Number of followers
Siddhartha Gautama (Gautama Buddha) was the founder
of Buddhism and was born in present day Nepal.
Siddhartha was born in a royal Hindu family and would
have had several roles as a Prince in his community. He
eventually moved to India to have a more meaningful
role in people’s personal lives.
• Founder: Siddhartha Gautama
• Earliest sources for the life of Buddha date
from the 2nd century AD
• Siddhartha was born a prince around 563
BC in Ancient India
– Grew up surrounded by luxury, married a
beautiful woman and had a happy life
– At age 29 he took a ride beyond the palace
gates and saw a sick man, an old man, a poor
man, and a dead body
• Disturbed, he left his family to find the “realm of
life where there is no suffering nor death
Gautama becomes Buddha
– Life is suffering
– Follow the 4 Noble Truths and Eightfold Path
– This Path leads to better Karma
and a life purity
A pure and enlightened soul can
ultimately achieve Nirvana
Key Teachings Buddhism
• The Eight-fold
Path Means:
• Right views,
• right intentions,
• right speech,
• right conduct,
• right livelihood,
• right effort,
• right mindfulness,
• right contemplation
The Eightfold Path
Nirvana is the state of final liberation from the cycle of
death and rebirth.
It is also therefore the end of suffering. The literal
meaning of the word is "to extinguish," in the way that a
fire goes out when it runs out of fuel.
A more
The Buddha taught individualistic Opposed caste
that following approach to system
the Vedic texts enlightenment
The Eightfold Path
Rebirth as a means could lead any
to evolve individual to
Challenged the nirvana.
Levels above
authority of
human but The Buddha’s
Hindu priests
below Nirvana teachings
reached all
Many realms
including a
Hades like place
The Spread Spheres of
of Buddhism Influence
out of India
by 1000 AD
Where has Buddhism disappeared?
The Major Buddhist
• Theravada: 300BC or earlier (“The Way of the
Elders”) - Sri Lanka & Southeast Asia. Only monks can reach
• Mahayana: 200CE (“The Greater Vehicle”) - China,
Korea, & Japan (& Tibet & Mongolia) Believe in angel-like
beings, different gods and saints, Nirvana is open to all.
• Vajrayana 800CE (“The Way of the Diamond
Thunderbolt”) - Tibet & Mongolia, sect containing the position
of Lama(Guru) many polytheistic gods
All of these allow for the worship of traditional
pre-buddhist gods