Lecture 4 - Entity Relationship Modeling
Lecture 4 - Entity Relationship Modeling
Lecture 4 - Entity Relationship Modeling
Relationship Modeling
By Maria Rahim
Entity Relationship Modeling
The Relational Database Model, that the ERM forms the basis of an
ERD. The ERD represents the conceptual database as viewed by the end
user. ERDs depict the database’s main components: entities, attributes,
and relationships. Because an entity represents a real-world object, the
words entity and object are often used interchangeably. Thus, the
entities (objects) of the Tiny College database design developed in this
chapter include students, classes, teachers, and classrooms.
UML Notation
There are two popular ERD notation:
• Crow’s Foot Notation
• The Chen notation favors conceptual
• Chen Notation
• The Crow’s Foot notation favors a more
implementation-oriented approach
• A domain is the set of possible values for a given attribute. For
example, the domain for the grade point average (GPA) attribute is
written (0,4) because the lowest possible GPA value is 0 and the
highest possible value is 4. The domain for the gender attribute
consists of only two possibilities: M or F (or some other equivalent
Representation in Different Notation
• Primary Key: In Chen’s notation it is underlined whereas pk keyword is
used to identify primary key in crowfoot notation.
• Single-valued vs multivalued attribute: Chen’s notation distinguish
between single and multi value attribute by a double line connecting
the attribute to the entity whereas crow foot notation doesn’t
distinguish them.
Implementing multivalued attribute
Representation in Different Notation
• Derived attribute (A derived attribute is an attribute whose value is
calculated (derived) from other attributes): A derived attribute is
indicated in the Chen notation by a dashed line connecting the
attribute and the entity whereas crow’s foot notation doesn’t
distinguish it
• Relationship is association between entities and can be
show by connectivity and cardinality.
• The term connectivity is used to describe the
relationship classification like one to one, one to many,
many to many.
• Cardinality expresses the minimum and maximum
number of entity occurrences associated with one
occurrence of the related entity. In the ERD, cardinality
is indicated by placing the appropriate numbers beside
the entities, using the format (x,y). The first value
represents the minimum number of associated entities,
while the second value represents he maximum
number of associated entities.
Relationship Strength
• Weak (Non-identifying) Relationships: A weak relationship, also
known as a non-identifying relationship, exists if the PK of the related
entity does not contain a PK component of the parent entity and is
represented by --- line.
Relationship Strength
• A strong relationship, also known as an identifying relationship, exists
when the PK of the related entity contains a PK component of the
parent entity.
Relationship participation
• Participation in an entity relationship is either optional or mandatory.
• Optional participation means that one entity occurrence does not
require a corresponding entity occurrence in a particular relationship.
For example, in the “COURSE generates CLASS” relationship, you
noted that at least some courses do not generate a class.
• Mandatory participation means that one entity occurrence requires a
corresponding entity occurrence in a particular relationship.
Relationship Degree
• A relationship degree indicates the number of entities or participants
associated with a relationship. A unary relationship exists when an
association is maintained within a single entity. A binary relationship
exists when two entities are associated. A ternary relationship exists
when three entities are associated. Although higher degrees exist,
they are rare and are not specifically named
Implementing many to many relationship
• If M:N relationships are encountered, you must create a bridge between the entities that display
such relationships.
Steps to develop ERD
• Create a detailed narrative of the organization’s description of
• Identify the business rules based on the description of operations.
• Identify the main entities and relationships from the business rules.
• Develop the initial ERD.
• Identify the attributes and primary keys that adequately describe the
• Revise and review the ERD
Scenario 1
1.Create a Crow’s Foot ERD to include the following business rules for
the ProdCo company.
a. Each sales representative writes many invoices
b. Each invoice is written by one sales representative
c. Each sales representative is assigned to one department
d. Each department has many sales representatives
e. Each customer can generate many invoices
f. Each invoice is generated by one customer
Scenario 2
2. During some period of time, a customer can rent many video tapes
from the BigVid store. Each of the BigVid’s videotapes can be rented to
many customers during that period of time
Scenario 3
3. The KwikTite Corporation operates many factories. Each factory is
located in a region. Each region can be “home” to many of KwikTite’s
factories. Each factory employs many employees, but each of those
employees is employed by only one factory.