Class 4
Class 4
Class 4
Ask Ask before you help
• Do’s
• Don’t
• Cripple/crippled person • Person with a disability-has a disability
• Deaf & Dumb/deaf-mute • Deaf or Hard of hearing, people/person
• Differently-abled/ Handi-capable with hearing loss
• Handicap • Has a disability
• Handicapped Parking/ restrooms/ • Disability
seating • Accessible parking/ restrooms/ seating
• Mental retardation/ mentally retarded • Intellectual disability, person with an
intellectual disability “Cognitive
• A handshake is not a standard greeting
for everyone. A smile and spoken
When greeting is always appropriate
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Let the person Talk directly to the If the person lip reads,
establish the person even when an speak clearly with a
communication mode – Interpreter is being moderate pace
lip reading, sign used
language, writing notes
Meeting • Be patient, listen closely. Do not finish a
With a sentence for the person
Person With
a Disability • Ask the person to repeat what they said
if you don’t understand it.
That Affects
When Interacting with a person with a visual
When greeting identify yourself and the others who may be present
When asked to guide someone never push or pull them. Let them take your
arm and then walk slightly ahead.
Do not
push, lean Do not push, lean or hold on to the wheelchair. The
wheelchair is part of their personal space.
or hold on
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Remember they do not Remember they may Be understanding of
have lower have difficulty the fact that some
intelligences processing or people with mental
expressing emotions illness may overreact to
topics or conversations
assisting a • Discuss openly the preferred way to
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Interact with the Break down Provide
person first information into information in
small easy to writing
understand chunks