PHP Control Statements
PHP Control Statements
PHP Control Statements
PHP If Else
• PHP if else statement is used to test condition. There are various ways
to use if statement in PHP.
• if
• if-else
• if-else-if
• nested if
• PHP If Statement
• PHP if statement allows conditional execution of code. It is executed if
condition is true.
• If statement is used to executes the block of code exist inside the if
statement only if the specified condition is true.
• Syntax
//code to be executed
echo "$num is less than 100";
• PHP If-else Statement
PHP if-else statement is executed whether condition is true or false.
If-else statement is slightly different from if statement. It executes one block of code
if the specified condition is true and another block of code if the condition is false.
• Syntax
//code to be executed if true
//code to be executed if false
echo "$num is even number";
echo "$num is odd number";
• PHP If-else-if Statement
The PHP if-else-if is a special statement used to combine multiple if?.else statements. So, we
can check multiple conditions using this statement.
• Syntax
if (condition1){
//code to be executed if condition1 is true
} elseif (condition2){
//code to be executed if condition2 is true
} elseif (condition3){
//code to be executed if condition3 is true
} else{
//code to be executed if all given conditions are false
• Example
if ($marks<33){
echo "fail";
else if ($marks>=34 && $marks<50) {
echo "D grade";
else if ($marks>=50 && $marks<65) {
echo "C grade";
else if ($marks>=65 && $marks<80) {
echo "B grade";
else if ($marks>=80 && $marks<90) {
echo "A grade";
else if ($marks>=90 && $marks<100) {
echo "A+ grade";
else {
echo "Invalid input";
• PHP nested if Statement
The nested if statement contains the if block inside another if block.
The inner if statement executes only when specified condition in outer
if statement is true.
• Syntax
if (condition) {
//code to be executed if condition is true
if (condition) {
//code to be executed if condition is true
• Example
$a = 34; $b = 56; $c = 45;
if ($a < $b) {
if ($a < $c) {
echo "$a is smaller than $b and $c";
• PHP Switch
PHP switch statement is used to execute one statement from multiple conditions. It works like PHP if-
else-if statement.
• Syntax
case value1:
//code to be executed
case value2:
//code to be executed
code to be executed if all cases are not matched;
Important points to be noticed about switch case:
• The default is an optional statement. Even it is not important, that default must
always be the last statement.
• There can be only one default in a switch statement. More than one default may
lead to a Fatal error.
• Each case can have a break statement, which is used to terminate the sequence
of statement.
• The break statement is optional to use in switch. If break is not used, all the
statements will execute after finding matched case value.
• PHP allows you to use number, character, string, as well as functions in switch
• Nesting of switch statements is allowed, but it makes the program more complex
and less readable.
• You can use semicolon (;) instead of colon (:). It will not generate any error.
• PHP Switch Example
case 10:
echo("number is equals to 10");
case 20:
echo("number is equal to 20");
case 30:
echo("number is equal to 30");
echo("number is not equal to 10, 20 or 30");
• PHP switch statement is fall-through. It means it will execute all statements after getting the first match, if break statement
is not found.
$ch = 'c';
switch ($ch)
case 'a':
echo "Choice a";
case 'b':
echo "Choice b";
case 'c':
echo "Choice c";
echo "</br>";
case 'd':
echo "Choice d";
echo "</br>";
echo "case a, b, c, and d is not found";
PHP For Loop
• PHP for loop can be used to traverse set of code for the specified number of times.
• It should be used if the number of iterations is known otherwise use while loop.
This means for loop is used when you already know how many times you want to
execute a block of code.
• It allows users to put all the loop related statements in one place. See in the syntax
given below:
• Syntax
for(initialization; condition; increment/decrement){
//code to be executed
• Example
echo "$n<br/>";
• Example
All three parameters are optional, but semicolon (;) is must to pass in for loop. If we don't pass parameters, it
will execute infinite.
$i = 1;
//infinite loop
for (;;) {
echo $i++;
echo "</br>";
• PHP Nested For Loop
• We can use for loop inside for loop in PHP, it is known as nested for loop. The inner for loop
executes only when the outer for loop condition is found true.
• In case of inner or nested for loop, nested for loop is executed fully for one outer for loop. If
outer for loop is to be executed for 3 times and inner for loop for 3 times, inner for loop will
be executed 9 times (3 times for 1st outer loop, 3 times for 2nd outer loop and 3 times for 3rd
outer loop).
• Example
echo "$i $j<br/>";
• PHP For Each Loop
• PHP for each loop is used to traverse array elements.
• Syntax
foreach( $array as $var ){
//code to be executed
• Example
foreach( $season as $arr ){
echo "Season is: $arr<br />";
• There is one more syntax of foreach loop.
foreach ($array as $key => $element) {
//code to be executed
echo "$n<br/>";
• PHP Nested While Loop
• We can use while loop inside another while loop in PHP, it is known as nested while loop.
• In case of inner or nested while loop, nested while loop is executed fully for one outer while loop. If outer
while loop is to be executed for 3 times and nested while loop for 3 times, nested while loop will be
executed 9 times (3 times for 1st outer loop, 3 times for 2nd outer loop and 3 times for 3rd outer loop).
• Example
echo "$i $j<br/>";
PHP do-while loop
• PHP do-while loop can be used to traverse set of code like php while loop.
The PHP do-while loop is guaranteed to run at least once.
• The PHP do-while loop is used to execute a set of code of the program
several times. If you have to execute the loop at least once and the
number of iterations is not even fixed, it is recommended to use the do-
while loop.
• It executes the code at least one time always because the condition is
checked after executing the code.
• The do-while loop is very much similar to the while loop except the
condition check. The main difference between both loops is that while
loop checks the condition at the beginning, whereas do-while loop checks
the condition at the end of the loop.
• Syntax
//code to be executed
• Example
echo "$n<br/>";
Difference between while and do-while loop
while Loop do-while loop
The while loop is also named as entry control loop. The do-while loop is also named as exit control loop.
The body of the loop does not execute if the condition The body of the loop executes at least once, even if
is false. the condition is false.
Condition checks first, and then block of statements Block of statements executes first and then condition
executes. checks.
This loop does not use a semicolon to terminate the Do-while loop use semicolon to terminate the loop.
PHP Break
• PHP break statement breaks the execution of the current for, while,
do-while, switch, and for-each loop. If you use break inside inner loop,
it breaks the execution of inner loop only.
• The break keyword immediately ends the execution of the loop or
switch structure. It breaks the current flow of the program at the
specified condition and program control resumes at the next
statements outside the loop.
• The break statement can be used in all types of loops such as while,
do-while, for, foreach loop, and also with switch case.
• PHP Break: inside loop
• Let's see a simple example to break the execution of for loop if value
of i is equal to 5.
echo "$i <br/>";
• PHP Break: using optional argument
The break accepts an optional numeric argument, which describes how many nested structures
it will exit. The default value is 1, which immediately exits from the enclosing structure.
$i = 0;
while (++$i) {
switch ($i) {
case 5:
echo "At matched condition i = 5<br />\n";
break 1; // Exit only from the switch.
case 10:
echo "At matched condition i = 10; quitting<br />\n";
break 2; // Exit from the switch and the while.
PHP continue statement