End Appointment OSPE

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End Appointment OSPE

Community Clerkship Programme

Batch 30 – Group E & F
Question 01.

• i. What is the main message conveyed by these posters?

• ii. What is the rationale for the above message?
• iii. Write 2 deficiencies of the above posters?
• iv. Describe how to improve above 2 deficiencies?
Question 02.
• A 24 year old female who is about to get marry on next week is
having the idea of not having children for one year after the marriage.
You have previously discussed about family planning and she has
selected Combine Oral Contraceptive Pills(COCP) as for her family
planning method. Advice her about using of COCP as a family planning
Question 03.

• This is a picture of a school environment

• 1. State 3 positive features which can be seen in this school
• 2. State 2 features that can be improved in this environment.
Question 04.

• 1. When does the PHM first visit the mother after the pregnancy?
• 2. Write 2 deficiencies that you see in her environment which the phm
should adress?
• 3. State how the PHM can be involved to overcome above mention
negative conditions.
Question 05.
•A 40 year old carpenter who is diagnosed as a TB patient presented to
the district TB control unit. As a DTCO advice him on the importance of
getting treatments and introduce him about DOTS clinic.
Question 06.

1. What are the hazards you seen in this picture. 

2. List 2 condition that this worker can develop.
3. What are rhe advises you give to factory management to prevent
above conditions.
Question 07.

This is a RDT taken from a patient suspected to have malaria.

1. Interpret the test
2. What two drugs can be given to treat this patient
3. What additional test can be done. Explain the basis for this
Question 08.

• 1.What is the equipment?

• 2.Who is a responsible person in regarding water safety in field level?
• 3.Give 3 measures can be taken to provide water safety in field level?
Question 09.
• Mr. X presented to the Ragama hospital with fever and was diagnosed as
dengue fever.
• 1.what is the role of HO regarding this case
• 2. What are the roles of following officers in preventing communicable
a. Infectious control unit nursing officer
b. PHI
3. Who is the officer at the regional level to prevent communicable diseases
Question 10.

• This picture shows the plan of the PHM office where polyclinic is held.
Mention the relevant areas of above picture where each component
of the poly clinic happens.
Question 11.

Image of IMMR codes given.

1. What is the basic document used in complying this return? 
2. Who is responsible for follow the eIMMR at a divisional hospital?
3. Write the ICD10 numbers of the following diseases?
• Confirmed Pulmonary TB -
• Miliary TB -
• Leprosy -
Question 12.

What is the book placed here .

1. State the clinic where it is used
2. What are the eligibility criterias for attending this clinic .
3. Who is the responsible officer who conduct this clinic.
Question 13.
A maternal death took place in Polonnaruwa district, at 38 weeks of POA,
home delivery due to lack of accessibility to a transport service to go to a
hospital. Certain measurements have been taken to prevent such maternal
Who are the officers/ health care workers responsible for following activities.
A. Monitoring the duties of PHMS.
B. Providing the divisional hospitals an ambulance with fuel.
C. Allocating staff required for divisional hospitals.
D. Write 2 people who give instructions and advice to the PHMs in educating
the pregnant mothers?
Question 14.
Samanmali is a 20 years old recently married woman. She is trying to start a
family soon. She came to meet the Public Health Midwife. 
1. What is the register that PHM enter her details for the provision of further
health care?
2. Mention the supplement that Samanmali should be taken along with the dose
and the frequency. 
After 5 months she came to the PHM with positive urine hCG test. Her POA was
7 weeks.
3. List 2 registers/records that the PHM should enter her pregnancy?
4. List 4 tests/investigations that Samanmali should be done at her booking visit.
Question 15.

This a is a picture of a food establishment center in the Ragama MOH area.

(racks were dirty and there was raw eggs near the hoppers in the original
• 1.1 Mention 2 issues you see related to food hygiene as shown in the picture.
• 1.2 Mention 2 actions a PHI can take if a complaint regarding food hygiene is
• 1.3 Name the legislative document related to food hygiene.

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