3 Main Food Group: Reporter: Mercy Grace Yongco - MPA I

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3 Main Food Group

Reporter: Mercy Grace Yongco - MPA I

Go Food
✔ foods that give us energy to be active and helps our body function more efficiently and
actively. It also play an important role in providing fuel to maintain healthy brain function
as well as give energy to different systems in the body.
✔ People who do physical labour, children, and pregnant and breastfeeding women need lots
of these foods.
Grow Food
✔ protein-rich foods that help the body to grow and develop strong bones and muscles.
Proteins are as the building blocks of life as they build and repair cells and tissues, and
make hormones, enzymes, and antibodies.
✔ This group of food not only make you taller and vigorous, but it also improves your brain
health by increasing your alertness.
Glow Food
✔  are
abundant in vitamins and minerals that help strengthen the immune system, to
efficiently fight off illness, viruses and infections and also aid in the faster healing of
wounds, repair of damaged cells, as well as to keep glowing skin, shiny hair, bright eyes,
and healthy nails.
✔ Help us in our digestion and removal of waste to keep our body fit.
Eating Disorder
An obsession with food and weight that may harms a person’s well-

People with eating disorders go to extreme to keep from gaining

Main Eating Disorder

1. Anorexia
- is an eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body weight, an intense fear of
gaining weight and a distorted perception of weight.

Warning sign of Anorexia

● Constant worry about dieting, food, calories, and weight.
● You complain a lot about being “fat”
● You refuse to eat whole groups of food, like carbohydrates.
● You pretend you're not hungry when really you are.
● You stick to a difficult exercise schedule.
2. Bulimia
- an eating disorder that causes you to eat large amounts of food at one time (binge) and then get rid of it
(purge). And may also cause an obsession with achieving an unrealistic body size or shape. A person
living with this eating disorder might be obsessed with their weight and can often be self-critical.

Symptoms that you have Bulimia:

● Being preoccupied with your body shape and weight
● Forcing yourself to vomit or exercising too much to keep from gaining weight after bingeing
● Using laxatives, diuretics or enemas after eating when they're not needed
● Fasting, restricting calories or avoiding certain foods between binges
● Using dietary supplements or herbal products excessively for weight loss
3. Binge Eating Disorder
- an eating disorder in which you frequently consume unusually large amounts of food and feel
unable to stop eating.

Symptoms that you have Binge:

● Eating unusually large amounts of food in a specific amount of time, such as over a two-hour period
● Feeling that your eating behavior is out of control
● Eating even when you're full or not hungry
● Eating rapidly during binge episodes
● Eating until you're uncomfortably full
● Frequently eating alone or in secret
● Feeling depressed, disgusted, ashamed, guilty or upset about your eating
● Frequently dieting, possibly without weight loss
Tips for preventing eating disorder:
● Get rid of the notion that a particular diet, weight or body size will automatically lead to happiness and fulfillment.
● Avoid categorizing foods as “good/safe” vs. “bad/dangerous.” Remember that we all need to eat a balanced variety
of foods. A healthy diet should focus on whole foods but allows room to enjoy all kinds of food in moderation.
● Stop judging others and yourself based on body weight or shape.
● Choose to value yourself based on your goals, accomplishments, talents and character. Avoid letting the way you
feel about your body weight and shape determine the course of your day. Celebrate your body’s unique shape and
size and embrace the natural diversity of human bodies. When you do think about your body, don’t focus on how it
looks but on what it can do.
Key Takeaway

A healthy eating lifestyle does not

mean you need to restrict yourself
from all the foods you love eating.
It’s about having a balanced diet
where you can get all the nutrition
you need. Including the right
amount of go, grow and glow foods
in your meals is a great way to
maintain good nutrition and get
back to eating healthy and living
✔ https://www.childrenforhealth.org/the-collection/nutrit

✔ https://www.hellodoctor.com.ph/healthy-eating/nutriti

✔ https://naqld.org/app/uploads/2013/11/FSS_FS33a-Go

✔ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONrctLRyQ6M

✔ https://www.mayoclinic.org/

✔ https://www.getsmarter.com/blog/market-trends/what-

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