Hearing Aids PPT Final

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Hearing Aids

Implanted Hearing Devices
Group Members :
Muskan Anwar Tamboli
Stuti David Tayade
Christina Thomas
Juby Thomas
Aleena Varghese
Jiya Wagh
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• Objectives
• Hearing Aids • Cochlear Implant
 Definition  Definition
 Functions  Function
 Basic parts of Hearing Aid  Used in Disorders
 General Considerations  Tests done
 Types of Hearing Aids  Criteria for selection
• Implanted Hearing Devices  Working of Implants
 Benefits of Implants
 Training of Deaf – Mutes
• Conclusion
• Bibliography

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The students will understand the :

1) The definition & function of Hearing Aids
2) The basic parts, its general considerations, types of hearing aids
3) Get an understanding on Cochlear implants
4) How to train deaf & mutes
5) Understand the overall importance of hearing aids.

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Hearing Aids
Definition :
“The hearing aids is a device that brings
sound to the ear more effectively. It is a
miniature version audioamplifier which
is designed specifically for improving
human communication”

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The two main functions of the Hearing Aids are –
1. It amplifies sound
2. It helps in changing the acoustic signal to an electrical

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Basic Parts Of Hearing Aids :

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General Considerations About Hearing
• Use of hearing aids is palliative. It does not cure deafness.
It only amplifies sound & alleviate effects of deafness.
• An hearing aid rarely restores hearing acuity to 100
• A hearing aid simplifies to amplify all frequencies within
its range, does not select or emphasize certain frequencies
over others as ear does.
• Hence, patients are given trial of hearing aids to know
whether it suits the patients needs or not.

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Types Of Hearing Aids

Most common type of air

conducting hearing aid.
Worn at chest level, receiver
situated at the ear level.
Allows high degree of

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Behind The Ear

Behind the ear hearing aid.Worn

behind the ear and are connected
to a plastic ear mould that fits
inside the outer ear. Components
held in case behind the ear.
Sound travels from aid through
ear mould may cause feedback a
whistle sound caused by the fit of
the hearing aid or by buildup of
ear wax.

In The Ear
Canal Aid

In the ear canal aids:They

are customized to fit the
shape and size of the ear
canal. Small piece hearing
aid. Components contained
in a custom fit hard molded
plastic shell. Fits outside the
ear canal.Slightly visible in
the ear.

Completely in
Canal (CIC)

They are mostly concealed in the

ear canal Because of their small
size, canal aids may be difficult
for the user to adjust and
remove. May not be able to hold
additional devices such as
telecoil. Not recommended for
children. Components contained
in a custom fit hard molded
plastic shell

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Aids Built In Eye
Glass frames

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Implanted Hearing Devices

• Implantable hearing devices work by stimulating the bones of the

middle ear (ossicles) rather than amplifying sounds in the ear canal.
This strengthens sound vibrations in the inner ear, and enables
those with sensorineural hearing loss to be able to communicate.
• They are of three types-
1) Cochlear Implants [ Commonly Used]
2) Bone Conduction Hearing Device
3) Auditory Brainstem Implants (API)

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Cochlear Implant

• It is an electronic device that can provide useful hearing & improved

communication abilities for persons who have severe to profound
hearing loss and who cannot benefit from hearing aids.
• It consists of stimulating the auditory system with electrical
impulses. The cochlea itself acts as a transducer changing
mechanical energy of the sound vibration into electrical impulses.

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• Following are the disorders causing severe hearing loss :-

1. Congenital Deafness
2. Trauma [ Head injury/ Surgery]
3. Labyrinthitis
4. Ototoxic drugs
5. Meniere‘s disease
6. Meningitis
7. Idiopathic

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Diagnostic Test

• These diagnostic test are done to evaluate the degree of deafness

and to assess the quality of surviving neurons –
1. Pure Tone Audiometry- No response by patient
2. Electrocochleography – determines the requirement of cochlear
implant in a patient
3. Promontory Stimulation – it is stimulation of cochlea by various
approaches to determine the benefit of implant in patients.
4. Other methods of test are otologic & audiologic examination,
counselling of patient, psychological assessment and physical
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Criteria For Selection

• The criteria for selection of patients for implant are as follows –

1. Bilateral deafness - average threshold 95db
2. Age – In congenital deaf babies implant should be done within 4
3. There should be no improvement to hearing with the use of hearing
4. Availability of patient for post operative rehabilitation programme.
5. Cochlear Implants are more useful in post lingually deaf patients.

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• How does the
Hearing aid &you have to attribute!*
Implant work?

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Benefits of Cochlear Implants
• Immediate detection of normal everyday sounds
• An important gain which is observed by users is
improvement in lip reading
• Tinnitus usually diminished or decrease after implantation.

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Training of Deaf- Mutes
• Speech reading / Lip reading
• Auditory training
• Speech conservation
• Alerting devices
• Tele-communication devices
• Closed caption Television decoders

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In hearing aids and implanted hearing devices in which we discussed

definition, functions, parts of hearing aids types, working of implants,
Tests done to evaluate deafness, criteria and training of deaf.
So from this presentation we could understand how important hearing
aids are to improve quality of hearing and living.

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• Mohammad Maqbool & Suhail Maqbool,

• Textbook of Ear, Nose & Throat disease ,
11th Edition,
Page No : 124 – 130.

• Center for devices and Radiology Health,

Scientific Reviewer in Audiology,
Presented by – Shu Chen Peng, Ph. D. CCC-A,
FDA Basics webinar – Hearing Aids the basics information you

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