Chapter 4 Radiation and Antennas
Chapter 4 Radiation and Antennas
Chapter 4 Radiation and Antennas
Chapter 4
Radiation and Antennas
Department of Telecommunications
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology
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Chapter 4 Radiation and Antennas
Upon learning the material presented in this chapter, you should be
able to:
1. Calculate the electric and magnetic fields of waves radiated by a
dipole antenna.
2. Characterize the radiation of an antenna in terms of its radiation
pattern, directivity, beamwidth, and radiation resistance.
3. Apply the Friis transmission formula to a free-space
communication system.
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Chapter 4 Radiation and Antennas
Chapter Contents
Overview of Pane-wave
Antenna overview
4-1 The Hertzian Dipole
4-2 Antenna Radiation Characteristics
4-3 Half-Wave Dipole Antenna
4-4 Dipole of Arbitrary Length
4-5 Effective Area of a Receiving Antenna, 422
4-6 Friis Transmission Formula, 427
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Unbounded EM Waves
A time-varying electric field produces a magnetic field and, conversely, a time-
varying magnetic field produces an electric field.
This cyclic pattern often results in electromagnetic (EM) waves propagating
through free space and in material media.
When a wave propagates through a homogeneous medium without interacting with
obstacles or material interfaces, it is said to be unbounded.
Light waves emitted by the sun and radio transmissions by antennas are good
Unbounded waves may propagate in both lossless and lossy media.
Waves propagating in a lossless medium (e.g., air and perfect dielectrics) are
similar to those on a lossless transmission line in that they do not attenuate.
When propagating in a lossy medium (material with nonzero conductivity, such as
water), part of the power carried by an EM wave gets converted into heat.
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Unbounded EM Waves
A wave produced by a localized source, such as an antenna, expands outwardly in
the form of a spherical wave
However, To an observer very far away from the source, the wavefront of the
spherical wave appears approximately planar, as if it were part of a uniform
plane wave with identical properties at all points in the plane tangent to the
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2.1 Time-Harmonic Fields
Time-varying electric and magnetic fields (E, D, B, and H) and their
sources (the charge density ρv and current density J) generally
depend on the spatial coordinates (x, y, z) and the time variable t
The vector phasor : (x, y, z) and
the instantaneous field: E(x, y, z; t) are related as
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2.1 Time-Harmonic Fields
Maxwell’s equations in the phasor domain:
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2.1 Time-Harmonic Fields
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2.1 Time-Harmonic Fields
Complex Permittivity
In free space:
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2.2 Plane-Wave Propagation in Lossless Media
Uniform Plane Waves
To find the magnetic field associated with this wave, apply:
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2.2 Plane-Wave Propagation in Lossless Media
Uniform Plane Waves
Thus, the electric and magnetic fields of a +z - propagating plane wave with field
along x direction are:
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2.2 Plane-Wave Propagation in Lossless Media
Uniform Plane Waves
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2.2 Plane-Wave Propagation in Lossless Media
Uniform Plane Waves
In lossless media: and are in phase
its wavelength is :
where c is the velocity of light and η0 is called the intrinsic impedance of free space.
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2.2 Plane-Wave Propagation in Lossless Media
Uniform Plane Waves
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2.2 Plane-Wave Propagation in Lossless Media
General Relation between E and H k
: Propagation unit vector
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2.6 Electromagnetic Power Density
For any wave with an electric field E and magnetic field H, the Poynting
vector S is defined as
S = E× H (W/m2)
Since both E and H are functions of time, so is the Poynting vector S.
The direction of S is along the wave’s direction of propagation. Thus, S
represents the power per unit area (or power density) carried by the
If the wave is incident upon an aperture of area A with outward surface
unit vector ˆn, then the total power that flows through or is intercepted by
the aperture is
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2.6 Electromagnetic Power Density
The average power density of the wave, Sav, is the time-average value of S:
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2.6 Electromagnetic Power Density
2.6.1 PlaneWave in a Lossless Medium
The wave can be considered as the sum of two waves, one comprising fields (Ex , Hy ) and
another comprising fields (Ey , Hx ).
Average power density
which states that power flows in the z direction with average power density equal to the
sum of the average power densities of the (Ex , Hy ) and (Ey , Hx ) waves.
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2.6 Electromagnetic Power Density
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An antenna is a transducer that converts a guided wave propagating on a transmission line into an
electromagneticwave propagating in an unbounded medium (usually free space), or vice versa. Figure 9-1
shows how a wave is launched by a hornlike antenna, with the horn acting as the transition segment
between the waveguide and free space.
Signal path between a shipboard transmitter (Tx) and a submarine receiver (Rx).
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The antenna radiation pattern, or simply the antenna pattern characterizes the
relative distribution of power radiated by an antenna.
An isotropic antenna is a hypothetical antenna that radiates equally in all directions,
and it is often used as a reference radiator when describing the radiation properties
of real antennas.
Most antennas are reciprocal devices, exhibiting the same radiation pattern for
transmission as for reception.
The radiation properties include its directional radiation pattern and the associated
polarization state of the radiated wave when the antenna is used in the transmission
mode, also called the antenna polarization.
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Radiation sources: Radiation sources fall into two categories: currents and aperture
Far-field region: The wave radiated by a point source is spherical in nature,
with the wavefront expanding outward at a rate equal to the phase velocity
up (or the velocity of light c if the medium is free space). If R, the distance
between the transmitting antenna and the receiving antenna, is sufficiently
large such that the wavefront across the receiving aperture may be
considered planar (Fig. 9-3), then the receiving aperture is said to be in the
far-field (or far-zone) region of the transmitting point source.
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4-1 The Hertzian Dipole
A Hertzian dipole is a thin, linear conductor whose length l is very short compared with the
wavelength λ and should not exceed λ/50.
Even though the current has to go to zero at the two ends of the dipole, we shall treat it as
constant across its entire length.
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4-1 The Hertzian Dipole
The customary approach for finding the electric and magnetic fields at a point Q in
space due to radiation by a current source is through the retarded vector potential A.
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4-1 The Hertzian Dipole
The customary approach for finding the electric and magnetic fields at a point Q in
space due to radiation by a current source is through the retarded vector potential A.
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4-1 The Hertzian Dipole
We need to write A in terms of its spherical coordinate components
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4-1 The Hertzian Dipole
We need to write A in terms of its spherical coordinate components
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4-1 The Hertzian Dipole
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4-1 The Hertzian Dipole
4-1.1 Far-Field Approximation
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4-1 The Hertzian Dipole
4-1.2 Power Density
Given E and H, the time-average Poynting vector of the radiated wave, which is also called
the power density, can be obtained by
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4-1 The Hertzian Dipole
4-1.2 Power Density
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4-1 The Hertzian Dipole
4-1.2 Power Density Normalized radiation intensity
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4-1 The Hertzian Dipole
4-1.2 Power Density Normalized radiation intensity
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4-2 Antenna Radiation Characteristics
An antenna pattern describes the far-field directional properties of an antenna
when measured at a fixed distance from the antenna.
In general, the antenna pattern is a three-dimensional plot that displays the strength
of the radiated field or power density as a function of direction, with direction being
specified by the zenith angle θ and the azimuth angle φ.
The differential power radiated by the antenna through an elemental area dA is
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4-2 Antenna Radiation Characteristics
The total power radiated by an antenna through a spherical surface at a
fixed distance R is obtained by integrating dPrad over that surface
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4-2 Antenna Radiation Characteristics
For the Hertzian dipole, Smax is given by
Prad is:
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4-2 Antenna Radiation Characteristics
4-2.1 Antenna Pattern
The normalized radiation intensity F(θ,φ) characterizes the directional pattern of the
energy radiated by an antenna
To characterize the width of the main lobe in a given plane, the term used is beamwidth.
The half-power beamwidth, or simply the beamwidth β, is defined as the angular width of the
main lobe between the two angles at which the magnitude of F(θ,φ) isequal to half of its peak
value (or−3 dB on a decibel scale).
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4-2 Antenna Radiation Characteristics
4-2.2 Beam Dimensions
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4-2 Antenna Radiation Characteristics
4-2.3 Antenna Directivity
The directivity D of an antenna is defined as the ratio of its maximum normalized radiation
intensity, Fmax (which by definition is equal to 1), to the average value of F(θ,φ) over all
directions (4π space):
where Sav = Prad/(4πR2) is the average value of the radiated power density and is equal to the total power
radiated by the antenna, Prad, divided by the surface area of a sphere of radius R.
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4-2 Antenna Radiation Characteristics
Example 9-1: Antenna Radiation Properties
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4-2 Antenna Radiation Characteristics
4-2.5 Radiation Resistance
In general, input impedance Zin of an antenna consists of a resistive component Rin and a
reactive component Xin:
Rin can be defined as the sum of a radiation resistance Rrad and a loss resistance
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4-2 Antenna Radiation Characteristics
4-2.5 Radiation Resistance
Example 9-3: Radiation Resistance and Efficiency of a Hertzian Dipole
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4-2 Antenna Radiation Characteristics
4-2.5 Radiation Resistance
Example 9-3: Radiation Resistance and Efficiency of a Hertzian Dipole
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4-2 Antenna Radiation Characteristics
4-2.5 Radiation Resistance
Example 9-3: Radiation Resistance and Efficiency of a Hertzian Dipole
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4-2 Antenna Radiation Characteristics
4-2.5 Radiation Resistance
Example 9-3: Radiation Resistance and Efficiency of a Hertzian Dipole
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4-2 Antenna Radiation Characteristics
4-2.5 Radiation Resistance
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4-3 Half-Wave Dipole Antenna
The half-wave dipole consists of a thin
wire fed at its center by a generator
connected to the antenna terminals via
a transmission line.
The current flowing through the wire
has a symmetrical distribution with
respect to the center of the dipole, and
the current is zero at its ends.
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4-3 Half-Wave Dipole Antenna
The far field due to radiation by the entire antenna is obtained
by integrating the fields from all of the Hertzian dipoles making
up the antenna:
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4-3 Half-Wave Dipole Antenna
Recall, Hertzian dipole:
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4-3 Half-Wave Dipole Antenna
For distance
For phase
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4-3 Half-Wave Dipole Antenna
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4-3 Half-Wave Dipole Antenna
4-3.1 Directivity of λ/2 Dipole:
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4-3 Half-Wave Dipole Antenna
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4-4 Effective Area of a Receiving Antenna
So far, antennas have been treated as directional radiators of energy.
Now, we examine the reverse process, namely how a receiving
antenna extracts energy from an incident wave and delivers it to a
The ability of an antenna to capture energy from an incident wave
of power density Si (W/m2) and convert it into an intercepted
power Pint (W) for delivery to a matched load is characterized by
the effective area Ae:
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4-4 Effective Area of a Receiving Antenna
Receiving antenna represented by an equivalent circuit.
The antenna
receiving process
may be modeled in
terms of a Th´evenin
equivalent circuit
consisting of a
voltage Voc in series
with the antenna
input impedance Zin.
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4-4 Effective Area of a Receiving Antenna
To maximize power transfer to the load, the load impedance must
be chosen such that ZL = Z∗in, or RL = Rrad and XL = −Xin.
In that case:
Since the antenna is lossless, all the intercepted power Pint ends up in
the load resistance RL. Hence,
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4-4 Effective Area of a Receiving Antenna
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4-4 Effective Area of a Receiving Antenna
The short-dipole antenna
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4-4 Effective Area of a Receiving Antenna
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4-4 Effective Area of a Receiving Antenna
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4-5 Friis Transmission Formula
Sr : receiving power density
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4-5 Friis Transmission Formula
On the receiving-antenna side:
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4-5 Friis Transmission Formula
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4-5 Friis Transmission Formula
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