Apple Inc
Apple Inc
Apple Inc
1. Historically, what have been Apple’s 2. Analyze the personal computer industry.
competitive advantages? Why did Apple struggle historically in
1. Innovation – First PC, First touch screen s PCs?
smart phone, First to launch one of its kind Job’s mission was to bring easy to use
products like Apple watch, Airpods, computers to the market which led to
Applecare+ etc. release of Apple II in 1978 but the
2. High Brand loyalty – Due to its high company’s competitive position changed
customer loyalty, Apple could sell its product after IBM entered the PC market. It was a
at a premium price and earn higher profits. relatively open system which provided
91% of PC priced above 1000$ in the US PCs at competitive prices. Also, IBM was
market were sold by Apple. a volume leader which attracted a majority
3. Exclusiveness – The company has been of new applications.
following horizontal and vertical integration.
It relied on its own propriety designs and
refused to license its software to third parties.
3. How sustainable is Apple’s 4. Evaluate Apple’s strategy for Apple
competitive position in smartphones? Watch. Has Tim Cook taken the right
approach? Would you suggest any changes
Apple has been innovating in the ?
Smartphone segment since the start. The
very idea of a smart phone was of In the smart watch industry too, Apple has
Apple. After breaking into the phone been a pioneer. With the amount of
market it kept innovating, introduction features the watch is providing, it is going
of siri voice search, touch ID, face ID. in the right direction. With each version it
provides. Also the connectivity and ease
But recently since past two years the the watch provides circles back to the
company has stagnated. It didn’t do any Apple’s original digital hub strategy. So,
revolutionary change in the iPhone for watch the company is heading in the
which I think is high time for. right direction.