Mobilink Jazz
Mobilink Jazz
Mobilink Jazz
Threats Opportunities Targets Latest offers Coverage Networks Market share Company address
History of Mobilink
Pakistan Mobile Communications PTA statistics about, Mobilink. Mobilink start operations. Mobilink is the largest. Mobilink, and the Orascom group. "Mobilink Infinity" WIMAX.
We pride ourselves on being the first cellular service provider to operate on a 100% digital GSM technology in Pakistan that also provides state-of-the-art communication solutions to its customers.
Pakistan Mobile Communications Limited (Mobilink), a subsidiary of Orascom Telecom, started its operations in 1994, and has become the market leader both in terms of growth as well as having the largest customer subscriber base in Pakistan - a base of over 28 million and growing.
Mobilink jazz
Value Mission
"To be the leading Telecommunication Services Provider in Pakistan by offering innovative Communication solutions for our Customers while exceeding Shareholder value & Employee Expectations.
Mobilink's Values
Total Customer Satisfaction Business Excellence Trust & Integrity Respect for People Corporate Social Responsibility
Mobilinks Mission
To be a Superior Communication Service company in Pakistan which provides the best value to its customers, employees , business partners, and shareholders.
President and CEO Zouhair Abdul Khaliq Chief Finance Officer Ehab Rochdy Chief Information Officer Tariq Rashid Vice President Human Resources, Administration & Security Ali Raza Mehdi Vice President Sales Irfan Akram
Vice President Marketing Bilal Munir Sheikh Vice President Customer Services Mustafa Peracha Vice President Strategic Planning, Business Development & PMO Naeem Zamindar Vice President Corporate Affairs Agha Qasim Chief Technical Officer Marius Constantin Armeanca
Human Customer Quality Information Engineering Resources Marketing System Care Assurance & Admin
acknowledged market leader. wide area. good services. Mobilink users are very much satisfied. distinctive competence. financial resources. competative skill. effective product innovation. Equity. well qualified & able employees. wide spread services.
Following weaknesses are identified in Mobilink: costly services. poor connectivity. product line is narrow.
Larger opportunities to expand services Target markets & new market segments Rapid market growth.
Jazz Budget
Mobilink Indigo
Ladies First
For the first time ever Mobilink brings Mobilink PCO. Mobilink launches Mobilink PCO to help alleviate poverty.
Short Messaging Services(sms) MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service).
Bolo sms
Latest Offers
Jazz brings to you the 24 Ghanta Offer, where you can now talk for 100 minutes in a day for only Rs. 29. Now you can talk freely to more than 30 million Mobilink family members without the restriction of day and night.
Jazz brings another exciting offer Now you can send unlimited SMS to any network in Pakistan between 12:00am (midnight) to 12:00 pm, only for Rs 1.99+tax/day.
Jazz welcomes all of its family members back with our new reactivation offer, made specifically for those of you who have not used your Jazz connection since the 10th of February 2010.
Mobitunes - A Personalized Ring Back Tone Service which allows you to make your callers listen to your chosen Mobitunes instead of the conventional tone
Mobilink provides the widest coverage network, covering more than 10,000+ cities, towns, and villages across Pakistan.
Mobilink indigo
Poora Signal Poora Pakistan
Years of Business Cities Investment Switches Cell Sites Optical Cable Deployment Switch Types Radio Base Stations Intelligent Networks Microwave Equipment Operating Frequency SMSC
13 7000+
USD 1 Billion+ 66 6,300 5,000 KM Nokia-Siemens, Alcatel, Huawei NokiaMotorola and Alcatel Siemens NEC and Alcatel 900/1800 MHz Logica CMG
Market shares
Company address
CUSTOMER CARE CENTRE MOBILINK HOUSE LAHORE. Service Centre Manager Syed Sadqeen . Address 5 P Gulberg II, Lahore. PTC Number 042 5770101-8 Fax Number 042 5770128
Company address
CUSTOMER CARE CENTRE EDEN CENTRE LAHORE . Service Centre Manager Rahim Dar Address Ground Floor, Eden Centre, 43-Jail Road, Lahore.
Company address
Service Centre Manager Faisal Abbas 26, The Mall (Opposite Telephone and Telegraph Office), Lahore. 042-111300300 042-7351517