Microsoft Access
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Access
What is it?
“An operational database that stores, manages and tracks real-time
business information and that is often mission-critical.”
Tables and columns are well-defined A data type indicates the kind of data and the
way it’s stored
Data Type
A table represents a single Each field has a value that
subject, such as a person represents a single fact <= 255 characters Short Text
Varies Calculated
Each row (or record) is unique All values in a column are Varies Lookup Wizard…
and has a primary key the same in meaning and
Zero Some columns contain repeating Collapse values into one One-to-one 1:1 An employee has one office and each office
values column has one employee
First Some columns contain Remove redundancy One-to-many 1:M An employee is within a department, but a
redundant data department has many employees within it
Second Some columns are not based on Move those columns to Many-to-many M:M Each employee is assigned many projects and
the primary key other tables each project has many employees assigned to
Third All columns are based solely on Ready for business
the primary key
Product Code Order Details Created By Product Quantity
Product Name ID
Description Order ID Andrew Cencini Northwind Traders Green Tea 125
Standard Cost Product ID
List Price Quantity
Andrew Cencini Northwind Traders Coffee 100
Reorder Level Unit Price
Target Level Discount
Status ID Andrew Cencini Northwind Traders Beer 60
Date Allocated
Andrew Cencini Northwind Traders Chai 40
Field: Created By Product ID Quantity Purchase Order ID Purchased To Inventory
Table: Purchase Purchase Order Purchase Order Purchase Order
Purchase Order Details
Sort: Orders Details Details Details
Criteria: 90 Yes
Select Retrieves only the data that you want, combines data from tables, and defines form and report data sources
Parameter An ad hoc query that prompts you for field values, and then uses those values as criteria for your query
Totals A select query that lets you group and summarize data, such as total sales per product
Crosstab Creates a matrix to re-orient fields in rows and columns, and apply aggregate functions such as Count, Sum, Max
Make Table Creates a new table from a select query
Append Retrieves data from one or more tables and adds that data to another table
Update Changes data in a table based on criteria to specify which rows to update
Delete Removes data from a table based on criteria to specify which rows to remove
Pass-through Runs a query remotely on a database server to help improve performance
Expressions add value
Calculate values, combine/extract text, specify defaults, validate data
Label Tabs Browser Chart Subform Toggle Check Box Attachment Form/ Navigation Multiple
subform form item form Datasheet
Text Button Link Navigation Option Combo Box List Box Image Split form Modal Popup
dialog box form
Customer: 2
Input Mask !\(999) ‘000\-0000;;
FirstName: Tracey
(New) (___)___-____ 18
Order Id
OrderDate 28/04/2011
Automate tasks and add functionality to your forms,
reports, and controls without code.
If Then Else
Use code to iterate through objects, create functions, step through each record,
respond to events, call Windows APIs
Update All
Migrate to SQL Server
Combine the benefits of Access with the industrial strength of SQL Server
Subject Topics
Introduction to tables
Tables, columns, data types
Introduction to data types
Relationships are fundamental Database design basics
Introduction to queries
Queries provide answers
Examples of query criteria
Introduction to forms
Forms over data
Create a form that contains a subform
Introduction to reports in Access
Reports over data
Create a grouped or summary report
Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) Importing, linking, exporting data in Access
Introduction to macros
Introduction to Access programming
Migrate an Access database to SQL Server
Migrate to SQL Server
Take an Access excursion through SQL Server