Cyber Security-Attack Life Cycle
Cyber Security-Attack Life Cycle
Cyber Security-Attack Life Cycle
Dr. Bhawana Rudra
Disclaimer: The images and Information has been
used from various resources of the web.
Network Security Principles
HACKING :- Hacking in simple terms means an illegal
intrusion info a computer system and/or network . It is
also known as CRACKING. Government websites are
the hot target of the hackers due to the press coverage,
it receives.
Hackers enjoy the media coverage. Motive behind the
crime called HACKERS Motive behind the crime
called hacking greed power, publicity, revenge,
adventure desire to access forbidden information
destructive mindset wants to sell n/w security services.
CHILD PORNOGRAPHY : The Internet is being highly used
by its abusers to reach and abuse children sexually,
worldwide. As more homes have access to internet, more
children would be using the internet and more are the
chances of falling victim to the aggression of Pedophiles.