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Guess It To Win It!


4 6

3 7

2 8

1 9
Linear Text Non-linear Text
• Traditional text
• Not required to be
• Read from beginning read from beginning
to end to make to end (non-
sense of the text sequential)

Examples: Examples:
- graphic organizers
-short stories
- concept maps
- diagrams
- charts
Cause and Effect Diagram

beneficial organizer

Ishikawa Diagram

This diagram emphasizes the

connection between the different
concepts and can be applied to all
Flow Chart

This is a sequence
chart that shows
series of events in
Venn Diagram

This is used to identify,

classify, categorize and
recognize similarities
and differences
Graphic Organizer

This is a visual display that has

key content information and
provide learners with structure
for abstract concepts.
Other forms of Non-Linear Texts

Concept Map Spider Map Sensory Observation Chart

Line Graph Pie Graph Pictograph

Linear Text

Non- linear Text

Non-linear Text
Sharks and whales are a classic
example of two different animals revealing
similar traits in the same environments.
One of the similarities of these two marine main idea
animals is their habitat. They both live in the
vast range of depth in their environment.
They also have the same fin structure. They
also have a single tail for propulsion and
because they are both large aquatic animals,
they both consume large volume of food,
however, sharks hunt for their food. Whales TEXT
How to transcode
do not have this hunting tendency. Another
difference of sharks to whale is their class.
Whales are mammals TEXTwhile sharks are fish 1. Read the text and get
but they both live in the ocean. Also, whales
the main idea.
have bones while sharks only have
Non-linear Text
Sharks and whales are a classic example of two
different animals revealing similar traits in the
same environments. One of the similarities of
these two marine animals is their habitat. They
both live in the vast range of depth in their
environment. They also have the same fin
structure They also have a single tail for
propulsion and because they are both large
aquatic animals, they both consume large
volume of food, however, sharks hunt for their TEXT
food. Whale do not have this hunting tendency. HOW TO TRANSCODE
Another difference of sharks to whale is their
class. Whales ae mammalsTEXT while sharks are fish
2. Extract necessary
but they both live in the ocean. Also, whales
information for the
have bones while sharks only have cartilages.
visual presentation.
Sharks and whales are a classic example of two
Non- linear Text
different animals revealing similar traits in the
same environments. One of the similarities of
these two marine animals is their habitat. They
both live in the vast range of depth in their
environment. They also have the same fin
structure They also have a single tail for
propulsion and because they are both large
aquatic animals, they both consume large
volume of food, however, sharks hunt for their TEXT
food. Whale do not have this hunting tendency. HOW TO TRANSCODE
Another difference of sharks to whale is their
class. Whales are mammals
TEXT while sharks are
fish but they both live in the ocean. Also, 3. Remember to use key
whales have bones while sharks only have words or phrases only.
Non-linear Text
Sharks and whales are a classic example of two
different animals revealing similar traits in the Whales Sharks
same environments. One of the similarities of
• Do not hunt • Hunt for food
these two marine animals is their habitat. They • Mamals • Fish
both live in the vast range of depth in their • bones • cartilages
environment. They also have the same fin
structure They also have a single tail for
propulsion and because they are both large Both
aquatic animals, they both consume large Live in vast range of depth
volume of food, however, sharks hunt for their TEXT Fin structure
food. Whale do not have this hunting tendency. Single tail
Another difference of sharks to whale is their Large aquatic animals
Consume large volume of food
class. Whales are mammals
TEXT while sharks are
fish but they both live in the ocean. Also,
whales have bones while sharks only have
cartilages. 4. Classify information
into categories.
Non- linear Text
Venn Diagram
Sharks and whales are a classic example of two
different animals revealing similar traits in the
same environments. One of the similarities of
these two marine animals is their habitat. They difference difference
both live in the vast range of depth in their
environment. They also have the same fin
structure. They also have a single tail for
propulsion and because they are both large similarity
aquatic animals, they both consume large
volume of food, however, sharks hunt for their TEXT
food. Whale do not have this hunting tendency. HOW TO TRANSCODE
Another difference of sharks to whale is their
class. Whales are mammals
TEXT while sharks are
fish but they both live in the ocean. Also, 5. Make sure to use the
whales have bones while sharks only have correct non- linear text
cartilages. to present the
Linear Text

Non-linear Text
1. Look at the details of the
graphic organizer, chart or
diagram carefully.

2. Get only the gist,

most important details
or summary of the

3. Write what the diagram is

about and your interpretation
based on the given

The parents work on average 8 hours a day, of which 7.6 hours is spend in
sleeping. 2.6 hours is spend in leisure and sports and 2.5 hours on other activities.
Caring for family members takes 1.2 hours, eating and drinking is 1.1 hours. The
shortest time is spend in household activities which is only 1 hour.
Additional Activities:
Create a non-linear text to present the information.
• The different chores I perform at home.
• The five (5) things I will buy if I have five thousand pesos. (indicate

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