Composite of AC Al2O3

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Synthesis and Characterization of

Composite of Al2O3/Activated Carbon

by Hydrothermal Method
Allwar, Meidita Kemala Sari, Feby Rahmawati, Afra
Najiyah Amatullah

Oil Palm Shell Waste

Porous Material (Physical Activati

with N2)
good a Surface Area
Good for Adsorbent

Activated Carbon

A white chemical compound from aluminum and

- oxygen.
Has a porous and as an adsorbent
- Amphoteric (can react with acid or base solutions)
Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) Powde
How To Make It ???

Composite is new types of engineered

material comprising two or more
materials which have different properties
of each material such as combination of
Al2O3 with activated carbon
Matrix Reinforcement

Hydrothermal e Al2O3/
• The purpose of hydrothermal method is to react metal oxide
with AC by improving its properties such as surface area,
pore volume and functional group
• Reduce the stress value of the material by breaking the bonds
of the amorphous compound with water vapor at a certain
temperature so that it is expected to increase the particle size

the process of forming a material at low

temperature and high pressure using a
wetting agent to form a new material.

The advantages of hydrothermal process:

- High Purity
- High Crystalline
- Homogeneous Particle Size Disribution

• The goal of this study is to prepare of Al2O3 /AC composite from

oil palm shell waste using hydrothermal method.

• Characterizations by :
•FTIR to see the functional groups
•XRD to see the composite crystals
•SAA to determine the composite surface area
•SEM-EDX to see the morphology structure and elements in the

290 gram of AC was mixed with 58,5 grams of Al2O3. The mixture was
added with ethanol to completely immerse

Stirred of the mixture slowly with heat for 2 hours until ethanol volume

After cooling down, the mixture washed with distilled water for few
times and left it overnight. Then dried in an oven for 1 hours at 110 °C

Dried mixture was added by aquatridest and placed into the

HYDROTHERMAL REACTOR for 3 hours at 250 °C.

After cooling down, the COMPOSITES was taken up from reactor then
washed for few times to reduce ash content, Composite was dried an
oven for 1 hours at 110 °C composite
of Composite

Result FTIR

Activated Carbon Composite of Al2O3/AC

Fig 1. Spectra IR (a). Activated

Carbon C-600 ; (b). Composite of

Activated Carbon
Fig 2. shows the XRD pattern for activated carbon
and composite Al2O3/AC. The diffraction of activated
carbon peaks are 2θ = 26.5o and 50.1o indicate the
carbon with amorphous structure. The hkl values of
each other of 2θ is (111) : (1-1.1). Therefore, The
presence of diffraction peak at 2θ = 46.4o and 66.9o
corresponded to Al2O3 which was not obtained in the
activated carbon pattern. The result of composite of Al2O3/AC
Al2O3/AC show more crystalline structure with the
hkl (111) : (2-1.1).

Fig 2. Diffractogram (a). Activated

Carbon ; (b). Composite of Al2O3/AC
Fig 3. Curve of Activated Carbon and Adsorption Composite of Al2O3
Fig. 3 shows the nitrogen adsorption isotherms at 77K. The curves of isotherm show that
the composite Al2O3/AC has a multilayer. The values of surface area of activated carbon and
composite of Al2O3/AC are ​68 m2/g and 65 m2/g, respectively. The decreasing of surface
area could be from additional of Al2O3 attached on the activated carbon close the pore
Fig. 4. Morphology of (a). Activated Carbon ; (b). Composite of Al2O3/AC
Fig. 4 Shows the morphology structure of the activated carbon and composite of Al 2O3. It was
clearly that the activated carbon has large of pore. That result is a characteristic of activated
carbon. However, the additional of Al2O3 some of pore was closed by the metal. The image shows
a beautiful picture because it was found the amazing structure of composite surface. There was
developing crystalline with the flower formation of Al 2O3 that close the pore. The activated
carbon pores that are exposed inserted by Al 2O3, seen in the results of the images obtained. The
Al2O3 is successfully inserted on the activated carbon and a shape is like flower.
• the results of synthesis and characterization by FTIR, XRD, SAA, and SEM-
EDX instruments proved that the composite of Al2O3/AC was successfully
synthesized where the activated carbon from the oil palm shell waste.
• The composite of Al2O3/AC shows a semi-crystal phase with hkl (111) : (2-
• BET surface area is 65.3 m2/g relating with multilayer structure. The
composite of Al2O3/AC shows -OH group remaining on the surface of the
composite due to the wetting agent and C-Al-O indicates that the
activated carbon was embedded by Al2O3.
• In the formation of the composite of Al2O3/AC, the hydrothermal process
is affectively used for preparation of Al2O3/activated carbon and ethanol
as a wetting agent.

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