Modular Demonstration IN Science Vi Danifer A. Anciado Teacher
Modular Demonstration IN Science Vi Danifer A. Anciado Teacher
Modular Demonstration IN Science Vi Danifer A. Anciado Teacher
Danifer A. Anciado
A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate understanding of
different techniques to separate mixtures.
B. Performance Standards
The learners should be able to separate
desired materials from common and local products.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives (Write the
LC code for each.)
Enumerate techniques in separating mixtures such as
picking, winnowing, decantation, magnetism, sieving,
filtering, and evaporation. (S6MT-Id-f-2)
Objective 16. Applied a personal philosophy of
teaching that is learner-centered (CONSTRUCTIVISM)
All my teaching endeavors are always anchored on
the Philosophy of Constructivism because I do believe
that the most effective way to develop a coding system
is to discover it rather than just parroting the learners.
The learners will construct new ideas based on their
experiences and knowledge for them to use.
1. Separate insoluble solid from a liquid using filtration.
2. Construct simple filtration set up using localized materials.
3. Describe how the filtration set up separate impurities from a
liquid solution.
Separating Mixtures: Filtration
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 70-77
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook Cyber Science, pp.33
4. Additional Materials Teacher-made
Slide Deck Presentation
B. Other Learning Resources
materials for filtration set-up: 2
bottles of 1.5 l. coke, plastic
funnel, charcoal, paper filter,
pebbles, sand, cotton
materials for water: soil solution:
small jar, water, soil
Weather Report
For us to go on board and reach our destination
for today, please write the weather forecast for
today on your activity notebook.
Science Trivia
Knowledge is power! To check if you still have
the power, please write any science trivia you
have read. Write it on your notebook.
Temperature Check
Are you ready? If YES, kindly draw a
happy emoji on your activity notebook.
Parents, please check it out.
(The parent/s or guardian/s will check if
their children have written their
answers. If so, they will affix their
Setting Standards
Objective 6/Indicator No. 5 Maintained learning
environments that promote fairness, respect, and
care to encourage learning
1 = Major Difficulty
2 = Requires Improvement
3 = Good
4 = Very Good
5 = Exemplary
Objective 5/Indicator No. 4
Established safe and secure
learning environments to
enhance learning through
the consistent
implementation of policies,
guidelines, and procedures
5. Presentation of the Activity Sheet for
the Science simple activity on filtration. Do
not perform the activities alone, make
sure that you are guided by your
parents/guardians or older siblings. Do
not taste any of the substances to avoid
contamination. Always sanitize your
hands and your working area. After
performing the activities, do not just throw
elsewhere the substances.
Objective 4/Indicator No. 3
Used effective verbal and
non-verbal classroom
communication strategies to
support learner
understanding, participation,
engagement, and
The learner will serve as the leader, the parent/s will
serve as the monitor/evaluator, siblings will serve as
the members – responsible in preparing other
materials needed in the activity or simple experiment.
After the activity the learner will report the result of the
activity to the parent/s who will serve as the
monitor/evaluator. Then ask the pupil to assess
themselves if they able to achieve the objective of the
activity. Then, the parent/s will also assess the flow of
the activity and submit the scored activity sheet to the
teacher. Once the scored activity sheet is submitted,
the teacher will review, assess, and give
corresponding points. (Experimenting)(Collaborative
Learning)(Cooperative Learning)
Science Activity: Filtration Technique on
Separating Mixtures
Objective: To describe how filtration technique separates
components in a mixture.
Materials: materials for filtration set-up: 2 bottles of 1.5 l.
coke, plastic funnel, charcoal, paper filter, pebbles,
sand, cotton
materials for water-soil solution: small jar, water, soil
A. Preparation of materials.
B. Setting up of simple filtration device
1. Prepare the bottles of coke as container for the filtration.
2. Put the following materials inside the plastic bottle: paper
filter, cotton, charcoal, pebbles, and sand.
3. Place the plastic funnel on top of the plastic bottle set up.
4. Mix the soil and water in a jar to make a muddy water
5. Separate the water impurities of the mixture using the set
6. Record your observation using the activity sheet.
1. Describe the appearance of muddy water
mixture before it was filtered.
2. Describe the appearance of the mixture after
it was
3. Did the technique help to separate water
impurities from the mixture?___ How?
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
Reporting on how the pupils used
the technique in separating the
components of mixture.
Objective 3/Indicator No. 2 Displayed
proficient use of Mother Tongue,
Filipino and English to facilitate
teaching and learning
F. Developing mastery (leads to
Formative Assessment 3)
The teacher will further instruct the
pupils to read the Science book –
Science Links pages 23-25 to
understand more about filtration.
The teacher may also discuss the
background information through
inquiry approach through the
G.Finding practical applications of concepts and
skills in daily living (HOTS)
Ask the pupils to pay attention to the
picture of a water refilling station. Ask pupil
how filtration technique helps to make water
becomes safer to drink. Why filtration
technique plays a critical role in our
community? If filtration technique is not
available in our community, do you think we
have potable water to drink? Why or why not?
What other activities in our community
wherein we use filtration technique?
Valuing: importance of filtering
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
Ask pupils to give the benefits of using filtration technique in
separating components of mixtures. (S6MT-Id-f-2)