Raspberry Pi Int

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Raspberry Pi


Modern College
What is a Raspberry
 University of Cambridge‟s Computer Laboratory
 Survey Result: Decline in skill level
 Designed for education
 A credit card sized Personal Computer (PC)
 Low Cost - ~ $35 each
 Capability:
 Programming
 Electronic Projects
 Office
 Play HD Videos
Modern College
Raspberry Pi Versions

 Latest Versions
 Raspberry Pi Model A+
 Raspberry Pi Zero W
 Raspberry Pi 4
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Modern College
Raspberry Pi 3 Model

Modern College
Rpi Model B -
 Processor : Broadcom BCM2837
 Version : 64bit , ARMv8, Quad Core
Cortex A53
 Speed : 1.2 GHz
 Memory : 1 GB
 Communications: WiFi, Bluetooth, Ethernet
 Media : HDMI Port, Audio Jack
 Input Rating : 5V, 2.5A

Modern College
Modern College
 Download the Required Software & Files
 Raspbian OS,
 7zip, SD Card Formatter,
 Win32 disk imager
 Unzip the file and install utilities
 Format the SD Card
 Write the OS disk image on the SD Card
 Put the microSD card in your Pi and boot up
 Finishing OS Setup.
 Configuring Raspberry Pi using raspi-config
Modern College
SD Card

Modern College
Win32 Disk
 Browse the .img file of OS that was
Raspbian extracted from
 downloaded file.of SD Card.
Select the drive
 Then click on Write.

Modern College
Finishing OS

When you start your Raspberry Pi for the first time, the
Welcome to Raspberry Pi application will pop up and
guide you through the initial setup.
 Click Next to start the setup.

 Set your Country, Language, and Timezone, then

click Nextagain.
 Enter a new password for your Raspberry Pi
click Next. Your default credentials and
username pi and password raspberry. are
 Click Next let the wizard check for updates to Raspbian

and install them

 Note: you will only need to reboot if that‟s necessary to

complete an update.
Modern College
Configuration of
Raspberry Pi
 The raspi-config tool helps you to configure
Raspberry Pi
 several settings can be changed with this tool
without having to know the correct
commands to use.
 It is written as a bash script, run in a terminal
window, and uses whiptail to create the
windows, menus and messages.
 Some changes require "administrator"
Modern College
Raspi-Config : Menu
 Menu > Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration.
 Raspberry Pi Configuration window will be

Modern College
Raspi-Config : Command Driven
 Open Terminal and Give Command
 $ sudo raspi-config
 Raspberry Pi Configuration window will be displayed.

Modern College
Remote Desktop Connection (1)
 Two Methods
 SSH : Command line Access
 VNC : Graphical Desktop Access
 VNC Connect Server from RealVNC is included with
 Enable VNC Server is must before using it.
 SSH is also included with raspberry, user
must enable it before use.

Modern College
Remote Desktop Connection (2)
 Install VNC Server (if not Present)
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install realvnc-vnc-server realvnc-vnc-viewer
 Enable VNC Server and SSH by Graphically
 Select Menu > Preferences > Raspberry Pi
Configuration > Interfaces.
 Ensure VNC is enabled.
 Enabling VNC Server and SSH at
Command Line
 sudo raspi-config
 Navigate to Interfacing Options
 Scroll down, select VNC > Yes, select SSH
Modern College
Getting IP Address of
 In order to connect to Raspberry Pi from another
machine using SSH or VNC, you need to know
the Pi's IP address.
 Run the ifconfig command
 sudo ifconfig
 This gives complete list of IP address
 Alternate option to use hostname –I
 $ hostname –I
 This gives IP address of active connection
 Third option
 $ ping raspberrypi.local
Modern College
Remote connection using VNC
 On Remote Device
 Install VNC Viewer
 Open the VNC
 Enter RPI‟s IP

 Both Raspberry Pi and Remote Device

must be in same network or connected
to same router
Modern College
Remote connection using VNC
 Once the correct IP address entered,
 Give Login user name and Password
 Once the login and password matched, VNC
viewer shows the desktop of Raspberry Pi

Modern College
Remote Connection using SSH
 On Remote Device
 Install Putty
 Open the Putty

Select SSH
as Connection
 Enter

Raspberry Pi's
 IP address
 Port

 Both Raspberry Pi and Remote Device must be

in same network or connected to same router
Modern College
Remote Connection
using SSH
 Once the correct IP address entered,
 Give Login user name and Password
 Below window appears if login and password

Modern College
Raspberry Pi -
 A powerful feature of the Raspberry Pi is the
row of GPIO (general-purpose input/output)
pins along the top edge of the board.
 A 40-pin GPIO header is found on all current
Raspberry Pi boards.
 Any of the GPIO pins can be designated (in
software) as an input or output pin and used
for a wide range of purposes.

Modern College
Raspberry Pi -

Modern College
GPIO Numbering
 Raspberry Pi pins are numbered in two different
 Physical numbering (BOARD)
 Broadcom numbering (BCM).

 In the first case, the pins are numbered

sequentially from one to 40. In the figure, this is
shown as Pin#.
 The Broadcom numbering system is the default
option for the SoC (System-on-Chip). This is also
known as GPIO numbering and is shown as
GPIO# in the figure.
Modern College
GPIO Numbering

Modern College
Python Package for
 The Python package used for Raspberry Pi
GPIO programming is RPi.GPIO.
 The package can be installed by using the
following command:
sudo apt-get install rpi.gpio

Modern College
Programming with GPIO
 Step 1 : Import the RPi.GPIO
package. (import Rpi.GPIO as
 Step 2 : Set the numbering style to be
used. We use the method GPIO.setmode()
for this. It takes either GPIO.BOARD or
GPIO.BCM as the parameter.
 GPIO.setmode (GPIO.BOARD) stands for
physical numbering.
 GPIO.setmode (GPIO.BCM) stands for
Broadcom numbering. Modern College
Programming with GPIO
 Step 3 : Set up the necessary input and
output pins. The setup is used for the same.

 To set up as output :
 GPIO.setup(Pin No., GPIO.OUT)

 To setup as input :
 GPIO.setup(Pin No., GPIO.IN)

Modern College
Programming with GPIO
 Step 4 : Read inputs and give outputs. The
output and input functions are used for the
 For output :
 GPIO.output(13,True)
 For reading Pin :
 value = GPIO.input(13)

 Step 5 : Clean up GPIO and exit using

function GPIO.cleanup()
Modern College
(1)as GPIO
import RPi.GPIO
import time
LED = 5
GPIO.setmode (GPIO.BCM)

def blink():
Modern College
def destroy():

if name == ' main ':

while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Modern College
LCD Interfacing
Pin No. Symbol Function
1 Vss Power supply (GND)
2 Vcc Power supply (+5V)
3 Vee Contrast adjust
4 RS 0 = Instruction input, 1 = Data input
5 R/W 0 = Write to LCD, 1 = Read from LCD
6 E Enable signal
7 DB0 Data bus line 0 (LSB)
8 DB1 Data bus line 1
9 DB2 Data bus line 2
10 DB3 Data bus line 3
11 DB4 Data bus line 4
12 DB5 Data bus line 5
13 DB6 Data bus line 6
14 DB7 Data bus line 7 (MSB)
15 VB+ Backlight Supply (+Ve)
16 VB- Backlight Supply (-Ve)

Modern College
LCD Timing

Modern College
Adafruit Library for
1. Install Git
• sudo apt-get install git-core
2. Download the library:
git clone git://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_CharLCD
3. Change directories with:
• cd Adafruit_Python_CharLCD
4. Install essential packages for LCD library:
• sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev
5. Then install the library with:
• sudo python3 setup.py install
Modern College
Use of Adafruit LCD Library (1)
 Call Adafruit LCD package
 import Adafruit_CharLCD as LCD

 # Raspberry Pi pin configuration:

 lcd_rs = 5 #RS of LCD is connected to GPIO 5 on PI
 lcd_en = 6 #EN of LCD is connected to GPIO 6 on PI
 lcd_d4 = 12 #D4 of LCD is connected to GPIO 12 on PI
 lcd_d5 = 13 #D5 of LCD is connected to GPIO 13 on PI
 lcd_d6 = 16 #D6 of LCD is connected to GPIO 16 on PI
 lcd_d7 = 18 #D7 of LCD is connected to GPIO 17 on PI
 lcd_backlight = 0 #LED is not connected so assign
to 0
Modern College
Use of Adafruit LCD Library(2)
 Define LCD column and row size for 16x2 LCD.
 lcd_columns = 16
 lcd_rows =2
 LCD Object Declaration:
lcd = LCD.Adafruit_CharLCD(lcd_rs, lcd_en, lcd_d4, lcd_d5,
lcd_d6, lcd_d7, lcd_columns, lcd_rows, lcd_backlight)
 LCD Functions
 lcd.message('Hello\nworld!')
 lcd.clear()
 lcd.show_cursor(True)
 lcd.blink(True)
 lcd.move_right()
 lcd.move_left()
Modern College
DHT11 & DHT22
Humidity & Temperature Sensor
 Is a basic, low-cost digital temperature and
humidity sensor.
 It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a
thermistor to measure the surrounding air,
and spits out a digital signal on the data pin
(no analog input pins needed).
 Its fairly simple to use, but requires careful
timing to grab data.
 The only real downside of this sensor is new
data is available once every 2 seconds.
Modern College
DHT11 & DHT22

Modern College
 Full range temperature compensated
 Relative humidity & temperature measurement
 Calibrated digital signal
 Outstanding long-term stability
 Extra components not needed
 Long transmission distance
 Low power consumption
 4 pins packaged and fully interchangeable

Modern College
DHT11 / DHT22 Working Principle
 They consist of a humidity sensing
component, a NTC temperature sensor (or
thermistor) and an IC on the back side of the

Modern College
DHT11 / DHT22 Working Principle
 humidity sensing component has two electrodes
with moisture holding substrate between them.
 As the humidity changes, the conductivity of the
substrate changes or the resistance between these
electrodes changes.
 Change in resistance is measured & processed by
the IC which makes it ready to be read by a

Modern College
DHT11 / DHT22 Working Principle
 A thermistor is actually a variable resistor that
changes its resistance with change of the
 These sensors are made by sintering of
semiconductive materials such as ceramics or
polymers in order to provide larger changes in the
resistance with just small changes in temperature.

Modern College

 On DHT-11 the 1-wire data bus is pulled up

with a resistor to VCC.
 So if nothing is occurred the voltage on
the bus is equal to VCC.
Modern College
 Serial Interface (Single-Wire Two-Way)
 All the sensor readings are sent using a single
wire bus which reduces the cost and extends
the distance.
 Communication Format can be separated into
three stages
 Request

 Response

 Data Reading

Modern College
Communication Process: Request
 To make the DHT-11 to send you the sensor
readings you have to send it a request.
 The request is, to pull down the bus for
more than 18ms in order to give DHT time
to understand it and then pull it up for

Modern College
Communication Process: Response
 What comes after the request is the DHT-11
 This is an automatic reply from DHT which
indicates that DHT received your request.
 The response is ~54uS low and 80uS

Modern College
Communication Process: Data Read
 The sensor data after response will be packed
in a packet of 5 segments of 8-bits each.
 2 segments are Humidity read, integral &
 2 segments are Temperature read in Celsius,
integral & decimal
 last segment is the Check Sum which is the sum
of the 4 first

Modern College
How to Identify
 Each bit sent is a follow of ~54uS Low in the
bus and ~24uS to 70uS High depending on
the value of the bit.
 Bit '0' : ~54uS Low and ~24uS High
 Bit '1' : ~54uS Low and ~70uS High

Modern College
End Of
 At the end of packet DHT sends a ~54uS Low
level, pulls the bus to High and goes to sleep

 Example Reading
 Humidity 0b00101011.0b00000000 = 43.0%
 Temperature 0b00010111. 0b00000000 = 23.0 C.

Modern College
Adafruit Library for
1. Install Git
• sudo apt-get install git-core
2. Download the library:
git clone https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_DHT.git
3. Change directories with:
• cd Adafruit_Python_DHT
4. Install essential packages for DHT library:
• sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev
5. Then install the library with:
• sudo python3 setup.py install
Modern College
Usage of DHT Adafruit Library
 Call DHT Adafruit Package
 import Adafruit_DHT
 Declare the Sensor Pin and Type
 Pin = 18
 Type = Adafruit_DHT.DHT11
 Get the readings
 Hum,Temp = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry (Type, Pin)
 Print the Value
 print('Temp={0:0.1f}*C Humidity={1:0.1f}%'
.format(Temp, Hum))
Presented By: Mr. D. Shridhar Modern College
Ultrasonic Sensor : HC-
 An
ultrasonic sensor, also known as an ultrasonic
 Mainly used to determine the distance from the target
 It measures accurate distance using a non-contact
 Transmitter and receiver are two main parts of the
sensor where former converts an electrical signal to
ultrasonic waves while later converts that ultrasonic
signals back to electrical signals.
 These ultrasonic waves are nothing but sound signals
that can be measured & displayed at the receiving
end. Modern College
HC-SR04 :
 Working Voltage: DC 5V
 Working Current: 15mA
 Working Frequency: 40Hz
 Max Range: 4m
 Min Range: 2cm
 Measuring Angle: 15 degree
 Trigger Input Signal: 10µS TTL pulse
 Echo Output Signal Input TTL level signal and
the range in proportion
 Dimension 45 * 20 * 15mm
Modern College
How It Works – Ultrasonic Sensor
 It emits an ultrasound at 40 KHz which travels
through the air and if there is an object or obstacle
on its path It will bounce back to the module.
 Considering the travel time and the speed of the
sound you can calculate the distance.

Modern College

Modern College
 Supply a short 10uS pulse to the trigger input to start the
ranging, and then the module will send out an 8 cycle burst
of ultrasound at 40 kHz and raise its echo.
 The Echo is a distance object that is pulse width and the
range in proportion .Y

Modern College

Modern College
Routine for Ultrasonic
def distance():
GPIO.output(TRIGGER, True) # set Trigger to HIGH
time.sleep(0.00001) # 10 us delay
GPIO.output(TRIGGER, False) # set Trigger to LOW
# Save current time
 StartTime = time.time() StopTime =
 while GPIO.input(ECHO) == StartTime
# save 0: StartTime =
 while GPIO.input(ECHO) # save
== time
1: ofStopTime
arrival =
TimeElapsed = StopTime – StartTime
distance = (TimeElapsed * 34300) /
2 return distance Modern College
 An LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) or a photo
resistor is a photo conductive sensor.
 It is a variable resistor that changes it‟s resistance in
a proportion to the light exposed to it.
 Its resistance decreases with the intensity of light.

Modern College
LDR Interfacing

Modern College
How it
 As the capacitor gradually charges, the voltage that
passes through the circuit and to the GPIO pin rises.
Once the capacitor is charged to a certain point, it's
voltage rises above 2 volts and the Raspberry Pi will
sense that GPIO pin 13 is HIGH.
 If the resistance of the sensor increases, the
capacitor will charge more slowly and the circuit will
take more time to reach 2 volts.
 The above script essentially times how long it takes
for pin 13 to turn High and then uses this
measurement to calculate the resistance of the
Modern College
def rc_time (pin_to_circuit):
count = 0
GPIO.output(pin_to_circuit, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.setup(pin_to_circuit, GPIO.IN)
while (GPIO.input(pin_to_circuit) == GPIO.LOW):
count += 1
return count
except KeyboardInterrupt:
GPIO.cleanup() Modern College
Make Your Raspberry Pi Speak!
 Espeak is software package to convert text
into audio.
 Install espeak
 $ sudo apt-get install espeak
 Run espeak on Command line
 espeak "Hello World" 2>/dev/null
 To use in Python
 import subprocess
 from subprocess import call
 call(["espeak","Object found is an apple"])
Modern College
Make Your Raspberry Pi Speak!
 Modifying the Voice
 -v<voice filename>+<voice type>
 espeak -ven-us+m1 "Welcome to Dexter tutorial"
 espeak -ven+f2 "Welcome to Dexter tutorial" 2>/dev/null
 Modifying Speech Speed
 -s<value> : Default is 175
 espeak -s250 "Welcome to
Dexter tutorial" 2>/dev/null
 Pause Between
 -g<value> : in units of
10ms Modern College
IR Sensor
 Detect the presence of objects before them.
 The transmitter (IR LED) will emit an IR ray which will get
reflected if there is an object present before it.
 This IR ray will be received back by the receiver
(Photodiode) and the output will be made high after
amplified using an op-amp LM358.

Modern College
Motion Sensor: PIR
 A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an
electronic sensor that measures infrared (IR) light
radiating from objects in its field of view.
 They are most often used in PIR-based motion
 PIR sensors detect general movement, but do not
give information on who or what moved.

Modern College
Analog Output :
 Can a digital devise produce analog output?

Image from Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces at UC Berkley

• Analog output can be simulated using

pulse width modulation (PWM)
Modern College
Pulse Width
• Can’t use digital pins
to directly supply
say 2.5V, but can
pulse the output on
and off really fast to
produce the same

• The on-off pulsing

happens so quickly,
the connected output
device “sees” the
result as a reduction
in the voltage
Image from Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces at UC Berkley
Modern College
PWM Duty
output voltage = (on_time / cycle_time) * 5V

Image credit: Tod Kurt

Fixed cycle length; constant

number of cycles/secModern College
PWM Functions in Python
 Create PWM Object
 Create an Object of class PWM which is a part of
RPi.GPIO library.
 For Example create object LED_pwm
 LED_pwm = GPIO.PWM (Pin no., frequency)
 Where,
 Pin no. – PWM pin no on which PWM will be generated.
 Frequency – frequency of PWM
 Note: The PWM which is generated here is Software
PWM and can generate on any GPIO pin.

Modern College
Presented By: Mr. D. Shridhar Smart Logic
PWM Functions in Python
 start (Duty Cycle)
 It is used to start PWM generation of specified Duty Cycle.
 For Example: LED_pwm.start(100)
 ChangeDutyCycle(Duty Cycle)
 This function is used to change the Duty Cycle of
We have to provide Duty Cycle in the range of 0-100.
 For Example: LED_pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(50)
 stop()
 This function is used to stop the PWM generation.
 For Example: LED_pwm.stop()
 ChangeFrequency(frequency)
 This function
PWM. is used to change the Modern
DC motor
 Why Motor Driver IC?
 The L293D is a H Bridge type IC and can
control DC motors up to 36V
 2 motors can be driven with a single
RaspberryPi Motor Driver
DC Motor

Modern College
Presented By: Mr. Shridhar Dudam

Modern College
Presented By: Mr. Shridhar Dudam
DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
 3 terminal temperature sensor in the
available TO-92 (transistor type) package.
 Communicates over 1-Wire Interface.
 Operating voltage: 3-5V
 Measuring Range: -55°C to +125°C
 Accuracy: ±0.5°C
 Resolution: 9-bit to 12-bit

Modern College
Presented By: Mr. D. Shridhar

The Raspberry Pi has drivers for one wired devices
to be connected to GPIO pin-4 by default.

1-wire is a device
communication data
bus system
developed by Dallas
providing low speed
data, signalling and
power over a single
signal wire.

Modern College
Presented By: Mr. D. Shridhar
Reading temperature using
 Enable 1-wire interface
 sudo raspi-config
 Navigate to Interface options to enable 1-wire
 Load the device kernel modules
 sudo modprobe w1-gpio
 sudo modprobe w1-therm
 Point to the address of the temperature sensor,
 cd /sys/bus/w1/devices/28*
 Read the Temperature Value
 cat w1_slave

Modern College
Presented By: Mr. D. Shridhar
DS18B20: Python Code (1)
import os
import glob
os.system('modprobe w1-gpio„)
os.system('modprobe w1-therm')
base_dir = '/sys/bus/w1/devices/‟
device_folder = glob.glob(base_dir + '28*')[0]
device_file = device_folder + '/w1_slave‟

Modern College
Presented By: Mr. D. Shridhar
DS18B20: Python Code (2)
def read_temp_raw():
f = open(device_file, 'r')
lines = f.readlines()
return lines
lines =
while lines[0].strip()[-3:] != 'YES„:
lines = read_temp_raw()
equals_pos = lines[1].find('t=„)
if equals_pos != -1:
temp_string = lines[1][equals_pos+2:]
Presented By: Mr. D. Shridhar Modern College
DS18B20: Python Code (3)
if name ==' main ':
while True:
TempC = read_temp()
print("Temp. in :%0.2f C"%TempC)
Celsius print(" ")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ("Program Terminated")

Modern College
Presented By: Mr. D. Shridhar
 ThingSpeak is a IoT cloud platform which
uses simple HTTP Protocol to transfer, store
and retrieve information from different

Modern College
 ThingSpeak Application allows us to log the
sensor data, track locations and even social
networking of things.
 ThingSpeak has support from MATLAB. The
close relationship between ThingSpeak and
MATLAB has lead to integrate several key
features of MATLAB into the ThingSpeak
 ThingSpeak takes minimum of 15 seconds to
update sensor readings.
Modern College
Creating Account &
 Create an account with
ThingSpeak (www.thingspeak.com).
 After logging in, create a new channel for the
data to be stored. For this go to
>My Channels and click on New Channel.

Modern College
Create a Channel and

Modern College
Getting API Key in ThingSpeak
 To send data to ThingSpeak, we need an unique
API key, which is used to upload sensor data to
ThingSpeak Website.
 Click on “API Keys” button to get your unique API
key for uploading your CPU data.

Modern College
ThingSpeaK Python
 import Adafruit_DHT
 import time
 from urllib.request import urlopen
 import sys

 WRITE_API = "JL2BDUBGRIQE956W" # Replace with user API key

 BASE_URL = "https://api.thingspeak.com/update?

 thingspeakHttp = BASE_URL + "&field1={:.2f}&field2={:.2f}“

.format(temperature, humidity)
 print(thingspeakHttp)
 conn = urlopen(thingspeakHttp)
 print("Response: {}".format(conn.read()))
 conn.close()
Modern College
 Locate the camera port & connect the camera:
 Gently pull up on the edges of the plastic clip
 Insert the camera ribbon; make sure it is the right
way round
 Push the plastic clip back into place
 Power on Raspberry Pi
 Open the Raspberry Pi Configuration Tool from
the main menu
 Ensure the camera software is enabled under
the Interface Tab
Modern College
 from picamera import PiCamera
 Import time
 camera = PiCamera()

 camera.start_preview()

 time.sleep(10)

 camera.stop_preview()

 Note that the camera preview only works when a

monitor is connected to the Pi, so remote access (such
as SSH and VNC) will not allow you to see the camera

Modern College
Camera preview :
 from picamera import PiCamera
 Import time
 camera = PiCamera()

 camera.rotation = 180

 camera.start_preview()

 time.sleep(10)

 camera.stop_preview()

 Rotation options – 0, 90, 180, 270

Modern College
Camera preview : Transparency
 from picamera import PiCamera
 Import time
 camera = PiCamera()

 camera.rotation = 180

 camera.start_preview(alpha=200)

 time.sleep(10)

 camera.stop_preview()

 Alpha can be any value between 0 & 255.

Modern College
 from picamera import PiCamera
 Import time
 camera = PiCamera()

 camera.start_preview()

 time.sleep(5)

 camera.capture('/home/pi/Desktop/img.jpg')

 camera.stop_preview()

 It’s important to sleep for at least 2 seconds before

capturing, to give the sensor time to set its light
Modern College
 from picamera import PiCamera
 Import time
 camera = PiCamera()

 camera.start_preview()

 camera.start_recording('/home/pi/video.h264')

 time.sleep(10)

 camera.stop_recording()

 camera.stop_preview()

 Run the video using OMXplayer on command line

 $: omxplayer
video.h264 Modern College
 Resolution
 camera.resolution = (2592, 1944)
 Frame Rate
 camera.framerate = 15
 Annotate_text
 camera.annotate_text = "Hello world!“
 Brightness & Contrast
 camera.brightness = 70
 camera.contrast = 20

Modern College
 Image Effect
 Options:none, negative, solarize, sketch, denois
e, emboss, oilpaint, hatch, gpen, pastel, watercol
or, film, blur, saturation, colorswap, washedout, p
osterise, colorpoint, colorbalance, cartoon, deinte
rlace1, and deinterlace2.
 camera.image_effect = 'colorswap'
 Set the auto white balance
 Options:off, auto, sunlight, cloudy, shade, tungs
ten, fluorescent, incandescent, flash, and horizon.
 camera.awb_mode = 'sunlight'
Modern College
 Set the exposure
 Options:off, auto, night, nightpreview,
backlight, spotlight, sports, snow, beach,
verylong, fixedfps
, antishake, and fireworks
 camera.exposure_mode = 'beach‟

Modern College

Modern College

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