-Examination and Extension.” Journal of Marketing 56 (3): 55–68
Edward, Manoj, and Sunil Sahadev. 2011. “Role of Switching Costs in the Service Quality, Perceived Value, Customer Satisfaction and
Customer Retention Linkage.” Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 23 (3): 327–45.
Hewett, K. M. R. a. S. S., 2002. “An exploration of the moderating role of buyer corporate culture in industrial buyer-seller relationships”.
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 3.pp. 229-39.
Kim, Y. and Lee, J. W, 2010. Relationship between corporate image and customer loyalty in mobile communications service markets. Africa
Journal of Business Management, 18(4), pp. 4035-4041.
Meng, Shiang Min, Gin Shuh Liang, Kuang Lin, and Shiou Yu Chen. 2010. “Criteria for Services of Air Cargo Logistics Providers: How Do
They Relate to Client Satisfaction?” Journal of Air Transport Management 16 (5): 284–86.
Newell, Stephen J., and Ronald E. Goldsmith. 2001. “The Development of a Scale to Measure Perceived Corporate Credibility.” Journal of
Business Research 52 (3): 235–47.
Nguyen, N., 2006. The collective impact of service workers and services cape on the corporate image formation. International Journal of
Hospitality Management, 25(2), pp. 227-244.