New Tip Course 3 Answers
New Tip Course 3 Answers
New Tip Course 3 Answers
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in collaboration
The DepEd with Teacher
Philippine National
Research Center for Teacher Quality
Course 3 - The Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers and its Aligned
Systems and Tools
elcome to Course 3 of the Teacher
Induction Program! This course will
help you to become familiar with
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
(PPST) as the new framework for teacher
quality. It will guide you towards understanding
the expectations of teachers and how DepEd’s
systems and tools are aligned with the
Intended Course Learning Outcomes
Course Outline:
Module 1 – Achieving Teacher Quality through PPST
Module 2 – Embedding the PPST in HR Systems
Module 3 – The Results-based Performance Management System
Estimated Time Required: 7 hours
Module Outline
Session 1: The PPST Career Stages
Session 2: The PPST Domains,
Strands and
Required Tasks
• Video Viewing
• Reading
• Discussion Activity
• Formative Quiz
Career Stages
Beginning Stage Proficient Stage Highly Proficient Stage Distinguished Stage
Beginning Teachers have gained the Proficient Teachers are professionally Highly Proficient Teachers consistently Distinguished Teachers embody the highest
qualifications recognized for entry into the independent in the application of skills vital display a high level of performance in their standard for teaching grounded in global
teaching profession. to the teaching and learning process. teaching practice. best practices.
They have a strong understanding of the They provide focused teaching programs They manifest an in-depth and sophisticated They exhibit exceptional capacity to improve
subjects/areas in which they are trained in that meet curriculum and assessment understanding of the teaching and learning their own teaching practice and that of
terms of content knowledge and pedagogy. requirements. process. others.
They possess the requisite knowledge,
skills and values that support the teaching
and learning process. They display skills in planning, They have high education-focused situation They are recognized as leaders in education,
implementing, and managing learning cognition, are more adept in problem solving contributors to the profession and initiators
programs. and optimize opportunities gained from of collaborations and partnerships.
They manage learning programs and have experience.
strategies that promote learning based on
the learning needs of their students. They actively engage in collaborative They create lifelong impact in the lives of
learning with the professional community They provide support and mentoring to colleagues, students and others.
and other stakeholders for mutual colleagues in their professional development,
They seek advice from experienced growth and advancement. as well as work collaboratively with them to
colleagues to consolidate their teaching enhance the learning and practice potential They consistently seek professional
practice. of their colleagues. advancement and relevance in pursuit of
They are reflective practitioners who teaching quality and excellence.
continually consolidate the knowledge, skills
and practices of Career Stage 1 teachers. They continually seek to develop their
professional knowledge and practice by They exhibit commitment to inspire the
reflecting on their own needs, and those of education community and stakeholders for
their colleagues and students. the improvement of education provision in
the Philippines.
Teaching Characteristics Proficient Teachers recognize the Highly Proficient Teachers apply Distinguished Teachers embody the highest
importance of mastery of content developmentally appropriate and standard for teaching grounded in global best
knowledge and its interconnectedness meaningful pedagogy grounded on practices.
within and across curriculum areas, content knowledge and current
coupled with a sound and critical research.
understanding of the application of
theories and principles of teaching
and learning.
Management of Learning Programs They utilize a range of resources and They provide support and mentoring to They translate curriculum content into
provide intellectually challenging and colleagues in their professional development, learning activities that are relevant to
stimulating activities to encourage as well as work collaboratively with them learners and based on the principles of
constructive classroom interactions to enhance the learning and practice effective teaching and learning.
geared towards the attainment of high potential of their colleagues.
standards of learning. i
Collaboration and Partnerships They apply their professional . They communicate learning goals to Establish school-community partnerships
knowledge to plan and design, support learner participation, aimed at enriching the learning
individually or in collaboration with understanding and achievement. environment, as well as the community’s
colleagues, well-structured and engagement in the educative process
sequenced lessons that are
contextually relevant, responsive to
learners’ needs and incorporate a
range of teaching and learning
Professional Development They understand and fulfill their value personal growth and They value personal and professional
obligations in upholding professional professional development and exhibit reflection and learning to improve their
ethics, accountability and high personal regard for the practice. They assume responsibility for
transparency to promote professional profession by maintaining qualities personal growth and professional
and harmonious relationships with that uphold the dignity of teaching development for lifelong learning.
learners, parents, schools and the such as caring attitude, respect and
wider community. integrity. Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired 7
2. What do you think is your current Career 3. What do you think would support you to advance
Stage? to the next Career Stage?
Proficient Teacher, because I am able to plan, As with any vocation, teachers need to
manage and implement developmentally develop strong identities as professionals. In
sequenced teaching and learning process to addition to obvious factors such as
meet curriculum requirements and varied recruitment, remuneration, and opportunities
teaching contexts. Set achievable and for advancement, teacher professionalism is
appropriate learning outcomes that are aligned also impacted by access to quality
with learning competencies. Another thing I professional development.
already know how to adapt and implement It’s hard to feel like a professional when you
learning programs that ensure relevance and don’t feel competent, when you get no
responsiveness to the needs of all learners. training or support, when you teach children
Participate in collegial discussions that use with severe academic and emotional needs
teacher and learner feedback to enrich and when you have no idea how to address
teaching practice. these needs.
Read the following scenarios and choose the career stage that aligns best with the described
to teaching in DepEd but she acknowledges that she still has a lot
to learn from her more seasoned colleagues. Marilyn is in the:
a. Beginning Stage
b. Proficient Stage
c. Highly Proficient Stage
d. Distinguished Stage
1. Four career stages are articulated in the Philippine 4. Career Stage 3 or Highly Proficient Teachers
Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST). Each consistently display a high level of performance in
stage is constituted by particular professional their teaching practice. They manifest an in-depth
practice that defines and locates teacher quality and sophisticated understanding of the teaching
within a developmental continuum. and learning process. They have high education-
focused situation cognition, are more adept in
2. Career Stage 1, or Beginning Teachers, have gained problem solving and optimize opportunities gained
the qualifications recognized for entry into the from experience. They provide support and
teaching profession. They have a strong mentoring to colleagues in their professional
understanding of the subjects/areas in which they development, as well as work collaboratively with
are trained in terms of content knowledge and them to enhance the learning and practice
pedagogy. They possess the requisite knowledge, potential of their colleagues. They continually seek
skills and values that support the teaching and to develop their professional knowledge and
learning process. They manage learning programs practice by reflecting on their own needs, and
and have strategies that promote learning based those of their colleagues and students.
on the learning needs of their students. They seek 5. Career Stage 4 or Distinguished Teachers embody
advice from experienced colleagues to consolidate the highest standard for teaching grounded in
their teaching practice. global best practices. They exhibit exceptional
capacity to improve their own teaching practice
3. Career Stage 2 or Proficient Teachers are
and that of others. They are recognized as leaders
professionally independent in the application of in education, contributors to the profession, and
skills vital to the teaching and learning process.
initiators of collaborations and partnerships. They
They provide focused teaching programs that create lifelong impact in the lives of colleagues,
meet curriculum and assessment requirements. students and others. They consistently seek
They display skills in planning, implementing, and
professional advancement and relevance in pursuit
managing learning programs. They actively engage
of teaching quality and excellence. They exhibit
in collaborative learning with the professional
commitment to inspire the education community
community and other stakeholders for mutual
and stakeholders for the improvement of education
growth and advancement. They are reflective provision in the Philippines.
practitioners who continually consolidate the
knowledge, skills and practices of Career Stage 1
Try it::
Indicator 3.4.2 means that the indicator is under:
Which domain? Domain 3 (Diversity of Learners)
Which strand? Strand 4 (Learners in difficult circumstances)
Which indicator? Career Stage 2 (Proficient Teachers) Strand 4 of Domain 3: Plan and deliver teaching strategies that
are responsive to the special educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances, including: geographic isolation;
chronic illness; displacement due to armed conflict, urban resettlement or disasters; child abuse and child labor.
3. Teacher Rolly, a Grade 7 English Teacher, discussed the rules on Subject-Verb A The teacher used a strategy where
Agreement in his lesson. During group work, his learners were tasked to
make a travel brochure for a particular place. He reminded them to describe the students need to develop
the beauty of the place and include short history while observing correct critical and creative thinking as
subject-verb agreement for their captions. well other higher-order thinking
a.Domain 1 - Content Knowledge and Pedagogy skills. And he used an application
b.Domain 2 - Learning Environment within and across curriculum
c. Domain 3 - Diversity of Learners
areas wherein the students need
to make a travel brochure for a
d.Domain 4 - Curriculum and Planning particular place. The students
e.Domain 5 - Assessment and Reporting also need to familiarize with the
f. Domain 6 - Community Linkages and Professional Engagement beauty and history of that place.
g.Domain 7 - Personal Growth and Professional Development
Which of the following will NOT GREATLY help Teacher a. Align with the PPST her professional teaching
Anthony achieve his dream of becoming a Master practices
b. Get help from somebody she knows in DepEd to
serve as her “padrino”
a. Use the result of his SAT in identifying his learning
needs c. Gather certificates of her previous trainings in the
private school where she taught and keep it for
b. Attend as many learning and development activities
to earn as many certificates for promotion
d. Make friends with her school head, so she can have
c. Regularly revisit the PPST to align his professional
his/her favor
development needs with the expectations of
proficient teachers
d. Gather evidences of his good performance Answer: A. There is a high potential for promotion, when
beginning teachers use the PPST to monitor their own
performance and align their professional practices with
Answer: B, merely attending training sessions is insufficient the expectations from them based on the PPST, which is
to help teacher Anthony reach his career goal. a nationally accepted standards for teacher quality (DepEd
Order No. 42, s.2017).
What do you know about? What else do you want to What did you learn about How will you learn more?
know? the PPST and HR e.g. read from online
systems? sources
PPST Teachers who successfully That it is very important for Read from online sources.
progress across the PPST beginning teachers to
continuum are high potential understand how they can
for future master teacher. optimize the PPST & HR
system to help them reach
their career goals.
RSP RSP is an acronym for A registered retirement plan/ Read from online sources.
Retirement Savings Plan that retirement savings plan for
refer to any number of holding savings and
financial products designed investment assets.
to help you save for
MSP Managed service providers A managed service providers Read from online sources.
offered data center (MSP) delivers services, such
management, network, as network, application,
management, mobility infrastructure and security, via
management and security ongoing and regular support.
Recommended Readings: DO 66 s., 2007 and DO 7 s.,
Key Learnings: The PPST is a measure of teacher quality and the RPMS is a standard performance management mechanism
that puts forth a standard performance process for the benefit of teachers and learners.
In order for teachers to optimize the benefits from RPMS-PPST, they need to internalize the standards and performance man-
agement processes. This entails collaboration with peers and mentors. Since the RPMS cycle is embedded in teachers’ daily
job, continuous feedback is needed to support them until the RPMS processes become teachers’ professional practice.
L&D is strategically connected with the RPMS and PPST.
Each cycle of the RPMS is supported by relevant L&D ac-
tivities for teachers. All professional development (PD) for
teachers should be relevant, needs-based and anchored
on the PPST. This strategic alignment of L&D system with
RPMS, PPST and R&R is designed to bring about DepEd’s
intended outcomes.
Demonstrate content knowledge and Content knowledge and its SCHOOL YEAR 2021 – 2022
Domain 1: Content Knowledge and its application within and/or across application within and across
Pedagogy curriculum teaching areas. curriculum areas
Research-based knowledge and
principles of teaching and learning
Positive use of ICT
Strategies for promoting literacy and
Strategies for developing critical and
creative thinking, as well as other
higher-order thinking skills
Mother Tongue, Filipino and English
in teaching and learning
Classroom communication strategies
Domain 2: Learning Environment Demonstrate knowledge of policies, Learner safety and security SCHOOL YEAR 2021 – 2022
guidelines and procedures that Fair learning environment
provide safe and secure learning Management of classroom structure
environments. and activities
Support for learner participation
Promotion of purposive learning
Management of learner behavior
Domain 3: Diversity of Learners
Demonstrate knowledge and Learners’ gender, needs, strengths,
understanding of differentiated interests and experiences
teaching to suit the learners' gender, Learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-
needs, strengths, interests and economic and religious backgrounds
experiences. Learners with disabilities, giftedness
and talents
Learners in difficult circumstances 45
Learners from indigenous groups
Prepare your Professional Development Plan that you intend to implement for the current
school year, using the template provided below:
Once you’re done, kindly input your score here: Input your score here.
Additional reminder:
Compile your portfolio output/s and make sure
that your mentor has checked your