Welcome Class: Your Teacher: Rena Mae P. Lorenzana

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1. Listen Carefully
2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself
3. Follow directions
4. Raise your hand if you have something to say
5. Show respect and kindness to your classmates
6. Do your best best.
At the end of the discussion, 95% of the students
will be able to:
• Identify the four phases of exercise
• Distinguish the different phases of exercise
• Demonstrate the warm up, conditioning,
stretching, and cool down
• Differentiate the types of stretching through
an explanation
• Know the importance things, what we will do
before we conduct an exercise.
1. What did you understand about the video that you have
2. What is our lesson for today based on the video?
3. How is it important to our lifestyle?
4. What are the differences between warm up, conditioning,
stretching and cool down?
• Warm-up, conditioning, and cool down should all be
included in your workout. Some people tend to separate
stretching from the warm-up and cool down phases by
adding it as a fourth step. Each process is critical in
assisting you in achieving your fitness goals while
preserving your health and safety. The phases that allow
your body to prepare and heal are just as critical as the
exercise activity you select for the main portion of your

The warm-up phase of exercise

prepares your body for the activity of the
conditioning part of your workout.
Warming up is a preparation for physical
exertion or a performance by exercising or
practicing gently beforehand, usually
undertaken before a performance or
practice? Athletes, singers, actors and
others warm up before stressing their
⮚ Allows your body to adjust gradually to the increased demand on
your heart, muscles, breathing and circulation.

⮚ Increase your body temperature slowly, improve flexibility and

protect against injury and muscle soreness.

⮚ Involve light aerobic activities, such as walking slowly for five to

10 minutes or a moderate version of your conditioning exercise,
and should be based on your physical characteristics and your
conditioning activity.

⮚ For strength training, warm up by moving your joints and


• fast-paced walking.
• walking up and down stairs.
• fast-paced side stepping.
• jogging on the spot.
• arm swings.
• lunges.
• squats.
 Do you know what are
those negative IMPACT, If
we did not follow the
proper warm up.?
--Muscles and other connective tissues do not
stretch very easily. Adding in a warm-up can
literally warm up those muscles and allow for
them to relax, giving them a better chance to
work better. When you skip the warm-up, it
makes you body more susceptible to sprained
muscles, cramps, and other injuries

Stretching, or range-of-motion
activities, can be performed as part of
your warm-up phase, just after your light
cardio. Stretch all of your major muscle
groups for five to 10 minutes. Stretch
and relax the muscles slowly and gently
without jerking or bouncing and hold
each stretch to allow for tightening of
the muscles and tendons.

 Neck roll. Stand up straight with the feet shoulder-width apart

and the arms loose. ...
 Shoulder roll. Stand up straight with the arms loose. ...
 Behind-head tricep stretch. ...
 Standing hip rotation. ...
 Standing hamstring stretch. ...
 Quadriceps stretch. ...
 Ankle roll. ...
 Child's Pose.
 Why it is important to strecth our
body before we proceed to the
Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong,
and healthy, and we need that flexibility to
maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without
it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then,
when you call on the muscles for activity, they
are weak and unable to extend all the way
Ballistic stretching involves
continuous bouncing
movements at the end ROM
where the muscle is at maximal

B. Dynamic
Dynamic stretches are controlled
movements that prepare your
muscles, ligaments and other soft
tissues for performance and safety.
C. Static
Static stretching is the most commonly
used and involves lengthening a
muscle to the point of discomfort and
then holding that position for a short
period of time

D. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular
Facilitation (PNF)
PNF is a form of stretching designed to
increase flexibility of muscles and
increase range of movement. PNF is a
progressive stretch involving muscle
contraction and relaxation.
During the conditioning phase, you
perform the exercise that produces fitness
benefits, such as calorie burning, building
endurance or muscle strengthening. You
may choose an aerobic exercise, such as
swimming or the elliptical jogger, or you
may lift free weights, perform circuit
training on weight machines or play a
high-intensity sport such as soccer or

 Squat jumps.
 Mountain climbers.
 Burpees.
 Split jacks.
 This total-body cardiovascular exercise targets your
glutes, quads, and hamstrings. ...
 Box jumps.
 Lateral lunges
 How it is important to take
conditioning exercise everyday?
Body conditioning improves endurance, increases
flexibility, and establishes a balanced, stable physique.
These valuable exercises offer a wealth of positive
benefits to your overall health and fitness level.
Regularly do these moves to build power,
coordination, and speed.

The cool down phase ends your exercise session

with recovery time for your body. Cooling down
requires you to keep moving after you end the
conditioning phase. Cool down movements should
allow your heart rate, blood pressure and body
temperature to return slowly to normal. A gradual
decrease in physical activity, such as slow walking, is a
good way to cool down. You can also perform a few
stretching movements to cool down.

 Light jogging or walking. This is one of the most

straightforward ways to cool down. ...
 Upper body stretch. ...
 Seated Forward Bend. ...
 Knee-to-Chest Pose. ...
 Reclining Butterfly Pose. ...
 Child's Pose.
5 Reasons Why You Need to
Cool Down after a WorkouT
1.) Regulating your heart rate. Exercising in
general causes your heart rate to increase and
after exercising, your heart beats faster than the
normal and you need to bring it to its normal
2.) Reducing the build-up of lactic acid. After intense workouts,
lactic acid builds up in our bodies which can lead to muscle
cramping and stiffness. Cooling down helps speeding up the
process of releasing the lactic acids in our body and accordingly,
your body recovers more quickly.
3.) Preventing injuries Like warming up, cooling down
after exercises help prevent injuries such as muscle
tears. Skipping cooling down and stretching after a
workout not only slows down muscle recovery, but
also reduces the benefits gained from a workout.

4.) Body restoration. Our bodies undergo several changes

during working out such the adrenaline pumping, increased
temperature, and accelerated breathing. Cooling down after
a workout helps restoring the body to its normal condition.

5.) Stress relief and relaxation. Exercising is as good for

the mind as it is for the body. As your body begins to slow
down, you begin to get into a relaxation mood and the
brain begins to release dopamine and serotonin, the two
hormones that are responsible to makes us feel good and
less stressed.
l Teacher conduct a short quiz about the latest topic that was tackled
l In a length wise of paper write the correct answer only.

1. ) It is type of stretching , that our stretches are controlled movements that prepare your muscles.
A. Balistics
B. Static
C. Dynamic
D. None of the above
2. ) It is type of phases exercise that require you to keep moving after you end conditioning period.
A. Cool down
B. Conditioning
C. Static
D. Dynamic
3. This phases of exercise it helps to increase flexibility of muscles and increase range of movement.
A. Stretching
B. Warm-up
C. Conditioning
D. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
4.) Enumerate the four types of stretching.
5.)Explain the importance of phases exercises.

The students will choose one sport, and they will make a
warm-up exercise.
 Write your answer in one sheet of paper

In your formative assessment, write your reflection in

your journal notebook. Reflection about our
discussion for today.
Will have a project, create your own zumba dance with using the
different phases of exercise. Invite your family member, friends or
someone that you have a partner on your zumba presentation.

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