Expression of Greeting and Leave-Taking

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Expression of

Greeting and

By Mirza Ghulamudin
Greeting is a salutation
upon meeting someone or
an expression of good
wishes. In other words, to
greet someone is to ex-
tend a polite word of wel-
General Greeting
Formal Greeting Response Meaning

Hi! Hi! Hai!

Hello! Hello! Halo!
How are you? I am fine, thank you Bagaimana
How are you do- I’m doing well, saja, terima kasih
ing? thank you
How is everything Bagaimana keadaan
(with you)? Everything is fine, semuanya?/Se-
thank you muanya baik terima
General Greeting
Informal Greeting Response Meaning

What’s Pretty good Apa kabar?/sangat baik

It’s good to see you? /
Good to see you? Good to see you too
Senang bertemu den-
How are things with you? Ok, not bad ganmu/senang juga
How is it going? Well, nothing special
How’s life? Not bad, thanks kabarnya?/tidak buruk
How have you I have been fine
What’s new with Nothing much
First meeting with a person

Greeting Response

How do you do? How do you do

After Greeting Someone

Greeting Response

Nice to meet you Nice to meet you too

Greeting A Person You Haven’t Seen for A Long Time

Formal Informal Meaning Response


It has been a long How come I never

Kenapa aku tidak Oh, hi! It's been a
time Sudah lama tidak see you?
pernah melihatmu? long time

Oh, ya! It’s been

It’s such a pleasure It has been such a too long.
to meet you Suatu kehormatan
bertemu denganmu long time
Sudah lama sekali
Oh my God! How
are you? It's been a
What have you Apa yang telah long time.
been up to all these Anda lakukan se-
lama bertahun- Long time no see Oh, hi! How are
years? Lama tidak bertemu
tahun ini? you?
Time Period to greet someone


Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good night

00.01 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. – 06.00 p.m. – Night time - will

11.59 a.m. 05.59 p.m. 11.59 p.m. sleep
Expression leave-taking is
an expression used when
we want to end a meeting.
This expression can also
be referred to as a closing
greeting or farewell.
Formal Response
I think I should be Well, it’s been really
on my way nice seeing you again
I think I should get go- I will see you later
I have really got to go I will see you tomor-
now row

I have really get going Let's keep in touch

I would really better Let's stay in touch
go now
I really have to go
I will call you
Formal Response
Good bye Good bye

Bye-bye / Bye Bye-bye / Bye

See you later See you

See you tomorrow See you

See you next week See you

Nice to see you Nice to see you, too

Good night Good night

Informal Response
Take care Take care

Take it easy Take it easy

Have a good trip Thanks

Give my regard to Sure, I will

your parents

Take care of your self I will

Have a nice day Thanks, and you too

Be careful, please Sure, I am and you

01 Good night digunakan untuk mengucapkan se-
lamat berpisah/selamat tidur.

02 Di Inggris/Amerika menggunakan sistem 12 jam

dengan menggunakan a.m dan p.m untuk mem-
bedakan malam dan siang.

03 A.m (Ante merediem) = dari jam 24.00/00.00 s/d

12.00 siang

04 P.m. (post merediem) = dari jam 12.00 siang s/d

24.00 malam

Write the dialogue with your

classmate (two students) about
Greeting and Leave-Taking
Thank you

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