Theories Behind Multi Classes
Theories Behind Multi Classes
Theories Behind Multi Classes
What is
Multigrade teaching involves
teaching multiple grade levels with
mix-ages, diverse backgrounds, and
different grade levels and abilities
placed in one classroom.
Multigrade Teaching
• It can be one or more than five grade
levels in a classroom. The teacher will
teach all grade levels at the same time.
• Today multigrade schools are found in many suburban and rural schools in
America and Europe. They provide quality educational programs in rural
parts of Scotland, Britain and in the Scandinavian countries.
• In France, Netherlands and Canada the small villages and towns consider
multigrade schools as better alternatives to single grade schools. (Thomas
and Thomas 1992)
Brief History
• Studies abroad have shown that pupils can benefit from the
multigrade programs when these are properly implemented.
Brief History
• These private schools consider the benefits of multigrade classes worth the
trouble of organizing them.
• There were also some creative public schools in the urban provinces who
have experimented organizing multigrade classes and gained positive
• Achievement levels of pupils were found much better than some of their
counterparts in the single grade classes.
• Aside from acquiring better cognitive skills, the pupils exhibited more
desirable attitudes and behaviors due to multi-aged groupings.
Brief History
4. Differentiated Instruction
The assessment, strategies, lesson plan, and teaching should equal to the
student's developmental level and capacity.