Tests in Food Analysis: BY Kelvin Muthomi SHNI/01003/2017

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A 9-Point Hedonic Scale for Sensory Evaluation of A Food Product

Dislike Dislike Dislike Dislike Neither Like Like Like Like

Extremely Very Moderately Slightly like or Slightly Moderately Very Extremely
Much dislike Much

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The 9-pt hedonic scale is a form of category or partition scale, in which the
like/dislike dimension is partitioned into a number of discrete categories.
Tests In Food Analysis
Different sensory test are employed for food evaluation. These test are
grouped into four type
• Difference test
• Rating test
• Sensitivity test
• Descriptive test
1. Difference test
There are several types of Difference Tests.
a. Paired Comparison Test
Prepare two different samples of the food product you wish to test
Compare the attributes e.g. which is smoother?
Record the response from the tasters.
You are given one or several pairs of sample. Evaluate the two samples in their pair for smoothness. Is
there any difference?

Code of Pairs. Yes No

----------- ---------- -----------
----------- --------------- -----------
b. Duo Trio Test
Prepare three food samples, two of which are the same
Using one of the two identical samples as control, ask the taster to identify which of the other two remain
samples of the control
Record the tasters’ responses.
The 1st sample “R” given the reference sample.. Taste it carefully. From the pair of coded samples next
given, judge which sample is same as sample “R”
Serial No. Code No. of Pairs Same as R
1 ------------- --------------
2 ------------- --------------
3 -------------- -------------
c. Triangle Test

Prepare 3 food samples, two similar.

Arrange the samples in a triangle
Ask the tasters to decide which of the samples is the odd one out.
Record the responses of the tasters.
Two of the samples are identical. Determine the odd samples
Code No of Code No of Comment on
Seral No. samples odd sample. odd samples
1 --------- ------------ ------------
2 --------- ------------- --------------
3 ---------- --------- -------------
4 ----------- ------------ -------------
2. Rating test

Used to determine how several samples differ on the basis of a single characteristic.
Panelists are presented with all samples with code numbers and are asked to rank.
The panelist are asked to rank the coded samples according to their preferences.
Please Rank the samples in Numerical order according to your preference or intensity of aroma/taste
characteristic of the product.

Intensity/preference Sample code

1 ---------
2 ------------
3 -------------
4 -------------
3. Sensitivity Test
• Sensitivity test are done to assess the ability of individuals to detect different
tastes, odors and feel the specific factor like hotness
• These tests are used to select and train panel members for evaluating the quality
of products containing spices, salt and sugar. Eg tomato catch up or sauce.

Dilution Test.
These test are designated to establish the smallest amount of un unknown material developed as a
substitute for a standard product.
The quality of the test materials is represented by the dilution number
The bigger the dilution number the better the quality of the test material
Sensitivity Threshold test

• These are tests used when a minimum detectable difference of an additive or of an off flavor
to be established.
Use the following intensity scale:
1 = Weak
0 = None or pure water taste 2 = Medium
? = Different from water, but taste quality not identifiable 3 = Strong
4 = Very strong
X = Threshold very weak (identify the taste) 5 = Extremely strong

Set No. Description of taste and feeling

1 -------------
2 ----------
3 ----------
4. Descriptive test

This technique utilizes an unstructured category scale and a panel of not

less than six trained panelists, and obtains repeated judgements from each
panelist for each test products. For instance, in sensory evaluation for a sample
of biscuits, the following Descriptive Tests can be undertaken to evaluate
sensory attributes
Texture Flavour
Thank you!

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