Evaluating Messages And/or Images of Different Types of Texts Reflecting Different Cultures
Evaluating Messages And/or Images of Different Types of Texts Reflecting Different Cultures
Evaluating Messages And/or Images of Different Types of Texts Reflecting Different Cultures
Picture book-in
which the textual and
visual elements are
arranged on individual
pages that contribute
to an overall set of
bound pages.
• Webpage-in which elements such as
sound effects, oral language, written
language, music and still or moving
images are combined
• Live performance-in which gesture,
music and space are the main elements.
• A multimodal text can be paper – such as
books, comics, posters.
• A multimodal
text can
be digital –
from slide
e-books, blogs,
e-posters, web
pages, and
social media,
through to
animation, film
and video
• And, a multimodal text can be transmedia– where the
story is told using ‘multiple delivery channels’ through a
combination of media platforms, for example, book,
comic, magazine, film, web series, and video game
mediums all working as part of the same story .
Semiotic Systems