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Arudha Means a Risen One or the Mounted One

Arudha can be equated to the mirror image of an object, being projected

to the same distance and angle that the original obect is from the mirror.
Arudha literally means mount and refers to the illusion (Maya) created
by the reflection of a sign about its lord or vice versa. The first called
Rashi Arudha or simply bhava pada while the later is called Graha
A sign has a reflection in its ruler planet.
• The planet acts as a mirror giving the same importance to the
corresponding reflection as the original sign. As the light of the
Moon is a reflection of the Sun, so is the Arudha (Moon) a reflection
of the Rasi (Sun).

• Like Sun and Moon:

• AL is as important as Lagna
• Therefore we must understand the Arudha and what
it represents.

• 3 levels of Reality

1. The Real
2. The real
3. The mind/perception


Paka Lagna

Arudha Lagna
Chandra 10
लग्नाद् यावतिथे राशौ तिष्ठेल्लग्नेश्वरः क्रमात् ।
ततस्तावतिथे राशौ लग्नस्य पदमुच्यते ॥ २॥
If as many signs from the Lagna lord as he is away from the lagna are counted,
the sign that is arrived is called Pada of the lagna.

सर्वेषामाप भावानां ज्ञेयमेवं पदं द्विज ।

तनुभावपदं तत्र बुधा मुख्यपदं विदुः ॥ ३॥
The pada of the other houses should be known in the same way
The lagna pada is Important of all the padas
स्वस्थानं सप्तमं नैवं पदं भवितुमर्हति ।
तस्मिन् पदत्वे विज्ञेयं मध्यं तुर्यं क्रमात् पदम् ॥ ४॥
The same house or the 7th house from it cannot become its pada
When the pada Hppens to be signs own house, the 10th House from there be treated as its Pada
When the 7th House from it becomes Pada, the 4th is to be treated as its Pada

यथा तुर्यस्थिते नाथे तुर्यमेव पदं भवेत् ।

सप्तमे च स्थिते नाथे विज्ञेयं दशमं पदम् ॥ ५॥
The same If the Lord of a house be in the 4th House from it,
then the very house occupied by him be regarded as the Pada.
1. For Rashi arudha, count the sign to the sugn occupied by its lord. Then count as
many signs from the lord. The sign arrived at is the Rashi Arudha.
2. For Graha Arudha, count from the planet to is own sign. Then count as many signs
from its own sign. The sign arrived at is Graha Arudha.
3. If the Arudha of a sign /planet happens to be in the same sign itself , then the tenth
house from it should be treated as the arudha.
4. If the Arudha of sign/ planet happens to be in the seventh sign from it, then the fourth
house from it should be treated as the Arudha.
Arudha lagna (AL) is the image of a person (or any body) which is the reflection of
the ascendant about the lord of the ascendant. The ascendant is the physical
personality & intelligence while the ascendant lord is the applied intelligence (Paka
lagna). The arudha shows the way we are viewed in this world due to our overall
personality and resources as well as due to its use and modifications.

There are arudha for each of the twelve houses and they represent the images that
exist in our minds. For example, the arudha of the fourth house represents the home
environment at childhood. If this is in a sign of Venus then it indicates a strong
presence of mother and her family in shaping childhood.

The arudha lagna represents the final record of all events of ones life that form the
image of the person. This implies images of other houses add to the image of AL.
Impact of darapada (A7) is crucial for relationships, finances and social success.
Importance of Fully Understanding the Arudha

The Lagna is like the Sun, the Arudha lagna

is like the Moon, and the Paka Lagna is like
They are the three eyes; the Sun (right eye),
Moon (left eye) and Jupiter (third eye).
Houses Arudhas Names of Arudha
1 A1 Arudha Lagna/Lagna Pada
2 A2 Dhana Pada/ Kosha Pada
3 A3 Vikrama Pada
4 A4 Matru Pada/ Sukha Pada
5 A5 Mantra Pada/ Putra Pada
6 A6 Roga Pada/ Shatrupada
7 A7 Dara Pada/ Kalatra Pada
8 A8 Marana Pada/ Ayu Pada
9 A9 Pitru Pada/Bhagya pada
10 A10 Karma Pada/ Rajya Pada
11 A11 Labha Pada
12 A12/ UL Vyaya Pada/ Upa Pada Lagna
This is often called delusion more than reality, as our perceptions rarely meet with
the reality of the material world. But this reality that exists in our heads is often
more influential in our behavior than the material world itself. Most people don’t buy
the soap that will get their clothing the cleanest, they buy the one that has had the best
effect on their mind through commercial advertising, graphic design of the box, and
other such marketing aimed at one’s perceptions. A boss doesn’t always pick the most
capable person, they pick the one that presents themselves the best, and is ‘perceived’
as the best employee for the job. The perception, the perceived aspect of oneself, is
very influential with one's interaction with reality. This is especially pertinent when
dealing with how a person relates to others and to the public.

The Arudha (AL) is what is distinctly visible, it is that

which catches the mind.

What an individual may know about themselves (Lagna) may not be what others think
of them (AL).

Looking at a chart from Lagna verse Arudha Lagna will tell these two different
A person may know they are sick but it only becomes known that they are sick
when it is perceived by others due to certain symptoms or going to the

The Arudha Lagna tells about the illusion perceived by others, what people
believe about you, which varies from what really is.

A person may be a crook, but with an exalted AL lord they will still be well liked
and rise in popularity.

It is seen often in the music world that incredible musicians sometimes don’t
get recognized, while mediocre musicians make millions. This is the result of
the Arudha.
The whole world is Maya;
The world is created by the mind, by perception, the world is perception.

Though it may be illusion in the mind, it is still effectively acting on the

manifestation of reality.

The Arudha is not just seen as a perception, for what is perceived is what is
making things move, making things turn and happen.
The Arudha shows the person and how they are perceived.

To compare, if Venus is in Scorpio with A10 of a person born on Nanda tithi,

the person will have an extra-marital affair with their boss or someone from
The A10 shows who, it is showing a person, how that person is perceived, and where
they are being perceived from.

If the A5 is damaged it can hurt the manifestation to have children

In this way, the AL represents the individual (Lagna) and how it is perceived.

The circumstances of death are seen from the 3rd house from AL, it does have a physical
reality to it. As a special ascendant it will give results both in the mind of others and how
their minds react with the reality of the individual. Both mental (perceived image) and
physical results (interaction) are seen from the Arudha Lagna.

The AL is how people see you and interact with you within the material world called
The Grahas each have their respective Guna as clearly mentioned by Rishi Parasara.
जीवसूर्येन्द्रवः सत्त्वं बुधशुक्रौ रजस्तथा ।
सूर्यपुत्रधरापुत्रौ तमःप्रकृ तिकौ द्विज ॥

ಜೀವಸೂರ್ಯೇ೦ದವಃ ಸತ್ತ್ವಂ ಬುಧಶುಕ್ರೌ ರಜಸ್ತಥಾ ।

ಸೂರ್ಯಪುತ್ರಧರಾಪುತ್ರೌ ತಮಃಪ್ರಕೃತಿಕೌ ದ್ವಿಜ ॥

In this verse Parasara says that Jupiter, Surya and Moon are sattvic, Mercury and Venus are rajasic, Saturn and
Mars are tamasic, and then he uses the word prakrtikau, which means ‘all that manifests’. He is saying that
everything manifests from these gunas. The gunas need to manifest before their result manifests. This agrees
directly with the Bhagavad Gita:
Actions in all cases are performed by the gunas of material nature.
So one of the most important attributes of the grahas is their guna, which manifests everything. Creation,
sustenance and destruction are the three interactions of Purusha and Prakritti, they are the three shaktis.
Brahma (rajas) creates, Visnu (sattva) sustains, and Shiva (tamas) destroys.
Doshas of the Mind  

In Ayurveda, there are 3 main doshas (problems) of the body which are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These
are what cause physical imbalance. When the body is treated the main remedy is herbs, diet and

There are 2 main doshas of the mind which are rajas and tamas. When the mind is treated the method
becomes “the increasing of satva”, the balanced state of mind.

सत्त्वात्सञ्जायते ज्ञानं रजसो लोभ एव च |

प्रमादमोहौ तमसो भवतोऽज्ञानमेव च || 17||
sattvāt sañjāyate jñānaṁ rajaso lobha eva cha
pramāda-mohau tamaso bhavato ’jñānam eva cha
From sattva knowledge is born, and from rajas desire,
negligence and delusion arise from tamas and ignorance too.

So when we talk about mind (Moon) the gunas become very important.
It is the Mind that is creating your reality, it is doing this through the gunas which manfest
Introduction to Houses from the Arudha Lagna
The origin of all beings exists from the seed placed in the womb of Brahma as the seed
placed in the womb of any other creature creates that creature.
The Atma (soul) is placed in the womb of Brahma (the Creator) to take on physical
That soul having taken on a body made of prakrti (material nature) is then bound into
that body by the gunas.
Liberation is said to take place when the gunas, which originate in the body, are
They no longer are able to bind down the soul.
How the gunas are transcended is the story of the Gita.
How to understand the gunas and there effect is the story of Jyotish and the Arudha
The gunas of the mind attract your reality to you. A sattvic mind will find itself in a clean
spiritual setting gaining knowledge, a rajasic mind will need to occupy itself with Rahu
sense stimulation and will chase after this and end up in rajas company, rajasic situation,
and all the time increases the samskaras of rajas.
These gunas rule the mind and bind the soul into the body. The body goes where the
gunas of the mind lead it, and the soul follows.
The gunas rule your body, and they rule your mind which is your perception. The mind is
the organ percieving your sensory reality, therefore the gunas are ruling how you are
percieving your reality and how others are percieving you.

ऊर्ध्वं गच्छन्ति सत्त्वस्था मध्ये तिष्ठन्ति राजसा: |

जघन्यगुणवृत्तिस्था अधो गच्छन्ति तामसा: || 18||
ūrdhvaṁ gachchhanti sattva-sthā madhye tiṣhṭhanti rājasāḥ
jaghanya-guṇa-vṛitti-sthā adho gachchhanti tāmasāḥ
Importance of the gunas in manifesting reality
• Who you really are at the soul level and at the level of lagna versus how you are percieved at the level of Arudha
are two different things.

• Do the people at your work really know “you”. No they only know what they percieve of you, what you
consciously let them know, what you unconsciously let them know, what you pretend to be, and all that muddied
up through another indivuals own mind perception. The image of you becomes far from the Truth, it is an image, a
reflection that will change according to the mirror. A clean mirror (uccha lagnesh) giving a better reflection or a
dirty mirror giving a worse reflection.
• It is these perceptions that govern you interaction with reality. These perceptions are in the mind, a mind ruled by
rajas, tamas and sattva. A mind ruling the body. “Actions in all cases are performed by the gunas of material

• I hope this has clarified the importance of the gunas in manifesting reality, and how the gunas relate to the mind
which therefore relates to the Arudha Lagna.
• With this understanding, one can preceed to look at the Arudha Lagna at the level of the gunas, and the gunas of
the planets interacting with it.
• We now understand that the AL is more than just a perception, it is a point of relating to the world.

• Therefore, the houses from the AL can be understood to affect both the perception of the individual as well as
how they actually act and are treated in the world.
Lagna is satya peetha or the seat of truth.
Arudha lagna is maya peetha or the seat of illusion.
Both stand for self, but they stand for different shades of self.
Lagna stands for true self and arudha lagna stands for perceived
Arudha lagna stands for "self, as perceived by this maya world".
The houses from the Arudha Lagna all have their guna.
Laya A Lagna Sthiti Laya
• Houses: Destruction Srushti Sustenance Destruction
• 1 Creation Creation
• 2 Sustenance
• Sthiti Srushti
3 Destruction
Sustenance Creation
• 4 Creation
• 5 Sustenance
• 6 Destruction Srushti Sthiti
Creation Sustenance
• 7 Creation
• 8 Sustenance
• 9 Destruction Laya Sthiti Srushti Laya
• 10 Creation Destruction Sustenance Creation Destruction
• 11 Sustenance
• 12 Destruction
A1 or AL, Lagna Pada You, your reputation, your image and appearance
A2 Possessions, wealth, food and family (accumulated stuff)
A3 Siblings, short trips, communications of all kinds, including that hastily
written email!
A4 Home, vehicles, land and mother (things that make us happy)
A5 Children, fame, sporting achievements
A6 Competitions, obstacles (perceived ones, anyway), debts
A7 Partnerships (romantic and business)
A8 Loans, inheritance
A9 Father, teachers, long travels
A10 Status, position, career, professional attainments
A11 Elder siblings, income, gains, awards, friends and associates
A12 or UL Long-term partner, foreign travel
Arudha Lagna: 1st House
 Making things happen for the image to get things in this world, to get fame,
recognition, it is working for your success.
 Uccha AL lord brings high status, but if it is a malefic it will bring high status and
problems as well. The status of the AL and its lord will affect what image you are
creating in the world and how the world is treating you.
 Planets conjunct the AL will have a tremendous influence on the person’s image,
and what they do. Jupiter and Moon in the Arudha lagna is the best as it will make
the person famous now and even after death.
 It is important to be aware of planets and other Arudhas conjunct the Arudha
Lagna. When one gets activated they will all get activated. For example, if A6 and
AL are conjunct, then when the image rises, so will disease or enemies rise up and
show their face.
Jupiter tends to protect one's image and reputation, either by transit or natal position. Nataly,
Jupiter with the AL will show someone who seems knowledgeable, someone who teaches or
gives advice. 
Rāhu (Moon's north node) exaggerates one's reputation, and not necessarily in a good way.
Rāhu ​can show scandals and controversies.
Ketu (Moon's south node) may suggest not being seen, as well as being perceived as an
unusual person, an outsider, just as with Rāhu, but possibly not as controversial. Ketu with the
AL in the birth chart can show someone who is seen as using a different language to everyone
else, maybe a computer language, or a secret, spiritual, or other worldly language. Either way,
these people are seen as unusual. 
Saturn decreases or sullies the image and reputation. If Saturn is placed with the AL in the birth
chart, the person may appear serious, detached, and maybe even mean, even if that is not how
they see themselves or wish to be. Remember, this is the result of who you are and what you put
your energy into. If Saturn is in dignity it may not be as harsh, but it will still cast a cold eye
over one's image and how others perceive you, creating a less-than flattering view.  
If Sun is with the AL, it shows a noble person, someone who may appear to be a
leader, powerful and maybe even domineering, depending. 
Moon with AL = Popular, caring, sensitive and maybe a little fickle. 
Mars with AL = Competitive, courageous, maybe even quarrelsome. 
Mercury with AL = Intellectual, witty, funny, and maybe contradictory. 
Venus with AL = Charming, glamourous, well-mannered, and maybe self-
indulgent. ​
2nd house from Arudha Lagna
• The 2nd house from the Arudha lagna is a house of sustenance.
• I will for the moment call AL2 for ease of writing, reading and speaking.
• It’s natural karaka is Jupiter, so its the sustenance of Jupiter, which is a
powerful supporting force.

• Positive planets here can uplift the Arudha by giving it the best sustenance.
• Malefics can pull the Arudha down by the negativities they represent.
• For example, Saturn second from the AL may show a person whose
reputation is damaged by lying. Or if Mars and Venus were second from AL
then the person may have their reputation ruined by sexual scandal. The AL2
will sustain the Arudha, and benefics placed here will give the Arudha Lagna
good nourishment to rise.
3rd house from Arudha Lagna
• The AL3 is a tamasic destroying house and its karaka is Mars.
• This is a very hard placement and will show a breaking nature.
• Benefics in this house are often renounced, their significations are broken out of the life.
• Tamasic planets act very harsh here as they are supported. People with Saturn and Mars
in this placement will be known for their harsh behavior. This can be applied beneficially
in areas of employment like war, court, and money collection agencies, where harshness
makes one good on the job.
• Jaimini says that malefics in the 3rd and 6th will make one good at military service.
• The 3rd and 6th houses are houses of Parakrama (energy/war/destruction), malefics
here will make a person strong and fighting, while benefics will make a person passive.
• An exalted benefic in the 3rd or 6th from AL is said to make a person very spiritual (this
will be explained under AL6).
• The AL3 has many other special features.
4th house from Arudha Lagna

• The AL4 is a creating (rajasic) house with the natural karaka of

the Moon.
• The AL worked for its own image, the AL4 is working more for
the image of the family or community of the person.
• Trines are the most important from the lagna and the Sun.
• Quadrants are most important from the Moon and the Arudha
5th house from Arudha Lagna

• The AL5 is a sattvic (sustaining) house.

• It has the same karaka as the previous sattvic house, but
comes to be the secondary sustenance.
• It shows the achievements and recognition that one gets for
their learning and skills.
• One who is known to be a good craftsman will gain more
sustenance than one who is not known as a good craftsman.
• This can also be compared with the AL of the D10 and D24 for
insight into respective areas.
6 th
house from Arudha Lagna
• The AL6 is another tamasic house with tamasic karakas.
• It is a dangerously destructive house.

• Rajasic planets lose their want to create.

• The sattvic planets are weak here
• Tamasic planets have a similar effect as in the third house, though here they are
much more active.

• Malefics here will give a person a very warring nature.

• Jaimini says, “if malefics are in the 3rd and 6th houses [from AL], the native
joins the armed forces” (1.3.36).
• Malefics in these placements will give a person a harsh tone in their voice and
they will often be perceived as aggressive.
7th house from Arudha Lagna

• The AL7 is a creative house

• The house opposite the Arudha Lagna.
• This is the dwara of the Arudha, the door the image must go
• Malefics here can block the door of the Arudha.
• A planet placed here will show what one has to go through to
have the Arudha rise, to get known, that which we go through on
the way to our rise. It also shows how we relate to the public
(karaka Venus).
8 th
house from Arudha Lagna
• The AL8 is a house of sustenance though its karaka is Saturn, the significator of
• Planets here will show how healthy a person is perceived, or how the life in
you is perceived.
• Sattvic and rajasic planets will make one be perceived as healthy, while
tamasics will let everyone know your bad habits.
• The AL8 also shows transformation, and how nicely or destructively that is
done is shown by the planets placed here.
• Benefics in houses 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8 give excellent results.
• The only benefic that won’t give good results in this placement is the Moon, as
it is the karaka of the Arudha Lagna, to be placed 8th from it will not have good
effect for the overall Arudha.
• The AL8 also shows whether people will give you a loan or not, as it shows how
people perceive your financial position and whether people will take a risk
with you.
9th house from Arudha Lagna
 The AL9 is a tamasic (destructive) house though its karaka is
the benefic Jupiter, in this way it is very different than the
other tamasic houses which have tamasic karakas.
 The destruction and changes that take place are usually for the
 For example, a person quitting one job to take another better
paying job.
 Any planet in the 9th from AL will give support, though
malefics like Mars, Saturn, and Rahu will do so through
negative means.
 Upagrahas (Dhooma, vyatipat, parivesa, Indrachapa, Upaketu)
are good in 9th from AL.
10th house from Arudha Lagna

 The 10th house from the Arudha Lagna is a creative (rajasic)

house as it works to give you what you want and need in the
material world.
 Sattvic and rajasic planets will uplift you especially in their
 Malefics here will ruin your reputation and health, your work
and how you do your work.
 For malefics in the AL10 the worship of Durga during their dasa
is advised.
11th house from Arudha Lagna
 The AL11 is another sattva (sustenance) house.
 It shows what is being given to you, or what your sources for
sustenance are.
 Planets in this house and aspects to it show where money is
coming from.
 When a person is debating about getting into a certain business
field you can check this house to see if they have the ability to
make money from it.
12th house from Arudha Lagna
 The AL12 is a tamasic house with Saturn as a Karaka.
 This house shows losses of money as well as secret enemies.
 The AL2 is the sattva that sustains you
 AL12 is the tamas that is destroying you.
 All planets here will show secret enemies, even the Moon will show
problems with motherly women, or Jupiter will show problems from learned
people, let alone a malefic like Mars showing problems from the police.
 Just as planets and aspects to the AL11 showed gains, planets and aspects to
the AL12 show what the money is being lost on. Mars here may show legal
problems, Sun will show government taxes, etc.

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