Situational Ethics

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• Ethical theory proposed by Joseph Fletcher
• Situational ethics is proposed to sit in the middle of Legalism vs Antinomianism
• Moral law based on concept of Agape - highest form of Love
• Love thy neighbor as said by God, wanting what is best
• What is the most loving thing to do?
• Situational ethics relies on one principle—what best serves love. According to
Fletcher, Christian love is unconditional and unsentimental. Situational ethics is
based on the golden rule "love your neighbour as yourself" and altruism, which is
putting others before yourself and showing agape towards everyone.
• Philia- love of friendship
• Storge- Love of family
• Eros- Romantic love
• Conscience is a verb for Fletcher , Christian love
• Four working principle
• Pragmatism- must be practical able to achieve
• Relativism- each situation varies, ability to break the rule and law
• Positivim- love is guiding principle
• Personalism- person comes first before the law. Person is center of
moral law
6 proposition
• Only one thing is intrinsically good, namely love. We base decision on
• The ruling norm of Christian decision is love, nothing else.
• Love and justrice arte the same, for justice is love distributed, nothing
• Love will the neighbour’s good, wether we like him or not
• Love’s decision are made situationally, not perspectively.
• Only the ends justify the means, nothing else.
• consequenctialism theory, not concerned in duty only in outcome and
maximixing love for people.
What is Situational Ethics?
• Situational ethics, in ethics and theology, the position that moral
decision making is contextual or dependent on a set of circumstances.
• Different situation call for different responses and some action may
be right or wrong depending on the situation
• Relativism must allow any practice to be considered good if it is
considered good by some people
• Absolutism rule must be broken
• Situational ethics is different from relativism because absolute laws
are recognized.
• Natural law, the Golden Rule, and the ethics of care could help us
fashion a set of moral absolutes that might be general enough to
ensure universal agreement.
• Treat each person with respect and care
• Do one’s duty or duties in such a way that one does not violate the
first principle
No framework
Situational Ethics
• The solution that will be offered is as follows
1. There are basic principles of right and wrong
2. These principles can be applied to ethical delimma or issues
3. These princple may call for different results

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