6) Social Mobilisation Skills

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• At the end of the class the students will be able to

 Understand the concept of social mobilization
 Appreciate the uses of social mobilization and understand the types of
social mobilization
 Understand the role of a health worker as a social mobiliser
 Develop capacity for undertaking social mobilization

Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India

Social Mobilization is an integrative process where stakeholders are
stimulated to become active participants in social change, using diverse
strategies to meet shared goals

Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India

• The health of a community is dependent not only on the availability of drugs and
medical technology but also on the social system, employment, education,
ecology and climate.

• As a health care provider you have to promote positive health practices and
therefore require the mobilization of the people in large masses so that large-scale
changes take place.

• Social mobilization in public health is essential for the success of large-scale

government sponsored national programmes like the pulse polio immunisation
Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India
• Social mobilization is undertaken for the purpose of social change and involves masses.
All mass movements are based on principles of social mobilization.

• The dictionary meaning of Social mobilization is : The process by which individuals or

sections of society mobilize in order to effect social change-Oxford Dictionary

• Social mobilization is the process of activating a large group of people in a given

community to participate in an event, activity or process of social nature which is intended
to bring about a change in people's attitudes, knowledge or actions.

Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India

Approaches on Social Mobilization
The process is concerned with mobilizing human and financial
resources through five main approaches:
 Political Mobilization- Aims at winning political and policy
commitment for a major goal and the necessary resource
allocations to realize that goal(Primary method – lobbying)
 Community Mobilization- Aims at informing and gaining the
commitment of community leaders as well as local government
agencies, Non-governmental organizations(NGOs), women's
groups and cooperatives
 Government Mobilization-Aims at informing and enlisting the
cooperation and help of service providers and other government
organizations that can provide direct or indirect support

Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India

Approaches on Social Mobilization Contd.
 Corporate Mobilization-aims at securing the support of national or
international companies in promoting appropriate goals, either
through the contribution of resources or the carrying of appropriate
messages as a part of their advertising or product labelling
 Beneficiary Mobilization-Aims at informing and motivating the
program beneficiaries through training programs, the establishment
of community groups and communication

Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India

Benefits of Social mobilization
• Enhances the capacity of individual, group and community, to identify and fulfil their needs
• Increases community participation in the programme
• Helps to improve programme design
• Helps to improve quality and results of the programme
• Cost effective way to achieve sustainable results
• Increases community ownership
• Enables communities to determine their own development
• Helps to builds trust within communities so they can work together effectively
• Increases capacity of communities to work with government and other sectors (health services,
research etc.)
• Helps to apply political pressure and create positive change
Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India
Need of Social mobilization

Creating awareness

Community participation

Increasing community ownership and


Empowering community

Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India

• To gain public support for a policy, programme, product or activity or service

• To involve people in a large scale activity which the agency wants to be completed within a
specific period of time e.g. camps and campaigns

• To sustain development through involvement of people and enhancing the process of behaviour

• To ensure that the desired change take place faster which is possible by inducement of people

• It helps to understand the felt needs of the people

• It helps to empower individuals and groups for action

Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India

Key Elements of Social Mobilization
• Partnership building and networking
• Community participation
• Media and special events to raise public awareness
• Advocacy to mobilize resources and effect policy change

Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India

Types of Social mobilization:

• Social mobilization process is of following types:

 Controlled and Spontaneous

 Specific and General

Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India

Types … (cont.)
 Controlled mobilization starts outside the people who are part of the process.
 The planning and initiative are done elsewhere and people are only passive
participants initially.
 They may become more active forces later and may even take hold of the movement
and carry it forward
 Ex: the immunisation awareness about the benefits of immunisation and adopting
the practice.
 Spontaneous movements start out of people's own reactions to actual or perceived
wrong and injustices
 The reactions may be against the establishment or other agencies and individuals.
 The mobilization is sparked off through a recent event which affects people’s lives
or emotions.

Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India

Types … (cont.)
• Specific:
 Specific issues related to groups of people or daily living are taken up as the
content of social mobilization
 The antiliquor movement dealt with one issue for which there was large-scale
social mobilization
 The purpose of this type of social mobilization is overall development of
 For example, mobilization for introducing the local self-government through
the 72nd amendment of the constitution (Panchayati Raj) is with the goal of
achieving a more decentralised process and enhancing people's participation

Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India

Qualities of a Health Worker for Social Mobilization:

• Good communication skills • Catalyst

• Good facilitation skills • Non judgmental
• Active listener • Good Management skills
• Committed • Responsible
• Decision maker • Honest
• Active • Knowledgeable
• Negotiation skills • Social
• Known to culture and values of • Good observer
society • Leadership

Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India

Pre-requisites for Social Mobilization
• Purpose or goal for which mobilization is required

• Leader who will inspire and encourage participants and spearhead the movement

• Symbols for unification and building togetherness: slogans, banners, songs, badges

• Messages which are used for mobilization and the content of these messages in the

form of speeches, pamphlets, booklets and songs etc. to keep alive the involvement

and interest

Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India

• Network of managers and workers who will organise and take responsibility for

different components of the social mobilization

• Funds, which will help in keeping intention and action closer together and make

sure that the intended activities are carried out without obstacles

• Publicity and news in the form of media coverage, latest reports including an

efficient system of dissemination of information

Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India

Process of Social mobilization at the Village Level:
• Initiate dialogue with community members to understand their interests, felt needs, resources, level of
understanding, their perceptions, views about the programme, identify all the available resources in the

• Form new or identify existing community based organisations (like various committees, Self Help
Groups, Village Development Forum etc.) and involve them the programme activities

• Try to create an environment in which individuals can empower themselves to address the community's
health needs

• Promote community participation by developing partnership with the community

• Promote good leadership and democratic decision making.

• Enable the community to better govern itself

Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India
Identify a situation to mobilize the community leaders so that they
participate in planning for the community as per their need.
• Environmental sanitation
• Use social toilet
• Avoid open defecation

The ways for making people to be participate

Barrier in the process of making social mobilization

Transforming Comprehensive Healthcare in India

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