Internet of Things: Haripriya V Asst - Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

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Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
Internet connects all people  “Internet of People”
IoT connects all things “Internet of Things”

Interconnection of Things or Objects or Machines,

e.g., sensors, actuators, mobile phones, electronic
devices, home appliances, any existing items interact
with each other via Internet.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
• The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or
"things" embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and
network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and
exchange data.

• "Things," in the IoT sense, can refer to a wide variety of devices

such as heart monitoring implants, biochip transponders on farm
animals, electric clams in coastal waters, automobiles with built-in
sensors, DNA analysis devices for environmental/food/pathogen
monitoring or field operation devices that assist fire-fighters in
search and rescue operations.

• These devices collect useful data with the help of various existing
technologies and then autonomously flow the data between other

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

• Connectivity − Connectivity refers to establish a proper connection

between all the things of IoT to IoT platform it may be server or
cloud. After connecting the IoT devices, it needs a high speed
messaging between the devices and cloud to enable reliable,
secure and bi-directional communication.
• Analyzing: After connecting all the relevant things, it comes to real-
time analyzing the data collected and use them to build effective
business intelligence. If we have a good insight into data gathered
from all these things, then we call our system has a smart system.
• Integrating: IoT integrating the various models to improve the user
experience as well.
• Artificial Intelligence: IoT makes things smart and enhances life
through the use of data. For example, if we have a coffee machine
whose beans have going to end, then the coffee machine itself
order the coffee beans of your choice from the retailer.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

• Sensing: The sensor devices used in IoT technologies detect

and measure any change in the environment and report on
their status. IoT technology brings passive networks to active
networks. Without sensors, there could not hold an effective or
true IoT environment.
• Active Engagement: IoT makes the connected technology,
product, or services to active engagement between each other.
• Endpoint Management: It is important to be the endpoint
management of all the IoT system otherwise, it makes the
complete failure of the system. For example, if a coffee
machine itself order the coffee beans when it goes to end but
what happens when it orders the beans from a retailer and we
are not present at home for a few days, it leads to the failure of
the IoT system. So, there must be a need for endpoint

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

• M2M (Machine to Machine)

• “Internet of Everything” (Cisco Systems)

• “World Size Web” (Bruce Schneier)

• “Skynet” (Terminator movie)

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

1970- The actual idea of connected devices was proposed

1990- John Romkey created a toaster which could be turned
on/off over the Internet
1995- Siemens introduced the first cellular module built for M2M
1999- The term "Internet of Things" was used by Kevin Ashton
during his work at P&G which became widely accepted
2004 - The term was mentioned in famous publications like the
Guardian, Boston Globe, and Scientific American
2005-UN's International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
published its first report on this topic.
2008- The Internet of Things was born
2011- Gartner, the market research company, include "The
Internet of Things" technology in their research

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

• The entire IOT process starts with the devices themselves like
smartphones, smartwatches, electronic appliances like TV,
Washing Machine which helps you to communicate with the IOT
Here, are four fundamental components of an IoT system:
1) Sensors/Devices: Sensors or devices are a key component
that helps you to collect live data from the surrounding
environment. All this data may have various levels of complexities.
It could be a simple temperature monitoring sensor, or it may be in
the form of the video feed.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

A device may have various types of sensors which performs

multiple tasks apart from sensing. Example, A mobile phone is a
device which has multiple sensors like GPS, camera but your
smartphone is not able to sense these things.
2) Connectivity: All the collected data is sent to a cloud
infrastructure. The sensors should be connected to the cloud
using various mediums of communications. These communication
mediums include mobile or satellite networks, Bluetooth, WI-FI,
WAN, etc.
3) Data Processing: Once that data is collected, and it gets to
the cloud, the software performs processing on the gathered data.
This process can be just checking the temperature, reading on
devices like AC or heaters. However, it can sometimes also be
very complex like identifying objects, using computer vision on

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
4)User Interface: The information needs to be available to the
end-user in some way which can be achieved by triggering
alarms on their phones or sending them notification through email
or text message. The user sometimes might need an interface
which actively checks their IOT system. For example, the user
has a camera installed in his home. He wants to access video
recording and all the feeds with the help of a web server.
However, it's not always one-way communication. Depending on
the IoT application and complexity of the system, the user may
also be able to perform an action which may create cascading
For example, if a user detects any changes in the temperature of
the refrigerator, with the help of IOT technology the user should
able to adjust the temperature with the help of their mobile phone.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

• Efficient resource utilization: If we know the functionality

and the way that how each device work we definitely increase
the efficient resource utilization as well as monitor natural
• Minimize human effort: As the devices of IoT interact and
communicate with each other and do lot of task for us, then
they minimize the human effort.
• Save time: As it reduces the human effort then it definitely
saves out time. Time is the primary factor which can save
through IoT platform.
• Enhance Data Collection
• Improve security: Now, if we have a system that all these
things are interconnected then we can make the system more
secure and efficient.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

• Security: As the IoT systems are interconnected and

communicate over networks. The system offers little control
despite any security measures, and it can be lead the various
kinds of network attacks.
• Privacy: Even without the active participation on the user, the
IoT system provides substantial personal data in maximum
• Complexity: The designing, developing, and maintaining and
enabling the large technology to IoT system is quite

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
• Physical Design of IoT refers to IoT Devices and IoT Protocols.
• Things are Node device which have unique identities and can perform remote
sensing, actuating and monitoring capabilities.
• Communication established between things and cloud based server over the
Internet by various IoT protocols.
• Things :
• Basically Things refers to IoT Devices which have unique identities and
can perform remote sensing, actuating and monitoring capabilities.
• Things are is main part of IoT Application. IoT Devices can be various
type, Sensing Devices, Smart Watches, Smart Electronics appliances,
Wearable Sensors, Automobiles, and industrial machines.
• These devices generate data in some forms or the other which when
processed by data analytics systems leads to useful information to
guide further actions locally or remotely.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
• An IoT device may consist of several interfaces for connections to
other devices both wired and wireless.
• I/O interfaces for sensors
• Interfaces for internet connectivity
• Memory and storage interfaces
• Audio/video interfaces

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
The IoT Data Link communication protocol provides service to the
Network Layer. There are various protocols and standard technologies
specified by the different organization for data link protocols.
The network layer is responsible for connecting to other smart things,
network devices, and servers. Its features are also used for transmitting
and processing sensor data.
The transport layer transfers the sensor data from the perception layer to
the processing layer and vice versa through networks such as wireless,
3G, LAN, Bluetooth, RFID, and NFC.
The application layer is responsible for delivering application specific
services to the user. It defines various applications in which the Internet
of Things can be deployed, for example, smart homes, smart cities, and
smart health.
The perception layer is the physical layer, which has sensors for sensing
and gathering information about the environment. It senses some
physical parameters or identifies other smart objects in the environment.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
Link Layer Network/ Transport Application
Internet Layer Layer Layer
802.3 – Ethernet IPv4 TCP HTTP
802.11 – WiFi IPv6 UDP CoAP

802.16 – WiMax 6LoWPAN WebSocket

802.15.4 – LR- MQTT

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
Activity: Write brief notes on each
protocol and their applications.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
• Logical design of an IoT system refers to an abstract
representation of the entities and processes without going
into the low-level specifics of the implementation.
• An IoT system comprises a number of functional blocks
that provide the system the capabilities for identification,
sensing, actuation, communication and management.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
Device : Devices such as sensing, actuation, monitoring and
control functions.
• Communication : IoT Protocols
• Services like device monitoring, device control services, data
publishing services and device discovery
• Management : Functions to govern the system
• Security : Functions as authentication, authorization, message
and content integrity, and data security
• Applications

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

IoT is enabled by several technologies including wireless sensor

networks, cloud computing, Big data analytics, Embedded
Systems, Security Protocols and architectures, communication
protocols, web services, Mobile Internet, and Semantic Search

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

• A wireless sensor network comprises of distributed device with

sensor which are used to monitor the environmental and
physical conditions. 
• A WSN consists of a number of end-nodes and routers and a
• End Nodes have several sensors attached to them in node can
also act as routers.
• Routers are responsible for routing the data packets from end-
nodes  to the coordinator.
• The coordinator collects the data from all the nodes. 
• Coordinator also act as a gateway that connects the WSN to
the internet.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
• Weather monitoring system use WSNs in which the nodes
collect temperature humidity and other data which is
aggregated and analyzed.
• Indoor air quality monitoring systems use WSNs to collect data
on the indoor air quality and concentration of various gases
• Soil moisture monitoring system use WSNs to monitor soil
moisture at various locations.
• Surveillance system use WSNs for collecting Surveillance data
(such as motion detection data)
• Smart grid use WSNs for monitoring the grid at various points.
• Structural health monitoring system use WSNs to monitor the
health of structures ( buildings, bridges) by collecting vibration
data from sensor nodes de deployed at various points in the

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

• Cloud computing is a trans-formative computing paradigm that

involves delivering applications and services over the Internet
Cloud computing involves provisioning of computing,
networking and storage resources on demand and providing
these resources as metered services to the users, in a “pay as
you go” model. 
• Cloud computing resources can be provisioned on demand by
the users, without requiring interactions with the cloud service
• The process of provisioning resources is automated. Cloud
computing resources can be accessed over the network using
standard access mechanisms that provide platform
independent access through the use of heterogeneous client
platforms such as the workstations, laptops, tablets and

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
Cloud computing services are offered to
users in different forms:

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):

hardware is provided by an external
provider and managed for you

Platform as a Service (PaaS): in addition to

hardware, your operating system layer is
managed for you

Software as a Service (SaaS): further to

the above, an application layer is provided
and managed for you – you won’t see or
have to worry about the first two layers.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
• Big Data analytics is the process of collecting, organizing and
analyzing large sets of data (called Big Data) to discover
patterns and other useful information.
• Big Data analytics can help organizations to better understand
the information contained within the data and will also help
identify the data that is most important to the business and
future business decisions.
• Analysts working with Big Data typically want
the knowledge that comes from analyzing the data.
• Some examples of big data generated by IoT systems are
described as follows:
• Sensor data generated by IoT system such as weather
monitoring stations.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

• Machine sensor data collected from sensors embedded in

industrial and energy systems for monitoring their health and
detecting Failures.
• Health and fitness data generated by IoT devices such as
wearable fitness bands
• Data generated by IoT systems for location and tracking of
• Data generated by retail inventory monitoring systems.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

• Communication protocols form the backbone of IoT systems

and enable network connectivity and coupling to applications.
• Communication protocols allow devices to exchange data
over the network.
• Multiple protocols often describe different aspects of a single
• A group of protocols designed to work together are known as a
protocol suite; when implemented in software they are a
protocol stack.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
• Embedded means something that is attached to another thing. An embedded
system can be thought of as a computer hardware system having software
embedded in it.
• An embedded system can be an independent system or it can be a part of a
large system.
• An embedded system is a controller programmed and controlled by a real-time
operating system (RTOS) with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical
or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints.
• It is embedded as part of a complete device often including hardware and
mechanical parts. 
An embedded system has three components −
• It has hardware.
• It has application software.
• It has Real Time Operating system (RTOS) that supervises the application
software and provide mechanism to let the processor run a process as per
scheduling by following a plan to control the latencies.
• RTOS defines the way the system works.
• It sets the rules during the execution of application program. A small scale
embedded system may not have RTOS.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
An IoT system comprises of the following components:
• Device: An IoT device allows identification, remote sensing,
actuating and remote monitoring capabilities.
• Resource: Resources are software components on the IoT
device for accessing, processing, and storing sensor
information, or controlling actuators connected to the
device. Resources also include the software components
that enable network access for the device.
• Controller Service: Controller service is a native service that
runs on the device and interacts with the web services.
Controller service sends data from the device to the web
service and receives commands from the application (via
web services) for controlling the device.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
• Database: Database can be either local or in the cloud and
stores the data generated by the IoT device.
• Web Service: Web services serve as a link between the IoT
device, application, database and analysis components. Web
service can be either implemented using HTTP and REST
principles (REST service) or using WebSocket protocol
(WebSocket service).
• Analysis Component: The Analysis Component is responsible
for analyzing the IoT data and generate results in a form which
are easy for the user to understand.
• Application: IoT applications provide an interface that the users
can use to control and monitor various aspects of the IoT
system. Applications also allow users to view the system status
and view the processed data.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
A level - 1 IoT system has a
single node/device that
performs sensing and/or
actuation, stores data,
performs analysis and hosts
the application .
• Level - 1 IoT systems are
suitable for modelling low - cost
and low -complexity solutions
where the data involved is not
big and the analysis
requirements are not
computationally intensive .

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
A level-2 IoT system has a single
node that performs sensing
and/or actuation and local
• Data is stored in the cloud and
the application is usually cloud-
• Level -2 IoT systems are
suitable for solutions where the
data involved is big; however, the
primary analysis requirement is
not computationally intensive and
can be done locally.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
A level-3 IoT system has a
single node. Data is stored
and analyzed in the cloud
and the application is cloud -
• Level-3 IoT systems are
suitable for solutions where
the data involved is big and
the analysis requirements are
computationally intensive.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

• A level-4 IoT system has

multiple nodes that perform local
Data is stored in the cloud and
the application is cloud-based.
• Level-4 contains local and
cloud -based observer nodes
which can subscribe to and
receive information collected in
the cloud from IoT devices.
• Level-4 IoT systems are
suitable for solutions where
multiple nodes are required, the
data involved is big and the
analysis requirements are
computationally intensive.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
• A level-5 IoT system has
multiple end nodes and one
coordinator node.
• The end nodes that perform
sensing and/or actuation.
• Coordinator node collects
data from the end nodes and
sends to the cloud.
• Data is stored and analyzed
in the cloud and application is
• Level-5 IoT systems are
suitable for solutions based
on wireless sensor networks,
in which the data involved is
big and the analysis
requirements are
computationally intensive.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
•A level-6 IoT system has
multiple independent end
nodes that perform sensing
and/or actuation and send data
to the cloud.
• Data is stored in the cloud
and the application is cloud -
• The analytics component
analyzes the data and stores
the results in the cloud
• The results are visualized with
the cloud
-based application.
• The centralized controller is
aware of the status of all the
end nodes and sends control
commands to the nodes.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
IoT Applications for :
• Home
• Cities
• Environment
• Energy Systems
• Retail
• Logistics
• Industry
• Agriculture
• Health & Lifestyle

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

• Smart Lighting: helps in saving energy by adapting

the lighting to the ambient conditions and switching
on/off or diming the light when needed.
Key enabling technologies for smart lighting include :
- Solid state lighting (such as LED lights)
- IP-enabled lights
- Wireless-enabled and Internet connected lights
can be controlled remotely from IoT applications
such as a mobile or web application.
• Smart Appliances : make the management easier
and also provide status information to the users
E.g: smart washer/dryer that can be controlled
remotely and notify when the washing/drying cycle is

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

• Intrusion Detection : use security cameras

and sensors(PIR sensors and door
sensors) to detect intrusion and raise alerts.
Alerts can be in the form of SMS or email
sent to the user.
• Smoke / Gas Detectors : Smoke
detectors are installed in homes and
buildings to detect smoke that is typically an
early sign of fire. Alerts raised by smoke
detectors can be in the form of signals to a
fire alarm system. Gas detectors can detect
the presence of harmful gases such as CO,
LPG etc.,

*PIR Passive infrared sensor : The Passive

Infrared Sensor (PIR) sensor module is used for
motion detection.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
a) Smart Parking: make the search for parking space easier and
convenient for drivers.
Smart parking are powered by IoT systems that detect the no. of empty
parking slots and send information over internet to smart application
b) Smart Lighting: for roads, parks and buildings can help in saving
c) Smart Roads: Equipped with sensors can provide information on
driving condition, travel time estimating and alert in case of poor driving
conditions, traffic condition and accidents.
d) Structural Health Monitoring: uses a network of sensors to monitor
the vibration levels in the structures such as bridges and buildings.
e) Surveillance: The video feeds from surveillance cameras can be
aggregated in cloud based scalable storage solution.
f) Emergency Response: IoT systems for fire detection, gas and water
leakage detection can help in generating alerts and minimizing their
effects on the critical infrastructures.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

a) Weather Monitoring: Systems collect data from a no. of

sensors attached and send the data to cloud based applications
and storage back ends. The data collected in cloud can then be
analyzed and visualized by cloud based applications.
b) Air Pollution Monitoring: System can monitor emission of
harmful gases(CO2, CO, NO, NO2 etc.,) by factories and
automobiles using gaseous and meteorological sensors. The
collected data can be analyzed to make informed decisions on
pollutions control approaches.
c) Noise Pollution Monitoring: Due to growing urban
development, noise levels in cities have increased and even
become alarmingly high in some cities. IoT based noise pollution
monitoring systems use a no. of noise monitoring systems that
are deployed at different places in a city. The data on noise
levels from the station is collected on servers or in the cloud. The
collected data is then aggregated to generate noise maps.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

d) Forest Fire Detection: Forest fire can cause damage to

natural resources, property and human life. Early detection of
forest fire can help in minimizing damage.
e) River Flood Detection: River floods can cause damage to
natural and human resources and human life. Early warnings of
floods can be given by monitoring the water level and flow rate.
IoT based river flood monitoring system uses a no. of sensor
nodes that monitor the water level and flow rate sensors.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

a) Smart Grids: is a data communication network integrated

with the electrical grids that collects and analyze data
captured in near-real-time about power transmission,
distribution and consumption.
• Smart grid technology provides predictive information and
recommendations to utilities, their suppliers, and their
customers on how best to manage power. By using IoT based
sensing and measurement technologies, the health of
equipment and integrity of the grid can be evaluated.
a) Renewable Energy Systems: IoT based systems integrated
with the transformers at the point of interconnection measure
the electrical variables and how much power is fed into the
grid. For wind energy systems, closed-loop controls can be
used to regulate the voltage at point of interconnection which
coordinate wind turbine outputs and provides power support

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

c) Prognostics: In systems such as power grids, real-time

information is collected using specialized electrical sensors called
Phasor Measurement Units(PMUs) at the substations. The
information received from PMUs must be monitored in real-time
for estimating the state of the system and for predicting failures.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
a) Inventory Management: IoT systems enable remote
monitoring of inventory using data collected by RFID readers.
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic
fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to
b) Smart Payments: Solutions such as contact-less payments
powered by technologies such as Near Field
Communication(NFC) and Bluetooth.
Near-Field-Communication is a set of communication
protocols for communication between two electronic devices
over a distance of 4 cm or less.
c) Smart Vending Machines: Sensors in a smart vending
machines monitors its operations and send the data to cloud
which can be used for predictive maintenance.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
a) Route generation & scheduling: IoT based system backed
by cloud can provide first response to the route generation
queries and can be scaled up to serve a large transportation
b) Fleet Tracking: Use GPS to track locations of vehicles in
c) Shipment Monitoring: IoT based shipment monitoring
systems use sensors such as temp, humidity, to monitor the
conditions and send data to cloud, where it can be analyzed
to detect food spoilage.
d) Remote Vehicle Diagnostics: Systems use on-board IoT
devices for collecting data on Vehicle operations(speed, RPM
etc.,) and status of various vehicle subsystems.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

a) Smart Irrigation: to determine moisture amount in
b) Green House Control: to improve productivity.
a) Machine diagnosis and prognosis
b) Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
Health and Life Style:
a) Health & Fitness Monitoring
b) Wearable Electronics

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
M2M : Machine-to-Machine (M2M) refers to networking of
machines(or devices) for the purpose of remote monitoring and
control and data exchange.
(or) Machine -to-Machine (M2M) refers to the communication or
exchange of data between to two or more machines without human
interfacing or interaction.
The communication in M2M may be wired or wireless systems.
The M2M uses a device such as sensor, RFID, meter, etc. to capture
an ‘events’ like temperature, inventory level, etc., which is relayed
through a network i.e., wireless, wired or hybrid to an application
(software program), that translates the captured event into
meaningful information.
• Term which is often synonymous with IoT is Machine-to-Machine
• IoT and M2M are often used interchangeably.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
Fig. Shows the end-to-end architecture of M2M systems
comprises of M2M area networks, communication networks and
application domain.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
An M2M area network comprises of machines (or M2M nodes) which
have embedded hardware modules for sensing, actuation and
• Various communication protocols can be used for M2M local area
networks such as ZigBee, Bluetooth, M-Bus, Wireless M-Bus, Power Line
Communication (PLC), 6LoWPAN(IPv6 over Low -Power Wireless
Personal Area Networks) , IEEE 802.15.4, etc.
• The M-Bus is a fieldbus for recording consumption data from
electricity, heat, gas and water meters, as well as from sensors and
• The communication network provides connectivity to remote M2M area
• The communication network can use either wired or wireless networks
(IP- based).
• While the M2M area networks use either proprietary or non-IP based
communication protocols, the communication network uses IP-based

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

The main components of M2M system are:

1. M2M area networks
2. Communication networks
3. Application domains
4. M2M gateways.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
• M2M network area consists of machines or M2M nodes which
communicate with each other. The M2M nodes embedded with
hardware modules such as sensors, actuators and
communication devices.
• M2M uses communication protocol such as ZigBee, Bluetooth,
Power line communication (PLC) etc. These communication
protocols provide connectivity between M2M nodes within
M2M area network.
• The M2M nodes communicate within one network can’t
communicate with external network node. To enable the
communication between remote M2M area networks, M2M
gateways are used.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

• The Gateway module provides control and localization

services for data collection. The gateways also double up in
concentrating traffic to the operator’s core. It supports
Bluetooth, ZigBee, GPRS capabilities.
• M2M communication network serves as infrastructure for
realizing communication between M2M gateway and M2M end
user application or server. For this cellular network (GSM
/CDMA), Wire line network and communication satellites may
be used.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

Fig. Shows a block diagram of an M2M gateway. The communication

between M2M nodes and the M2M gateway is based on the communication
protocols which are naive to the M2M area network. M2M gateway performs
protocol translations to enable IP-connectivity for M2M area networks. M2M
gateway acts as a proxy performing translations from/to native protocols
to/from Internet Protocol(IP). With an M2M gateway, each mode in an M2M
area network appears as a virtualized node for external M2M area

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

• The communication network provides the connectivity between

M2M nodes and M2M applications.
• It uses wired or wireless network such as LAN, LTE, WiMAX,
satellite communication etc.
Application domains:
• It contains the middleware layer where data goes through various
application services and is used by the specific business-processing
• M2M applications will be based on the infrastructural assets that are
provided by the operator.
• Applications may either target at end users, such as user of a
specific M2M solution, or at other application providers to offer more
refined building blocks by which they can build more sophisticated
M2M solutions and services.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

M2M and IoT both are used when electronic devices are
connected and share data with each other. There are some
differences between IoT and M2M based on technologies, system
architectures and types of applications.

It is Machine to Machine communication and It’s Machine to Machine, Machine to
completely hardware based. sensors, or Humans to Machines. And
software based.
M2M is a point to point communication and Its uses IP networks and protocols as
uses non–IP protocols. the communication is multipoint.
These devices don’t rely on internet. Devices required internet connections.
Data can be stored locally Data can be stored locally and also in
Limited integration option devices must have Unlimited integration option, but
corresponding communication standards requires a solutions that can manage
all the communication.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

• Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) is a session-

based network management protocol.
• NETCONF allows retrieving state or configuration data and
manipulating configuration data on network devices.
• NETCONF uses XML-encoded Remote Procedure Calls
(RPCs) for framing request and response messages.
• NETCONF provides various operations to retrieve and edit
configuration data from network devices.
• The schema of the configuration and state data is defined in a
data modeling language called YANG.
• * Sessions are used in communication protocols to represent a
temporary, two-way exchange of information between endpoints.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
• YANG is a data modeling language used to model
configuration and state data manipulated by the NETCONF
• YANG modules contain the definitions of the configuration
data, state data, RPC calls that can be issued and the format
of the notifications.
• YANG modules defines the data exchanged between the
NETCONF client and server.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
The generic approach of IoT device management with NETCONF-YANG.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

1) Management System
2) Management API
3) Transaction Manager
4) Rollback Manager
5) Data Model Manager
6) Configuration Validator
7) Configuration Database
8) Configuration API
9) Data Provider API

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
1) Management System : The operator uses a management
system to send NETCONF messages to configure the IoT device
and receives state information and notifications from the device as
NETCONF messages.
2) Management API : allows management application to start
NETCONF sessions.
3) Transaction Manager: executes all the NETCONF transactions
and ensures that ACID properties hold true for the transactions.
4) Rollback Manager : is responsible for generating all the
transactions necessary to rollback a current configuration to its
original state.
5) Data Model Manager : Keeps track of all the YANG data models
and the corresponding managed objects. Also keeps track of the
applications which provide data for each part of a data model.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

6) Configuration Validator : checks if the resulting configuration

after applying a transaction would be a valid configuration.
7) Configuration Database : contains both configuration and
operational data.
8) Configuration API : Using the configuration API the
application on the IoT device can be read configuration data from
the configuration data store and write operational data to the
operational data store.
9) Data Provider API: Applications on the IoT device can register
for callbacks for various events using the Data Provider API.
Through the Data Provider API, the applications can report
statistics and operational data.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
• Purpose & Requirements Specification
• Process Specification
• Domain Model Specification
• Information Model Specification
• Service Specifications
• IoT Level Specification
• Functional View Specification
• Operational View Specification
• Device & Component Integration
• Application Development

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

The first step in IoT system design methodology is to define

the purpose and requirements of the system.
In this step, the system purpose, behavior and requirements
(such as data collection requirements, data analysis
requirements, system management requirements, data
privacy and security requirements, user interface
requirements, ...) are captured.
• Step 2: Process Specification
The second step in the IoT design methodology is to define
the process specification.
In this step, the use cases of the IoT system are formally
described based on and derived from the purpose and
requirement specifications.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
Step 3: Domain Model Specification
The third step in the IoT design methodology is to define the
Domain Model.
The domain model describes the main concepts, entities and
objects in the domain of IoT system to be designed.
Domain model defines the attributes of the objects and
relationships between objects.
Domain model provides an abstract representation of the
concepts, objects and entities in the IoT domain,
independent of any specific technology or platform.
With the domain model, the IoT system designers can get an
understanding of the IoT domain for which the system is to
be designed

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
Step 4: Information Model Specification
The fourth step in the IoT design methodology is to define
the Information Model.
Information Model defines the structure of all the information
in the IoT system, for example, attributes of Virtual Entities,
relations, etc.
Information model does not describe the specifics of how the
information is represented or stored.
To define the information model, we first list the Virtual
Entities defined in the Domain Model.
Information model adds more details to the Virtual Entities
by defining their attributes and relations.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
Step 5: Service Specifications
The fifth step in the IoT design methodology is to define the
service specifications.
Service specifications define the services in the IoT system,
service types, service inputs/output, service endpoints, service
schedules, service preconditions and service effects.
Step 6: IoT Level Specification
The sixth step in the IoT design methodology is to define the IoT
level for the system.
Step 7: Functional View Specification
The seventh step in the IoT design methodology is to define the
Functional View.
The Functional View (FV) defines the functions of the IoT systems
grouped into various Functional Groups (FGs).
Each Functional Group either provides functionalities for
interacting with instances of concepts defined in the Domain
Model or provides information related to these concepts.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT
Step 8: Operational View Specification
The eighth step in the IoT design methodology is to define
the Operational View Specifications.
In this step, various options pertaining to the IoT system
deployment and operation are defined, such as, service
hosting options, storage options, device options, application
hosting options, etc.
Step 9: Device & Component Integration
• The ninth step in the IoT design methodology is the
integration of the devices and components.
Step 10: Application Development
• The final step in the IoT design methodology is to develop
the IoT application.

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

Haripriya V Asst.Professor, Dept. of CS & IT

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