Quail Farming: Dr. Ghulam Abbas Hashmi PHD Poultry Science MSC (Hons) Poultry Science MSC (Hons) Molecular Genetics
Quail Farming: Dr. Ghulam Abbas Hashmi PHD Poultry Science MSC (Hons) Poultry Science MSC (Hons) Molecular Genetics
Quail Farming: Dr. Ghulam Abbas Hashmi PHD Poultry Science MSC (Hons) Poultry Science MSC (Hons) Molecular Genetics
Semi-intensive system
Semi-intensive system is a combination of intensive and open system. It has a
deep litter system attached with an enclosed run. The run is enclosed from all sides
as well as from above with a strong wire mesh. The size of the run may be 4 to 10
times more than the deep litter area. The birds take night shelter in the deep litter
system and run around, during the day time. Feeding may be done inside the deep
litter or in .the run.
Semi-intensive system is possible only for people who have ample space.
However, in this system the birds are more vulnerable to diseases and parasites
due to poor sanitation.
To follow semi-intensive system in cages is too expensive
1. Aviary system
2. Floor system
a) Conventional litter system
b) Deep litter/ Floor
Six quails can be reared in 1 sq.ft. of floor space. After 2 weeks,
Quails can be reared in cages. This will help to gain good body
weight. Litter is not removed between batches and more is added.
Thus litter fermention produce enough heat to destroy pathogens.
Cheap but litter born problems
c) Deep pit system
pit below a wire floor. Dropping fall through the mash and
accumulate on the solid floor of the pit and are removed
through the side doors
Constructional details of a quail house depends on the system of
housing: whether deep litter or cage system. However certain
principles should be kept in mind. They are:
1. Good aeration and ventilation should be ensured.
2. Various components should be arranged in such a way that
performance of various operations become easy.
3. The housing should ensure clean and healthy atmosphere.
4. The birds should be protected from inclement weather and predators.
5. Maximum utilization of space should be ensured while constructing
the house.
6. Proper roofing should be constructed.
In deep litter system, a small wall up to a height of one and half feet
to two and half feet is constructed all around and a wire mesh is fixed
for the rest of the wall up to the roof. However, if needed, facilities
should be provided to protect the quails from severe cold and hot
Floor Space / Bird.
Cm2 Ft2
Brooding(1-3WK) 75 0.08
2800 2800 2750 2750
(Kcal /Kg)
Protein % 27 24 24 20
Calcium % 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.6
0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Feed consumption
Feed material should be made of small particles
A 5 weeks old quail consumes about 500 gms of feed
Quails of 6 month old, consumes about 30-35 gms of feed
per day.
Quails require about 400 gms feed for the production of
12 eggs.
The particle size is reduced by grinding the feed for one
more time.
Feeding Space / Bird.
Cm Inch
1 Week 24
2nd Week 24
3rd Week 12
4th Week 12
5th Week 12
6th Week 13
7th Week 14
8th Week 15
9th Week 16
Other times 16
Only birds which are healthy and with uniform size should be
selected. The small ones should be culled.
On the 35th day, the male and female birds can be segregated
and transferred to the laying cages.
Males have dark cinnamon color (rusty brown) feathers on upper
throat and cloacal gland.
females feathers on the throat and upper breasts are long,
pointed and much light cinnamon in appearance.
Male is smaller than female (200-250 g).
Males have characteristic crowing sounds.
Breeding Management.
Male: female ratio is 1:5
Quails have preferential mating, to avoid it is better to keep them in
About 75% of all chicken eggs are laid in the morning, whereas
quail lays 75 % of the eggs in the after noon
Fertile eggs from the female of age 10 to 20 weeks can be collected
Eggs should be collected very frequently and carefully
Eggs should be stored at 550 F with 70% relative humidity before
Eggs should be stored at 130C at 80% RH for 5-7 days
Fumigate (1X) the eggs for 20 minutes before storage.
Quails do not hatch their eggs. So incubator is required
for hatching their eggs.
Eggs of 9 to 11 grams weight with smooth and hard
eggshell are perfect for hatching and producing chicks.
Incubation period. 17 days.
Hatchability %. 80- 90.
Incubators that are used for hatching chicken eggs can be
A wire mesh or grid of 1.5 x 1 inch should be fitted on
the setter trays
Incubation and hatching
o Incubators that are used for hatching chicken eggs can be used
o A wire mesh or grid of 1.5 x 1 inch should be fitted on the setter
o Incubation requirement are as follows:
Brooder pneumonia
Treatmet calcium propionate@2kg/tonnes feed.
Ulcerative enteritis
Sterptomycin, bacitricin, and neomycin @50-100g/tonnes
of feed for 5 days.
rattles while breathing and coughing. There can also be
conjunctivitis, (inflammation of the eye)
Tylan: 1 teaspoon per gallon of water for 5 days
standing in the corner with fluffed up feathers, eyes closed,
droopiness, blood and sometimes mucus in the poop, loss of
appetite, not drinking and have usually lost enough weight .
Corid or coaxial 20 in the powder form: 1 1/2 teaspoons
per gallon of for 5-7 days