Schoolwide Character Education Proposal
Schoolwide Character Education Proposal
Schoolwide Character Education Proposal
Anna Underhill
Department of Education, Grand Canyon University
EAD-520: Strengthening Curricular Programs to Promote Continuous School Improvement
Dr. Jeffrey Mehlenbacher
August 3, 2022
• Character Counts! is a
program that utilizes the
“Six Pillars of Character:
trustworthiness, respect,
responsibility, fairness,
caring, and citizenship”
• Promotes a positive school
Operates on the Four
Wheels of Success
• Teaches the whole
Character Education Based on Key
• “Character Education is a national movement creating schools that foster ethical,
responsible, and caring young people by modeling and teaching good character
through an emphasis on universal values that we all share. It is the intentional,
proactive effort by schools, districts, and states to instill in their students important
core, ethical values such as respect for self and others, responsibility, integrity, and
self-discipline. It provides long-term solutions that address moral, ethical, and
academic issues that are of growing concern about our society and the safety of our
schools. Character education may address such critical issues as student
absenteeism, discipline problems, drug abuse, gang violence, teen pregnancy, and
poor academic performance. Parents are the primary moral educators of their
children. An effective character education program in the schools supports the
home by encouraging positive character development. At its best, character
education integrates positive values into every aspect of the school day”
(Gulbrandson, 2018).
Results of
• Failing grades reduced by 26%
• Verbal altercations went down
by 68% (2021)
• Physical violence reported by
students declined to 30% (2021)
• Principals reported an 85%
increase in students treating each
other kindly (2021)
How This Supports the
Mission and Vision
•“Encourage Excellence Every Day Through
Compassion, Commitment, and Community”
•We believe that a healthy, safe, fun, and accessible
environment (physically, emotionally, socially) is
essential to learning.
•We believe education is a partnership among the
community, parents, students and school personnel
through collaboration and communication.
• Marvin W. Berkowitz, & Melinda C. Bier. (2004). Research-Based Character Education. The Annals
of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 591, 72–85.
• Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS). (n.d.). What is PBIS? Center on PBIS.
Retrieved August 3, 2022, from