GTI On Program Mechanics

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SY 2022-2023

• To educate public school students ages 7-17 years old on how to live
a healthy life through the Nestlé Wellness Campus Program with
SY 2022-2023 use of the Nestlé for Healthier Kids modules.
• To encourage students to choose nutritious food, drink options and
live healthy pursuant to the seven (7) healthy habits as follows:

1. Choose Nutritious and Varied Options

MECHANICS 2. Manage Portions

3. Choose to Drink Water and Milk
4. Enjoy Meals Together
5. Play Actively
6. Care for the Planet
7. Keep Good Hygiene

 To support public school teachers through the Nestlé Wellness Campus

Facebook group, which serves as a platform where they can share,
learn and apply the best practices to effectively promote the seven
healthy habits among learners and parents.
Grades 1-10 in all public schools of the following
SY 2022-2023 regions:

 National Capital Region (NCR)

 Region 4-A (CALABARZON)


Region 5 (Bicol)
Region 6 (Western Visayas)


Region 7 (Central Visayas )
Region 10 ( North Mindanao)
 Region 11 ( Davao Region )

July 1, 2022 – April 30, 2023
The DepEd and Nestlé Wellness Campus Program (the “Program”) is a
partnership between the Department of Education (DepEd) and Nestlé
Philippines, Inc. (NPI) and will be implemented by Greatfil Team, Inc.
The Program will be implemented through the participating DepEd
SY 2022-2023 Regional Offices who will appoint the Division Supervisors or other
DepEd officials to ensure that the Program will be implemented in all
schools in their respective divisions in both elementary and high school
levels. Division Supervisors or those appointed by the DepEd Regional

GENERAL Office will also be the contact persons in their respective divisions.

MECHANICS The S.Y. 2022-2023 Program implementation will give more emphasis on
developing the students’ and parents’ healthier habits through nutrition
education, physical activity, good personal hygiene and proper waste
management for both elementary and high school students. An
exclusive Nestlé Wellness Campus Facebook group for teachers and
parents will also be utilized for the inter-school contest and to serve as a
platform for sharing their wellness ideas and practices. Wellness-related
events such as webinars, cooking demos and Nestlé-sponsored activities
will also be conducted in this Facebook group.

The implementation of the Program will be in three (3) parts, as follows:

(Teachers and Parents) IN ALL PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN THE SEVEN (7)
SY 2022-2023 1. NPI, through GTI, will provide nutrition, hygiene, SHS modules and solid
waste management modules to students as well as adults when
appropriate. The students’ modules are encouraged to be integrated in
the Elementary and High School MAPEH curriculum subject to DepEd
rules and regulations. Adult modules will be distributed to parents for
GENERAL them to read and work at home. The adult modules will teach parents
and teachers the importance of preparing healthy and balanced meals,
MECHANICS proper waste management, good personal hygiene following the seven
(7) healthy habits.

2. These modules are aligned with DepEd's MELCs and have been
designed primarily for adult-assisted learning at home (Grades 1 to 3)
or self-directed learning by the student (Grades 4 to 10).
3. Worksheets and activities are also given which the students and/or
parents can read and work together at home or in the classrooms
whenever possible.
4. To ensure smooth program implementation, NPI, through GTI,
will provide soft copies of the following materials to both
division supervisors and MAPEH school coordinators:
SY 2022-2023
1. Lesson guides
2. PowerPoint presentation for student and adult
3. Student worksheets
GENERAL 4. Dancercise video

MECHANICS 5. To facilitate faster distribution, they may also

download the materials in Google Drive. The link will be
provided by NPI through GTI.

6. The use of these materials is flexible. Teachers

are encouraged to adapt these materials in
whatever learning delivery mode is most appropriate for them.
1. NPI, through GTI, will provide a soft copy of the Nestle Wellness
Campus dancercise music and choreography video to each
SY 2022-2023 Division Supervisor in charge of the Program. All schools are
encouraged to get a copy of these materials from their respective
2. Teachers are encouraged to use the dancercise during online
GENERAL synchronous sessions. If synchronous sessions are not possible,
learners may do the dancercise on their own with their family. If f
MECHANICS face to face classes are allowed, dancercise may be used as warm
up exercise after the flag raising ceremonies and during PE classes.
3. For wider dissemination, the Nestlé Wellness Campus dancercise
materials will be uploaded on the Nestlé Wellness Campus
Facebook Group.
This year is the 10th year celebration of Nestlé Wellness
Campus. NPI, through GTI, will make this year more exciting
SY 2022-2023 and fun through the different inter-school competitions
applying what the students, teachers and parents learned
from the Nestlé Wellness Campus Program. Due
recognition will be given to the schools who will excel in

GENERAL competitions while delivering points that will help a region


The Nestlé Wellness Campus Best Implementing Region
recognition will be awarded to regions that will implement
the Program effectively following the seven (7) healthy
The competition will have two categories, namely:
A. Inter-school Category
B. Inter-region Category
1. The inter-school category is open only to all public schools in both
SY 2022-2023 elementary and high school in the seven (7) participating regions
i. National Capital Region (NCR)
ii. Region 4-A – CALABARZON
GENERAL iii.Region 5 – Bicol Region

MECHANICS iv. Region 6 – Western Visayas

v. Region 7 – Central Visayas
vi.Region 10 – Northern Mindanao
vii.Region 11 – Davao Region
2. Participation in all competitions is strongly encouraged. Interested
schools must fill- up a registration and parent consent form to
confirm their participation in the following inter-school competitions:
Note: Kindly refer to the separate attached sheets for the
mechanics of each contest in the inter-school competitions
as follows:
SY 2022-2023  
i. Artwork for Wellness Contest
ii. Virtual Poster Making Contest
iii. Virtual Dancercise Contest (Students and Teachers)

GENERAL iv. Virtual Cooking Contest

v. Healthy Habits Best Practices Contest
3. Schools may opt to select which from the four contests they
wanted to join. But only the school whose entries includes the
Healthy Habits Best Practices Contest will qualify in the SY 2022-
2023 NWCP Best Implementing School Competition.
A. INTER-REGION CATEGORY (SY 2022-2023 Nestlé Wellness Campus Best
Implementing Region)
The SY 2022-2023 Nestlé Wellness Campus Best
Implementing Region will showcase the best practices of a region
SY 2022-2023 in implementing the Program.
BEST 1. Aside from the best implementing schools, NPI through its
organizer will also give an award to the best implementing
IMPLEMENTIN region. The Inter-region competition is divided into two parts
G REGION and will have the corresponding weights as follows:
COMPETITION Part 1: Program Implementation 50%
Part 2: Overall Score Gained by
Schools representing the
Region in the National Level
Competition 50%

Total 100%
Part 1: (50%) PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION Criteria for Judging
SY 2022-2023  
Implementation of modules for students 40%
Implementation of modules for adults 25%
BEST Implementation of Dancercise 20%
IMPLEMENTIN Submission of Certificate of completion
TOTAL 100%

Note: DepEd division supervisors assigned to the Program will ensure
that students who will participate in the Program are those in grades
1-6 and grades 7-10 and legitimately enrolled.
In order for a region to achieve the maximum score per criteria,
100% of the schools in the region based on the list validated by
the division supervisor in charge of the Program should be able
SY 2022-2023 to:
1. Implement the dancercise wherever possible
BEST 2. Implement the modules for students and adults.
3. Submit the duly signed certificate of completion.

G REGION GTI Wellness Ambassadors together with the duly assigned
COMPETITION DepEd Division Supervisors will monitor the schools in their
respective divisions to validate the school implementation via
visit or online whichever is possible.
Validation period will be announced separately.

SY 2022-2023 The overall score achieved by the schools in elementary and high school
representing the region in the national level competition will be
determined based on the ranking of the schools in the following
BEST activities with their corresponding weight as follows:

IMPLEMENTIN 1. Art Work for Wellness Contest 10%
G REGION 2. Virtual Cooking Contest 15%

COMPETITION 3. Virtual Dancercise Contest

4. Healthy Habits Best Practices Contest

TOTAL 100%
To determine the inter-region winners, the computation will be based
on the scores gained by the schools representing the region in the
National Level competition. Scores gained in Part 1 and Part 2 will be
SY 2022-2023 averaged out. The region with the highest average score will be
declared as the “SY 2022-2023 Nestlé Wellness Campus Best Region of
the Year” and will receive items of their choice based on the list of
items below. The total amount of items will be based on the total
BEST amount won. The prizes are as follows:

COMPETITION National Champion - Prize Package Worth Ps. 200,000.00 + trophy
First Runner-up - Prize Package Worth Ps. 150,000.00 + trophy
Second Runner-up - Prize Package Worth Ps. 100,000.00 + trophy
Announcement of winners will be via circular that will be sent to
SY 2022-2023 each regional office from NPI/GTI and signed by an FDA
BEST Awarding of prizes will be done in the campus of the winning schools

or in the DepEd regional offices for the winning regions whenever

NPI/GTI shall have the absolute right to change the mechanics to
COMPETITION ensure the successful and orderly implementation of the Program
upon prior notice to participants.
Nestlé wellness campus inter-region competition


1. Implementation of modules for students 40%
Two Parts: 2. Implementation of modules for adults 25%
3. Implementation of Dancercise 20%
Part 1: Program Implementation 50% 4. Submission of Certificate of completion 15%
Part 2: Average Score from Schools 50% 100%
Representing the Region in Part 2: (50%) OVERALL SCORE EARNED BY SCHOOLS
Representing the Region in the National
National Level Competition
Level Competition
1. Art Work for Wellness Contest 10%
TOTAL 100% 1. Recycled Artwork
2. Poster making
2. Virtual Cooking Contest 15%
3. Virtual Dancercise Contest 25%
4. Healthy Habits Best Practices Contest 50%
Nestlé wellness campus inter-region competition


WINNERS AND  National Champion - Ps. 200,000.00 + trophy

PRIZE PACKAGES  First Runner-up - Ps. 150,000.00 + trophy

 Second Runner-up - Ps. 100,000.00 + trophy


1. Recycled Arts 1. Virtual Cook-Off 1. Health Habits Best

2. Poster Making 2. Dancercise Contest Practices Contest


Artworks for Wellness is an inter-school competition that recognizes the

SY 2022-2023 creative artistry of DepEd learners and teachers while reinforcing the
importance of the NWC seven (7) healthy habits. It consists of two categories:
ARTWORK 1. The Recycled Art Contest aims to promote solid waste
management, raise awareness about environmental sustainability,
FOR reinforce the “makakalikasan” core value, while recognizing the
creativity of learners in the community among Elementary

2. The Poster-making contest aims to encourage Junior High School

students to express their ideas and understanding on the NWC
seven (7) healthy habits through the art of drawing.

The contests are open to all public elementary schools and high schools in the seven
participating regions namely:
i. National Capital Region (NCR)
ii. Region 4-A – CALABARZON
iii. Region 5 – Bicol Region
SY 2022-2023 iv. Region 6 – Western Visayas
v. Region 7 – Central Visayas
vi. Region 10 – Northern Mindanao
vii.Region 11 – Davao Region

FOR 1. The competition is divided into two categories, which are:
a. For Elementary Schools – Recycled Art Contest
WELLNESS b. For Junior High Schools – Poster Making Contest

2. Each contest will have three levels as follows:

c. Division Level competition
d. Regional Level competition
e. National level competition

3. Each team consists of one (1) learner and one (1) teacher-coach. Only one team
per school is qualified to represent the school.
SY 2022-2023  
1. Interested elementary schools must fill out the registration form,
signed by the official school representative, and waiver duly signed by
the parents. All participants will provide their own materials in the
RECYCLED division, regional, and national level competition.

2. Each participant shall compete by making use of clean, discarded
CONTEST materials, sachets and recyclable beverage cartons to come up with
different art pieces. Each participant may only submit one entry per level
of the competition.
3. There will be different themes per level of the contest:
a. Division Level – “For My Buddy” (Build an art piece or gift for your buddy)
b. Regional Level – “For My School” (Build something out of your recycled
SY 2022-2023 materials showing what environmental sustainability is for you and your school)
c. National Level – “For My Community” (Build something that can help increase
the awareness of the importance of upcycling/ recycling in your community)


4. The criteria for judging of Division, Regional and National Level Entries will be as

a. Originality – 30% (does the art piece show creative artistry?)
b. Craftmanship and Visual Impact– 30% (does the art piece show good quality
workmanship? Does it capture attention?)
c. Sustainability – 30% (Does it show effective and imaginative use of materials of
discarded, salvaged or collected waste materials? Is it made up of more than
50% Nestlé beverage cartons?)
d. Photo quality – 10% (Does the photo properly focus on the art piece? Does it
show the true quality of the piece?)
5. The physical artworks need not be sent to Nestlé and/or GTI.
Submission will be conducted online through (email) with the subject
“Wellness Campus_Region_School_Title of the Work”. The submission
SY 2022-2023 should contain the following:
a. A brief descriptive report on theme and inspiration behind the
art piece and the materials used (1 page)

RECYCLED b. High-quality photos of the art piece; 2 photos each for front,
back and top shots
ART c. Behind the scenes video clip of the learner at work (max of 3

6. The participants should only use discarded, salvaged or collected litter.
They are also encouraged to use Nestlé products for their art piece
submission, especially sachets and ready-to-drink beverage cartons
because they are made of recyclable materials. No competitors’
products are allowed.
7. Art piece submissions must:
a. not infringe any third party rights;
b. not contain any illicit, inappropriate, and/or offensive content;
c. not contain any feature marks, logos or brand names other than Nestlé and
its products;
d. be safe to handle (no hazards in its design);
SY 2022-2023 e. comply with the guidelines/requirements of the Activity mechanics and
terms and conditions

RECYCLED 8. Winners and Prizes to be won:


ART Grade School Category:

Division Winner – one winner- Ps. 1,000 worth of prize

Regional Winner – one winner- Ps. 2,500 worth of prize
National Winner
Champion – Ps. 5,000 worth of prize package plus
First Runner up – Ps. 3,000 worth of prize package plus
Second Runner up – Ps.2,000 worth of prize package plus
9. The decision of the judges is final and non-appealable.
11. Interested junior high schools must fill out the registration form, signed
by the official school representative, and waiver duly signed by the
parents. All participants will provide their own materials in the division,
SY 2022-2023 regional, and national level competition. The materials to be used are
as follows:
VIRTUAL a. 1/2 Illustration board
b. Pastel color crayons
POSTER c. Pencil and/or pen

12. There will be different themes in Division and National levels of the
CONTEST contest which will be announced by the organizer before the start of the
contest. Each participant will be given two (2) hours to draw their poster.
13. A panel of judges for each level of the contest will be identified by the
organizer in coordination with Nestlé Philippines, Inc.
14. The schools/district shall determine their representative for the
division level competition. Entries shall be submitted to the
division office on the date set by the division focal person. The
SY 2022-2023 division office in coordination with Greatfil Team shall facilitate the
judging of entries to determine the division winner and validate
the original creation of the student.
POSTER 15. There shall be one winner per division to compete in the regional

MAKING level. Winning entries will be collected by the GTI Wellness

Ambassador immediately after the competition and shall be
CONTEST submitted to the DepEd regional office Wellness focal person. The
regional office in coordination with Greatfil Team shall conduct
the judging of the winning entries to determine the regional
champion which will represent the region to the national level
16. The National level competition will be conducted via virtual platform. GTI
Wellness Ambassador will be physically present in the contestant’s
SY 2022-2023 location/school during virtual competition. The theme will be announced
before the start of the contest. Each participant will be given two (2) hours
to draw their poster. The GTI Wellness Ambassador will collect the finished
VIRTUAL artwork/poster and shall send it to the GTI national office for the national


MAKING 17. The criteria for judging for the division, regional and national level of the

CONTEST contest are as follows:

a. Relevance to the theme 50%
b. Originality/Creativity 30%
c. Visual Impact/Presentation 20%

Total 100%
18. Winners and Prizes to be won:
High School Category:
Division Winner – one winner Ps. 1,000 worth of prize package
Regional Winner – one winner Ps. 2,500 worth of prize package

SY 2022-2023 National Winner

Champion - Ps. 5,000 worth of prize package plus plaque
First Runner up – Ps. 3,000 worth of prize package plus plaque
VIRTUAL Second Runner up – Ps. 2,000 worth of prize package plus

MAKING 19. The decision of the judges is final and non-appealable.

CONTEST 20. Nestlé Philippines shall be allowed to use the winning designs for
marketing collaterals and communication materials for television, print
and/or web-based media, provided that consent of the individual/s involved
were sought.
21. NPI/GTI shall have the absolute right to change the mechanics to ensure
the successful and orderly implementation of the Program upon prior
notice to participants.
Nestlé wellness campus inter-school competition

Recycled Art Contest for

1 a. Grade School
Artwork for
contest b. Virtual Poster Making
Contest for High School
1. Artwork for Wellness contest
a. Recycled Art Contest ( Grade School Only)
School Team: One student &
Criteria for Judging
One Coach Teacher a. Originality = 30%
( does the art piece show creative artistry?)
Entry: One team per school only
One entry per level only b. Craftmanship and Visual Impact = 30%
( Does the art piece show good quality workmanship?
Does it capture attention?)

Three Themes: C. Sustainability = 30%

National Level: “ For My Community” ( Does it show effective and imaginative use of materials of
( Importance of upcycling & recycling) discarded, salvaged or collected waste materials? Is it made
up of more than 50% Nestlé beverage cartons?

Regional Level: “ For My School” D. Photo Quality = 10%

(Environmental Sustainability) ( Does the photo properly focus on the art piece? Does it show
the true quality of the piece.
Division Level: ” For My Buddy”
(An art piece or gift for your Buddy)
a. Recycled Art Contest ( Grade School Only)

Grade School Category: ( Prizes will be in Prize


Winners & o Division Winner – one winner- Ps. 1,000

Prizes o Regional Winner – one winner- Ps. 2,500

o National Winner
• Champion – Ps. 5,000 Prize Package + plaque
• First Runner up – Ps. 3,000 Prize package + plaque
• Second Runner up – Ps.2,000 Prize package plaque
1. Artwork for Wellness contest
b. Virtual Poster Making Contest ( High School Only)
 Criteria for Judging ( Division, Regional and
National Level
School Team: a. Relevance to the theme 50%
 One student & One Coach Teacher b. Originality/Creativity 30%
c. Visual Impact/Presentation 20%
Entry: Total 100%
 One team & one entry per school
 Different themes Division and  Winners and Prize Packages
National level competition
High School Category:
o Division Winner – one winner Ps. 1,000
o Regional Winner – one winner Ps. 2,500
o National Winner
 Division Winner entry will move up to Regional • Champion - Ps. 5,000 plus plaque
• First Runner up – Ps. 3,000 plus plaque
 National will be a Supervised Virtual contest • Second Runner up – Ps. 2,000 plus plaque
The Activity is an inter-school virtual competition that advocates the
goodness of homemade cooking and promotes the consumption of
delicious and nutritious food.
SY 2022-2023
VIRTUAL September 1, 2022 to February 2023

COMPETITI The contest is open only to public elementary schools and junior high

ON schools in the seven participating regions, namely:

a. National Capital Region
b. Region IVA – Calabarzon
c. Region V – Bicol
d. Region VI – Western Visayas
e. Region VII – Central Visayas
f. Region X – Northern Mindanao
g. Region XI – Davao Region

1. The Activity will have two categories:

i. Elementary School Category
SY 2022-2023 ii. Junior High School Category

VIRTUAL 2. The Activity will have three levels:

i. Division Level competition

COOK-OFF ii. Regional Level competition

iii.National Level competition

ON 3. To confirm participation in the Division Level competition, interested

public schools must submit a registration form, signed by the
official school representative, and waiver on the date that will be
set in coordination with the DepEd Education Program Supervisor
assigned as focal person in the Division. Only one team should
represent the school.
4. In the division level of the competition qualified entries must have
the following requirements:
 One video featuring a dish with egg and vegetables as
SY 2022-2023 main ingredients.
 Maximum cost of recipe is Ps.150.00 and good for 5

VIRTUAL persons
 Participants will shoulder the cost of their recipe.

COOK-OFF  Video must not exceed the maximum of 6 minutes

in .mp4 format with no visual effects
COMPETITI  First 2 minutes of the video must be a testimonial of both
student and parent, highlighting their learnings from the
ON selected MAGGI videos available in Youtube through this
 The remaining four minutes must be allotted for the
student to show the actual cooking. Submission of video
in the division level will be based on the date set in
coordination with the DepEd Education Program
Supervisor assigned as NWCP focal person in the Division.
5. There will be one school team winner per division to represent the
division to the regional level competition. The winning entry in the
division level will automatically qualify in the regional level competition.
SY 2022-2023 6. There will be one regional winner who will represent the region in the
National Level competition.


COOK-OFF 7. The National level competition will be a virtual cook off via zoom
platform. The Greatfil Team Wellness Ambassadors will be physically

COMPETITI present in the contestant’s school/location to help facilitate the contest.

The preparation should not exceed the maximum of 6 minutes. The
ON first 2 minutes must be a testimony of both student and
highlighting their learnings from the selected MAGGI videos
in Youtube through this link: The remaining
four minutes must be allotted for the student to show the actual
ingredient preparation and cooking with the guidance of the parent and
8. In the National level competition, the contestants will prepare a
recipe that features one (1 Pinggang Pinoy Dish. The recipe shall be
submitted on the specified date set by the DepEd regional focal persons in
coordination with Greatfil Team. Maximum cost of the recipe is Php.
SY 2022-2023 150.00 good for one serving only. Participants will shoulder the cost of
the recipe.
VIRTUAL 9. Participating Teams in the competition will be ranked based on their

scores. Winners will receive the following prizes as follows:

COMPETITI i. Elementary School Category:

1. Division Level - one winner of Ps. 2,500.00 worth of prize package

ON 2. Regional Level – one winner of Ps. 10,000.00 worth of prize package

3. National Level
a. Champion – Ps. 15,000.00 worth of prize package plus Plaque
b. Second Place – Ps 10,000.00 worth of prize package plus Plaque
c. Third Place – Ps. 5,000.00 worth of prize package plus Plaque
i. Junior High School Category:
1. Division Level - one winner of Ps.2,500.00 worth of prize package

2. Regional Level – one winner of Ps. 10,000.00 worth of prize

SY 2022-2023
3. National Level
a. Champion – Ps. 15,000.00 worth of prize package plus Plaque
VIRTUAL b. Second Place–Ps10,000.00 worth of prize package plus
c. Third Place – Ps. 5,000.00 worth of prize package plus Plaque

10. Entries for the Division Level competition, Regional Level competition
ON and National Level competition must feature dishes using Nestlé
11. No substitution of Nestlé products shall be allowed. The Participating
Team shall use at least 1 Nestlé product but they are not required to
mention the specific Nestlé product used during actual food preparation.
Criteria for Judging:
1. The criteria for judging of Division Level Video Entries and Regional Level Video
Entries will be as follows:
I. Sarap Sustansya – 40%
(Is the dish appetizing to the taste buds? Do the ingredients complement each
other? Is the dish healthy? Does it use healthier ingredients and cooking
SY 2022-2023 methods?)
II. Appearance and Palatability- 20%
VIRTUAL (Does it entice the whole family especially the children to eat sarap-sustansya
dish? Does it have a variety of colors? Does it look palatable?)
III. Food Safety - 15%
COMPETITI (Did they follow basic food safety procedures while preparing? Is the working
area clean? Are tools and equipment properly used?)

IV. Affordability and Accessibility of Ingredients - 15%
(Are the ingredients selected readily available? Is the final recipe affordable? Is
the number of servings good enough to serve a family of 4-5? The cost must be
within P100.00 to 150.00)
V. Video format and organization – 10%
(Does the video have high-quality visuals? Clear narration and presentation?
Does the video fall within the required time limit? Video format will apply only
in Division and Regional competition.
2. Criteria for Judging in the National Level Competition
1. The criteria for judging of in the National Level competition will be as follows:

I. Sarap Sustansya – 40%

(Is the dish appetizing to the taste buds? Do the ingredients
complement each other? Is the dish healthy? Does it use healthier
SY 2022-2023 ingredients and cooking methods?)
II. Appearance and Palatability- 20%
VIRTUAL (Does it entice the whole family especially the children to eat sarap-
sustansya dish? Does it have a variety of colors? Does it look palatable?)
III. Food Safety - 15%

COMPETITI (Did they follow basic food safety procedures while preparing? Is the
working area clean? Are tools and equipment properly used?)

IV. Affordability and Accessibility of Ingredients - 15%
(Are the ingredients selected readily available? Is the final recipe
affordable? Is the number of servings good enough to serve a family of 4-5?
The cost must be within P100.00 to 150.00)
V. Virtual Appearance and Demonstration Skills-10%
(Proper cooking attire, set up and mastery in the preparation an
cooking process)
3. A panel of judges for each level of the contest will be identified by DepEd
in coordination with Greatfil Team and Nestle Philippines, Inc. .
4. NPI reserves the right to publish and/or broadcast the winners’ name,
photo or likeness, and video submission/entry, for advertising and
SY 2022-2023 publicity purposes without further compensation to them.
VIRTUAL Prizes To Be Won:

COOK-OFF 4. Winners will receive the following prizes:

Elementary School Category:
COMPETITI a. Division Level Winners – prize package worth P2,500
b. Regional Level Winners – prize package worth P10,000
ON c. National Level Winners
 Champion - prize package worth P15,000 + plaque of
recognition + recipe feature in MAGGI website
 First Runner Up - prize package worth P10,000 + plaque of
recognition + recipe feature in MAGGI website
 Second Runner Up - prize package worth P5,000 + plaque
of recognition + recipe feature in MAGGI website
High School Category:
a. Division Level Winners – prize package worth P2,500
b. Regional Level Winners – prize package worth P10,000
c. National Level Winners
 Champion - prize package worth P15,000 + plaque of
SY 2022-2023 recognition + recipe feature in MAGGI website
 First Runner Up - prize package worth P10,000 + plaque of
recognition + recipe feature in MAGGI website
VIRTUAL  Second Runner Up - prize package worth P5,000 + plaque
of recognition + recipe feature in MAGGI website
COMPETITI 2. For the prize package, the winners will select from among the items
listed below. The quantity of items will depend on the value of the
ON corresponding prize package won.
a. Cooking Range
b. Refrigerator
c. Food Processor
d. Mixer
e. Microwave Oven
f. Cooking tools/ equipment
3. The Prize will be delivered to the winning schools’ address as
provided in the registration form. NPI, through its implementing
SY 2022-2023 agency, will shoulder the delivery costs of the Prize. It will be
delivered to the school on a date scheduled and agreed upon
with the implementing agency, or within 60 days from the end of
VIRTUAL promo period.
COOK-OFF 4. By receiving the Prize, the Participant attests that they
read and understood the full Activity mechanics and agree to

COMPETITI abide by the terms and conditions of the same.

ON 5. NPI/GTI shall have the absolute right to change the mechanics
to ensure the successful and orderly implementation of the
Program upon prior notice to participants.
 Criteria for Judging:
NWCP Inter-school competition  
1. Division Level Video Entries and Regional Level Video Entries :
1. Sarap Sustansya 40%  
2. Virtual cook-off competition 2. Appearance and Palatability
3. Food Safety 15%

4. Affordability and Accessibility of Ingredients 15%

5. Video format and organization 10%
CATEGORIES: National Level TOTAL 100%
o Grade School Supervised Virtual 2. National Level competition:
o Junior High School Competition 1. Sarap Sustansya 40%
2. Appearance and Palatability 20%  
3. Food Safety 15% 
TEAM: 4. Affordability and Accessibility of Ingredients 15%
 Student, Parent & TOTAL 100%
Regional Level
Coach Teacher Competition  Winners and Prize Packages ( Same Prizes for GS and HS)
 Division Level – One winner = Ps. 2,500
ENTRY:  Regional Level - One winner =Ps. 10,000
• 6 minute video  National Level Winners :
• One entry per Winning Division • Champion - P15,000 + plaque of recognition + recipe feature in
school Entry MAGGI website
• Second Place- P10,000 + plaque of recognition + recipe feature in
• Budget: Ps. 150.00 MAGGI website
• Third Place - P5,000 + plaque of recognition + recipe feature in
MAGGI website

The Nestlé Wellness Campus Virtual Dancercise Contest aims to encourage

students and teachers to engage in a fun and enjoyable dancercise using the
SY 2022-2023 NWCP dancercise music.
SY 2022-2023 DURATION
October 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023


CONTEST The contest is open only to teachers and students at public elementary
schools and junior high schools in the seven participating regions, namely:
a. National Capital Region
b. Region IVA – Calabarzon
c. Region V – Bicol
d. Region VI – Western Visayas
e. Region VII – Central Visayas
f. Region X – Northern Mindanao
g. Region XI – Davao Region
1. All participating schools may get copies of the dancercise music from
their respective Division Supervisor in-charge of the Program.
SY 2022-2023 2. Interested schools shall fill out the registration form, signed by the
official school representative, and waiver.
3. A school team will be composed of a total of 25 members (15 students
VIRTUAL and 10 teachers). Only the official SY 2022-2023 NWCP dancercise

DANCERCISE music will be used. Duration of performance must be the same with the
duration of the NWCP dancercise music.

4. The competition will be composed of two categories as follows:
a. Elementary Category
b. Junior High School Category
5. The competition will have three levels:
i. Division level competition
ii. Regional level competition
iii.National level competition
6. Participating schools shall submit a video of their dance performance.
SY 2022-2023 The contest will have two continuing parts. For the first part,
performers must dance using the original Wellness choreography. The
second part, using the same Wellness music, the performers will dance
VIRTUAL showing their own interpretation/steps. Pyramid building, stunts,
throwing and other dangerous movements are strictly prohibited and
DANCERCISE will be subject for disqualification. Choreographies that are
presented/considered as lewd, sexually explicit, and/ or deemed
CONTEST inappropriate for students by the contest facilitators are also not
allowed. Entrance and exit are optional but should be within the
duration of the dancercise music. Any kind of Props is not allowed.
7. Video entries submitted must conform with the following requirements:
a. Video must be taken in the school premises.
b. Video must be shot horizontally (landscape mode)
c. Video must be continuous and should not be edited (not splicing,
no stitching and no application of visual effects)
d. Video resolution must be 1080p (high definition or higher if
SY 2022-2023 possible)
e. Video should cover the totality of the dance performance
(performers movements, and routines, others, etc.)

VIRTUAL f. Camera to be used in the entire filming of the performance must

be steady (it is encouraged that a tripod be used to make the
DANCERCISE camera stable during the shoot)
g. Video recording must be done from the beginning up to the end
CONTEST of the performance
h. No other individuals can be seen in the video except the
i. Video file size should be kept at or under 100mb for quicker up
load and encoding time
j. No unnecessary or extraneous noises, comments and effects
must be heard from the video except from the audio that is
necessary for the performance.
k. None compliance with the video and audio requirements will be
subject to disqualification.
8. Criteria for judging :
a. Choreography & impact 25%
b. Creativity and interpretation 25%
SY 2022-2023 c. Showmanship (Execution and Expression) 25%
d. Synchronization of Movements/Mastery 15%
e. Attire 10%
TOTAL 100%

DANCERCISE 9. There will be one winner in the division level. Winning entry in the
division level will move up to the regional level of the competition and

CONTEST winning entry in the regional level competition will represent the
in the National level competition.

10. A panel of judges will be selected by the DepEd focal persons in
coordination with Greatfil Team and Nestlé Philippines, Inc.
11. Prizes to be won:

a. Elementary Category:
SY 2022-2023
i. Division level competition- one winner Ps. 5,000.00 worth of prize

VIRTUAL ii. Regional level competition – one winner Ps.10,000 worth of prize


CONTEST iii.National Champion

a. Champion - 15,000.00 prize package + plaque
b. First Runner up - 10,000.00 prize package + plaque
c. Second runner up - 5,000.00 prize package + plaque
a. Junior High School Category:
i. Division level competition- one winner Ps. 5,000.00 worth of prize

ii. Regional level competition – one winner Ps.10,000 worth of prize

SY 2022-2023 package

iii.National Champion
a. Champion - 15,000.00 prize package +
VIRTUAL plaque
b. First Runner up - 10,000.00 prize package +
c. Second runner up - 5,000.00 prize package + plaque
CONTEST 12. The decision of the judges is final and not subject to any protests or

13. NPI/GTI shall have the absolute right to change the mechanics to
ensure the successful and orderly implementation of the Program
upon prior notice to participants.
NWCP Inter-school competition
3. Virtual dancercise contest ( Both Grade School and High School)
 Division level competition- one winner Ps. 5,000
 Regional level competition – one winner Ps.10,000
CATEGORIES: National Level  National Champion
1. Grade School a. Champion - 15,000.00 + plaque
2. Junior High School b. First Runner up - 10,000.00 + plaque
Move c. Second runner up - 5,000.00 + plaque
• One team composed of 15 students and 10 teachers
Regional Level
• One entry per school Winning Entry  Criteria for judging
a) Choreography & impact 25%
• Only NWCP Music b) Creativity and interpretation 25%
• Two continuing parts- original choreography, Move c) Showmanship 25%
d) Synchronization &
using the same music: render own dance interpretation
Movements/Mastery 15%
• Duration : NWCP music duration(2x) e) Attire 10%
Division Level
• Must be taken in school premises Winning Entry TOTAL 100%
• Only performers must be seen in the video
• No pyramid building, throwing and stunts and One – Time Submission of
other dangerous movement are strictly prohibited Entry
• No props allowed

The Healthy Habits Best Practices Contest will give due recognition to
outstanding school-initiated activities that reinforce the seven healthy
SY 2022-2023 habits. Since the school year marks NWCP’s 10th year celebration, the
competition will give priority on taking care of the environment.
The contest is open only to public elementary schools and junior high
HABITS BEST schools in the seven participating regions, namely:
a. National Capital Region
PRACTICES b. Region IVA – Calabarzon

CONTEST c. Region V – Bicol

d. Region VI – Western Visayas
e. Region VII – Central Visayas
f. Region X – Northern Mindanao
g. Region XI – Davao Region
October 1, 2022 – February 28, 2023
1. The competition will have two categories, namely:
A. Elementary School Category
B. Junior High School Category
SY 2022-2023 2. Participation is strongly encouraged. Interested schools must fill out a
registration form to confirm their participation. There will be three (3)
levels and there will be school winners per level as follows:
i. Division Level – (The champion school in Elementary and
IMPLEMENTIN the champion school in High School will represent the
G SCHOOL division to the regional level)
a. Elementary School – one winner
COMPETITION b. Junior High School– one winner
ii. Regional Level (Winners will be chosen from the
a. Elementary School – one winner
b. Junior High School – one winner
SY 2022-2023 iii. National Level (Winners will be chosen from the
regional winners)
a. Elementary School:
• National Champion
BEST • First Runner-up
IMPLEMENTIN • Second Runner-up
G SCHOOL b. Junior High School:
COMPETITION • National Champion
• First Runner-up
• Second Runner-up
3. The criteria for the selection of winners in the division level, regional
level and the national level will be as follows:
SY 2022-2023 i. Relevant best practice on the effective
implementation of the 7 healthy Habits 30%
(Only one best practice for all seven (7) healthy habits)
BEST ii. Relevant best practice on Solid
IMPLEMENTIN Waste Management
• One best practice on Reducing waste 15%


One best practice on Reusing waste. 15%
One best practice on Recycling waste. 15%
iii. Involvement of Stakeholders 25%
(Active involvement of stakeholders )

TOTAL 100%
4. At the division level, participating schools will submit a USB or upload
via Google Drive the compilation of the school’s best practices in Power
point presentation maximum of 50 slides with photos, videos and
narrative report of their implementation to the Division Supervisor/GTI
Wellness Ambassador in charge of the Program. The division supervisor
SY 2022-2023 and GTI will agree on the deadline of the submission of the
presentation and the date of judging. See “Annex A” for the guide
content of the power point presentation.
5. Based on the presentation submitted, the division supervisors in charge,
IMPLEMENTIN together with the GTI representatives, will judge and select the division
G SCHOOL winners based on the criteria. Only the champion schools in elementary
and high school will represent the division to the regional level.
6. At the regional level, all division winners will submit an enhanced
PowerPoint presentation of their best practices in maximum of 50 slides
with photos, videos and narrative report of the implementation of their
best practices to the ESSD chief or to his/her duly assigned representative.
Deadline of submission and judging of entries will be announced
7. Based on the presentation submitted, the judges from
SY 2022-2023 DepEd Regional office and GTI/ NPI will determine the
regional winners based on the set criteria. The regional
winners will represent the region to the national level
IMPLEMENTIN 8. On the national level, winners will be determined based on
the enhanced presentation submitted via USB or Google
G SCHOOL Drive with the mode of verification via USB. The schools
COMPETITION with the highest scores will be recognized as the “S.Y. 2022-
2023 Nestlé Wellness Campus Best Implementing School of
the Year.”
9. Winners will receive the following prizes:
i. Division winners:
Each winner in elementary school and high school will
SY 2022-2023 receive a prize package of their choice based on the total
amount won. Prizes will be as follows:

BEST A. Elementary School:

Champion- Prize Package worth Ps.5,000 +
G SCHOOL B . Junior High School:
COMPETITION Champion- Prize Package worth Ps.5,000 +

ii. Regional Winners:
Winners in elementary and high school the region will
receive a prize package of their choice worth Ps.25,000.00
each plus a plaque of recognition.
iii. National Winners

School winners in the national level will receive a prize package of

their choice. The total cost of items will be based on the total
amount won. Prizes will be as follows:
SY 2022-2023 A. Elementary School

• National Champion - Ps.50,000 prize package + trophy

BEST • First Runner-up - Ps. 30,000 prize package + trophy
IMPLEMENTIN • Second Runner-up - Ps. 20,000 prize package + trophy

COMPETITION B. Junior High School:
• National Champion - Ps.50,000 prize package + trophy
• First Runner-up - Ps. 30,000 prize package + trophy
• Second Runner-up - Ps. 20,000 prize package + trophy
Prize Packages: The winners may select among the items listed below.
The quantity of items will depend on the amount of the prize won as
SY 2022-2023  
a. 50” flat screen TV
b. Sound System
BEST c. Laptop
d. Projector
G SCHOOL f. Other items that will promote nutrition, health
and wellness in the regions
List of winners duly signed by FDA representative will be sent to DepEd
Regional Offices by NPI/GTI representative for the issuance of a regional
SY 2022-2023
Awarding of prizes will be done in the campus of the
winning schools or in the DepEd regional offices of the
winning regions.
NPI/GTI shall have the absolute right to modify or change
G SCHOOL the mechanics (as need arises) to ensure the successful and
COMPETITION orderly implementation of the Program upon prior notice to
NWCP Inter-school competition
4. Healthy habits best practice contest

1. Relevant best practice on the effective
implementation of the 7 healthy Habits 30%
( One best practice on effective implementation
CATEGORIES: of all 7 healthy habits)
1. Grade School  
2. High School 2. Relevant best practice on Solid Waste Management 45%
• One best practice on Reducing waste. 15%
• One best practice on Reusing waste. 15%
• One best practice on Recycling waste. 15%

3. Involvement of Stakeholders 25%

(Active involvement of stakeholders )
4. Healthy habits best practice contest

Winners and Prize Packages for Both GS and Junior HS

Division Level – One winner = Ps. 5,000.00 plus plaque
WINNERS Regional Level – One winner = Ps. 25,000.00 plus plaque
AND PRIZES National Winners:
Champion - Ps. 50,000.00 plus trophy
First Runner-up - Ps. 30,000.00 plus trophy
Second Runner-up - Ps. 20,000.00 plus trophy
NWCP SY 2022-2023


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