Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
in Focus
Education Program
Table of Contents
Define and frame the concepts
of culture and the Popular
The meaning of popular culture then began to merge with that of mass
culture, consumer culture, image culture, media culture, and culture
created by manufacturers for mass consumption.
6 Different Definitions of
Popular Culture by John Storey
1. Popular culture is simply culture that is widely favored or well-liked by
many people: it has no negative connotations.
2. Popular culture is whatever is left after you've identified what "high
culture" is: in this definition, pop culture is considered inferior, and it
functions as a marker of status and class.
3. Pop culture can be defined as commercial objects that are produced
for mass consumption by non-discriminating consumers. In this
definition, popular culture is a tool used by the elites to suppress or
take advantage of the masses.
4. Popular culture is folk culture, something that arises from the people
rather than imposed upon them: pop culture is authentic (created by
the people) as opposed to commercial (thrust upon them by
commercial enterprises).
5. Pop culture is negotiated: partly imposed on by the dominant
classes, and partly resisted or changed by the subordinate
classes. Dominants can create culture but the subordinates
decide what they keep or discard.
6. The last definition of pop culture discussed by Storey is that in
the postmodern world, in today's world, the distinction between
"authentic" versus "commercial" is blurred. In pop culture
today, users are free to embrace some manufactured content,
alter it for their own use, or reject it entirely and create their
Level of Pop Culture
Perceived to Occur at Each Level
-An example of a diaspora is the 6th century exile of Jews from outside
Israel to Babylon.
● The Jewish diaspora is the dispersion of
Israelites or Jews out of their ancestral
homeland (the Land of Israel) and their
subsequent settlement in other parts of the
● In terms of the Hebrew Bible, the term
"Exile" denotes the fate of the Israelites
who were taken into exile from the
Kingdom of Israel during the 8th century
BCE, and the Judahites from the Kingdom
of Judah who were taken into exile during
the 6th century BCE.
● Jews have been forced to flee from their homelands
into galut, or exile, creating distinct and prominent
communities in Babylonia, Germany, and Iberia.
● Diaspora, or dispersion, created Jewish communities
such as the Ashkenazi (German) and Sephardic
(Iberian) communities.
Galatians 3:28
Faith in Christ Jesus is what makes each of
you equal with each other, whether you are a
Jew or a Greek, a slave or a free person, a
man or a woman.
Instruction. Make a 10-page literature review on any topic
discussed in this lesson.
between Media
and Pop Culture
Popular culture (the most widespread cultural patterns
of a society) is transmitted via mass media (any means
of delivering standardized messages to a broader
One that has many indigenous ethnic groups that are still un-
urbanized; with a long history of colonization that left behind at
least two immediately discernible layers of cultural influence, the
Spanish and the American, and a less discernible one, the Chinese;
in a present socio-economic state that is still predominantly
agricultural, semi-feudal (many feudal structures, especially in
agricultural practices and related lifestyles continue, barely
changed), and neocolonial (dependent on foreign economies,
especially through the pervasive presence of multinational
Thus, it is better to go through each major
area of Philippine popular culture and
examine briefly its history in order to be able
to bring into light the present cultural
situation of the country in question.
Mass Culture Theory
● Mass culture is a form of popular culture
produced through the process of mass
● Consumers are passive in accepting pop culture
● High art is at risk because of pop culture
● High culture (classical theater, music, fine art) is
more valuable and enlightening that those who
partake in popular culture, also known as “popular
Critique on the Mass Culture Theory
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeikqw0kyqI
Literature and
● Del Superior Govierno - first official newspaper
(strong censorship, content has bias in favor of the
● La Solidaridad - Published in Spain by the Ilustrados
(Graciano Lopez Jaena, Jose Rizal, Marcelo H. del Pilar,
Mariano Ponce, Juan Luna)
● Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo brought
about the nationalist sentiments of the Filipinos
● Americans crafted the Philippine educational system
○ Taught people how to read and write
○ Made text and later on information more accessible
● 1900 - Manila Bulletin was opened
● 1914 - US government used films as a tool for
information, education, and propaganda
○ 1919 - Dalagang Bukid by Jose Nepomuceno
● 1924 - Americans established the first AM radio station
named KZKZ
Japanese Occupation (1941-
● Extreme censorship was established by the Japanese
● Movie companies stopped production
● All radio stations were closed except for KZRH and was
used by the Japanese for propaganda
After the Second World
● Radio became the a source of entertainment and not just
● 1950s - Golden Age of Filipino Film
○ FAMAS (Filipino Academy of Movie Arts & Sciences)
was established
○ Rise of high-quality Filipino films
○ Big Four Film Studios: Sampaguita, Lebran, LVN, and
Premiere Productions
After the Second World
● Newspapers and Magazines became popular
○ They are not just informative, they also started to
create material for entertainment purposes
■ Liwayway (Tagalog)
■ Bisaya (Eastern Visayan region)
■ Hiligaynon (Western Visayan region)
■ Bannawag (Ilocos region)
Television in the
● 1953 - DZAQ-TV also known as Channel
○ Alto Broadcasting System (ABS)
○ Owned by Antonio Quirino
○ Later on acquired by the Lopezes who
owned CBN (Chronicle Broadcasting
Network) radio station
○ This lead to the first radio-television
network called ABS-CBN
● Freedom of expression was compromised
○ The media was controlled
○ Media Practitioners were fighting against censorship
● Growth in advertising was seen during the 1960s and
○ Tagalog was used in advertisements
● Media was Manila-centered and underdeveloped in the
The Introduction of Electronic
Technology in the Philippines
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Table of Contents
About Us 01
Here you can describe the topic
of the section
Market Analysis 02
Here you can describe the topic
of the section
Mercury Mars
Mercury is the closest Despite being red,
planet Mars is actually a cold
to the Sun place
2010 2015
Our Evolution
Jupiter Saturn
It’s the biggest planet Saturn is composed of
in the hydrogen
Solar System and helium
2018 Now
What Sets Us Apart
What we aim to
What we do
Despite being red, Mars is
Research actually a cold place
—Someone Famous
Market Share
Despite being red, Mars is 50%
actually a cold place Mercury
40% Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
Venus is the second planet
from the Sun
To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link, change the data and paste the new graph here
Buyer Persona Profile
Personality Values
Introvert Extrovert
Analytical Creative
Honesty Service Trust
You can enter a subtitle here if
you need it
Buyer Journey
Experience 04
01 Mercury
02 Venus
03 Mars
04 Jupiter 03
01 Experience
Sales Funnel
Neptune Mars
SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
Saturn is composed S W Despite being red,
of hydrogen Mars is actually a
and helium cold place
Opportunities Threats
Mercury is the O T Neptune is the
closest planet farthest planet
to the Sun from the Sun
Upcoming Goals
Reclaim Freedom
02 Jupiter the biggest planet of
them all
Secure Equal Rights
Mercury is the closest planet 03
to the Sun
Respond to Crises
Venus is the second planet
from the Sun
Mercury is the Venus has a Despite being red, Jupiter is the
closest planet to the beautiful name, but Mars is a cold place biggest planet in
Sun it’s hot the Solar System
A Picture Is
Worth a
This Is a Map
People have been displaced due to conflict
Children have no access to education
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
Day 01 Day 02
1 2 3 4 Despite being red, Mercury is the closest
Mars is actually a cold planet to the Sun
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Day 03 Day 04
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Jupiter is the fourth- Neptune is the farthest
brightest object in the planet from the Sun
26 27 28 29 30 31
$100,000 $70,000 $120,000
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● People from different races and cultures
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