Giovanni Buton: International Marketing Strategy
Giovanni Buton: International Marketing Strategy
Giovanni Buton: International Marketing Strategy
• Giovanni Buton was founded in 1820 by Marquis Filippo Sassoli and Giovanni Buton, who was a master
distiller and expert in spirits. . By the late 1980s Giovanni Buton had become Italy's largest spirits producer.
• The company's main activity was the production of Vecchia Romagna and a range of other Italian spirit
brands. Vecchia Romagna brandy, was Italy's leading spirit brand.
• During the 1980s, Buton acquired two independent spirits distributors, Italwell and Rinaldi. Italwell and
Rinaldi distributed competing portfolios of spirits.
• In 1988, Buton acquired a specialty food distributor, Berselli, that distributed a wide range of specialty Italian
and foreign foods to small high-quality food shops and restaurants.
Giovanni Buton's Management
• General Manager- Filippo Sassoli
In contrast to Western Europe, where most spirits sales were made by food stores, spirits
in the United States remained largely in the hands of small, specialized independent
stores or State operated retail outlets
Prospect of expanding Buton’s sales in
• 1988 – Only 10% of the Buton’s turnover came from sales outside Italy.
• Europe was a favorable market for expanding because of the probable integration of 12 European Community countries
into one marketplace.
• This market integration would help reduce costs and increase economies of scale for EC based companies.
• Initial research by Brown had resulted in three most suitable option for expansion, West Germany, Spain and Greece.
• West Germany- Despite of increase in excise duty and anti- alcohol campaign, the demand for brandy and liquor
remained strong. Germany was the largest export market.
Prospect of expanding Buton’s sales in
• Spain- With increase in the economy, the consumption of liqueur was increasing.
• Greece- Even with high tariff and tax rate, the consumption, specially of imported brand, was increasing.
• Based on the estimates of spirit consumption of these countries, both Spain and Greece are set to see an
increase consumption of 15% and 16% respectively.
Market Selection