Aristotles Virtue Ethics GROUP 1
Aristotles Virtue Ethics GROUP 1
Aristotles Virtue Ethics GROUP 1
The following excerpts clarifies what virtue ethics is
An ethical act is the action that a virtuous person would do in the same
circumstances. Virtue ethics is person-based rather than action-based. It looks at the
virtue or moral character of the person carrying out an action, rather than at ethical
duties and rules or the consequences of particular actions.
Virtue ethics does not only deal with the rightness or wrongness of individual
actions. It provides guidance as to the sort of characteristics and behaviors a good
person will seek to achieve. In that way, virtue ethics is concerned with the whole of a
person's life, rather than particular episodes or actions. A good person is someone who
lives virtuously - who possesses and lives the virtues.
This is how it is done:
Virtue ethics uses the following as a framework for
ethical decision making. This is how it is done:
In the Virtue framework, we try to identify the character
traits (either positive or negative) that might motivate us in a
given situation. We are concerned with what kind of person we 2
should be and what our actions indicate about our character. We
define ethical behavior as whatever a virtuous person would do in
the situation, and we seek to develop similar virtues
Obviously, this framework is useful in situations that ask
what sort of person one should be. As a way of making sense of 3
the world, it allows for a wide range of behaviors to be called
ethical, as there might be many different types of good character
and many paths to developing it. Consequently, it takes into
account all parts of human experience and their role in ethical
deliberation, as it believes that all of one's experiences, emotions, 4
and thoughts can influence the development of one's character.
Virtue as a Mean
Virtue Ethics in Other Traditions
One more point regarding various potentials of man which when actualized becomes
virtues is Hans George Gadamer's re-interpretation of Aristotle definition of man as a "homo
logos," a speaking animal. In other words, in the light Aristotle's wisdom, the virtue of being
man is being a speaking animal, meaning, his attainment of a meaningful, refined, and civilized
language. Gutter language is vice; beautiful, meaningful and refined language is virtue. One
who has a virtue of a refined language
speaks rightfully. F
Virtue Ethics in Other Traditions
The virtuous person did not inherit his/her
virtues. Neither were these virtues simply passed on
to him automatically. His being a person of virtue is W
a product of deliberate, consistent, continuous choice
and practice of living the virtue or virtues.