Teori Personaliti Psikodinamik

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4 Basic Theoretical Foundations Of
1. Psychic determinism: Leaving things to chance

2. The influence of unconscious mind: Powers of the unknown

3. The dynamic nature of personality: The give and take of personality

4. Personality as a closed system: Operating on a limited amount of

1. Psychic determinism: Leaving things to chance
 Behavior does not just happen by chance but is governed by some purpose or meaning
 Slip of the tongue, jokes and dreams

2. The influence of unconscious mind: Powers of the unknown

 Powerful forces in the unconscious  thoughts, ideas; desires and impluses that individuals
find threatening, shameful, or unacceptable
 Dirty jokes  safe expression of individual’s sexual desires and impulses
3. The dynamic nature of personality: The give and take of personality
 Homeostatic  maintaining balance within personality
 Balance of work and social life

4. Personality as a closed system: Operating on a limited amount of

 Libido psychic energy to maintain sense of internal balance
 Studying  talking to friends  studying
 Taking a break  save psychic energy  if not will waste a lot of energy trying to
concentrate while tired
Basic Concepts of Personality Theory
• Conscious mind  the tip of iceberg
• Sensory awareness  seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, tasting
• Have little influence on determining behavior
• Preconscious mind  what you need to play trivial pursuit
• Brought into awareness when needed
• Sensory censorship point  forget unpleasant or threatening info from reaching conscious level
• Unconscious mind  the land down under
• Largest and most influential region of the mind
• Has unlimited capacity to store info for unlimited time
• Holds unacceptable memories, urges, desires as could seriously threaten the person’s sense of
self if they were expressed directly
Nature of instincts
• Life instincts
• Preserve organism and achieve pleasure by satisfying bodily needs through
appropriate objects
• Death instincts
• Rather destructive, aggressive; the dark side of human nature

• “Because life instincts exert too much pressure, it is difficult for people to express
their death instincts inwardly against themselves. People have the tendency to
express them outwardly toward other people – arguing, fighting, and killing.”
Core of Personality
• Id  tendency to seek immediate gratification without regard to the real
• Ego  master of reality; buffer between the unconscious and irrational
wished of id; delay id until realistic object or method can be achieved
• Superego  moral standards; ego ideal and conscience; ego ideal 
rewards all behaviors considered right. Appropriate & morally acceptable;
conscience  punishes all behaviors considered wrong, ….
• Exert control over ego to behave in an acceptable manner
• Conflict between SE and Ego resolved at the unconscious level
Nature and Role of Anxiety
(psychic warning to ego)

Reality Neurotic Moral

Real danger- darkness, snake No actual physical danger Internal conflict between SE and
Better at planning strategy to Trigger by SE when it believes E is contemplating doing
minimize level of anxiety Ego is losing control to something that violates SE moral
unpleasant impulses standards
Jump off a very tall building Guilt feelings or shame – to
prevent E from carrying out
unacceptable thoughts or
Irrational fear of something
Ego Defense Mechanism: A psychic system of defense
against anxiety
• Unconscious & somewhat irrational reactions taken by ego to reduce anxiety
• Repression  out of sight, out of mind
• Denial  that can’t be true
• Reaction formation  expressing the opposite reaction
• Projection  pointing the finger at others
• Displacement  finding a safe and easy target
• Rationalization  saving face by using logic
• Regression  acting like a baby
• Undoing  atoning for sins
• Sublimation  turning bad into good
Psychodynamic Personality Development: The Psychosexual Stages

• Oral stage  learning to cope with significant losses (0-2 yrs old)
• Anal stage  learning when and where (2-4 yrs old)
• Phallic stage laying foundation for morality & sex-role behavior(4-5yrs
• Latency stage  time of peace for practicing same sex peer group (5-13
yrs old)
• Genital stage  learning to love (13 above)
Maladaptive Personality Development

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