Evaluating Messages And/or Images of Different Types of Texts Reflecting Different Cultures

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Evaluating Messages and/or Images of

Different Types of Texts Reflecting

Different Cultures
• Is a dynamic convergence of two or more
communication modes within the same
text. All modes are attended to as part of

• Examples of modes to be converged:

image, gesture, music, spoken language,
and written language.
Multimodal text
Combines two or more
semiotic systems like:

Picture book-in
which the textual and
visual elements are
arranged on individual
pages that contribute
to an overall set of
bound pages.
• Webpage-in which elements such as
sound effects, oral language, written
language, music and still or moving
images are combined
• Live performance-in which gesture,
music and space are the main elements.
• A multimodal text can be paper – such as
books, comics, posters.
• A multimodal
text can
be digital –
from slide
e-books, blogs,
e-posters, web
pages, and
social media,
through to
animation, film
and video
• And, a multimodal text can be transmedia– where the
story is told using ‘multiple delivery channels’ through a
combination of media platforms, for example, book,
comic, magazine, film, web series, and video game
mediums all working as part of the same story . 
Semiotic Systems

• For spoken and written language through

the use of vocabulary, generic structure
and grammar.

• For music, sound effects, noises, ambient

noise, and silence, through the use of
volume, pitch and rhythm.

• For still and moving images through the

use of color, saliency page, layouts,
vectors, viewpoint, screen formats, visual
symbols, shot framing, subject distance
and angle, camera movement, subject

• For movement of body, hands and eyes,

facial expressions, demeanors and body
language, and use of rhythm, speed,
stillness and angles.

For environmental and architectural spaces

and use of proximity, direction, layout,
position and organization of objects in
Cultural Sensitivity
in a Multimodal Text
Multimodality in
• IKEA once tried to sell a workbench called
“FARTFULL” not a hugely popular product
for obvious reasons.
• Both Clairol and the Irish alcoholic
drink “Irish Mist” did not properly
consider the German language
when they launched their products
there. Clairol’s hair-curling iron
“Mist Stick” and the drink “Irish
Mist” both flopped. Why? “Mist”
translates in German as “manure.”
• A new facial cream with the name “Joni”
was proposed for marketing in India. They
changed the name since the word
translated in Hindi meant “female
“All the examples cited above could
easily have been avoided by
conducting some basic research in
respect to checking the concept,
design, shape, color, packaging,
message or name in the target
“In the majority of cases it is simply
assumed that “if it is okay for us, it is
okay for them.” If businesses want to
succeed internationally, cultural
sensitivity must be at the heart of
everything they do; from their personal
interaction and relationships with clients
to the products/services they develop.”
1. Describe the advertisements. What do they show?
2. What multimodal communication semiotic systems are present in the
advertisements? Describe how they were used.
3. Did the advertisements achieve emotional impact when you first saw them?
What emotions did the advertisement trigger in you?
4. What emotional response do you think the models were trying to evoke on
viewers? Did the models’ intention match your emotional reaction? Explain.
5. What concept or idea do you think the models were trying to portray by the
6. Do you think the models were successful in translating these thoughts into
culture and language sensitive form? What aspects of the advertisements lead
you to this conclusion?
7. What are the lacking cultural and language sensitivity demonstrated in the
8. What other multimodal can you use to present the idea or message in the
ads above?

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