8.power Plant Economics
8.power Plant Economics
8.power Plant Economics
RATE OF INTEREST All enterprises need investment of money and this money may be obtained as loan, through bonds and shares or from owners of personal funds. Interest is the difference between money borrowed and money returned. It may be charged at a simple rate expressed as % per annum or may be compounded, in which case the interest is reinvested and adds to the principal, thereby earning more interest in subsequent years. Even if the owner invests his own capital the charge of interest is necessary to cover the income that he would have derived from it through an alternative investment or fixed deposit with a bank. Amortization in the periodic repayment of the principal as a uniform annual expense.
DEPRECIATION Depreciation accounts for the deterioration of the equipment and decrease in its value due to corrosion, weathering and wear and tear with use. It also covers the decrease in value of equipment due to obsolescence. The following methods are used to calculate the depreciation cost: (1) Straight line method (2) Percentage method (3) Sinking fund method (4) Unit method.
Straight Line Method. It is the simplest and commonly used method. The life of the equipment or the enterprise is first assessed as also the residual or salvage value of the same after the estimated life span. This salvage value is deducted from the initial capital cost and the balance is divided by the life as assessed in years. Thus, the annual value of decrease in cost of equipment is found and is set aside as depreciation annually from the income. Thus, the rate of depreciation is uniform throughout the life of the equipment. By the time the equipment has lived out its useful life, an amount equivalent to its net cost is accumulated which can be utilized for replacement of the plant. Percentage Method. In this method the deterioration in value of equipment from year to year is taken into account and the amount of depreciation calculated upon actual residual value for each year. It thus, reduces for successive years. Sinking Fund Method. This method is based on the conception that the annual uniform deduction from income for depreciation will accumulate to the capital value of the plant at the end of life of the plant or equipment. In this method, the amount set aside per year consists of annual installments and the interest earned on all the installments.
A = Amount set aside at the end of each year for n years. n = Life of plant in years. S = Salvage value at the end of plant life. i = Annual rate of compound interest on the invested capital. P = Initial investment to install the plant. Then, amount set aside at the end of first year = A Amount at the end of second year = A + interest on A = A + Ai = A(1 + i) Amount at the end of third year = A(1 + i) + interest on A(1 + i) = A(1 + i) +A(1 + i)i = A(1 + i)2 Amount at the end of nth year = A(1 + i)n 1 Total amount accumulated in n years (say x) = sum of the amounts accumulated in n years i.e., x = A + A(1 + i) + A(1 + i)2 + ...... + A(1 + i)n 1 = A[1 + (1 + i) + (1 + i)2 +...... + (1 + i)n 1] ...(1) Multiplying the above equation by (1 + i), we get x(1 + i) = A [(1 + i) + (1 + i)2 + (1 + i)3 + ...... + (1 + i)n] ...(2) Subtracting equation (1) from (2), we get x.i = [(1 + i)n 1] A x = [{(1 + i)n 1}/i]A, where x = (P S) P S = [{(1 + i)n 1}/i]A A = (P S)[i/{(1 + i)n 1}]A
Unit Method. In this method some factor is taken as a standard one and, depreciation is measured by that standard. In place of years equipment will last, the number of hours that equipment will last is calculated. This total number of hours is then divided by the capital value of the equipment. This constant is then multiplied by the number of actual working hours each year to get the value of depreciation for that year. In place of number of hours, the number of units of production is taken as the measuring standard.
The elements that make up the operating expenditure of a power plant include the following
(1) Cost of fuels. (2) Labour cost. (3) Cost of maintenance and repairs. (4) Cost of stores (other than fuel). (5) Supervision. (6) Taxes.
COST OF FUELS In a thermal station fuel is the heaviest item of operating cost. The selection of the fuel and the maximum economy in its use are, therefore, very important considerations in thermal plant design. It is desirable to achieve the highest thermal efficiency for the plant so that fuel charges are reduced. The cost of fuel includes not only its price at the site of purchase but its transportation and handling costs also. In the hydro plants the absence of fuel factor in cost is responsible for lowering the operating cost. Plant heat rate can be improved by the use of better quality of fuel or by employing better thermodynamic conditions in the plant design. The cost of fuel varies with the following:
(1) Unit price of the fuel. (2) Amount of energy produced. (3) Efficiency of the plant.
LABOUR COST For plant operation labour cost is another item of operating cost. Maximum labour is needed in a thermal power plant using. Coal as a fuel. A hydraulic power plant or a diesel power plant of equal capacity requires a lesser number of persons. In case of automatic power station the cost of labour is reduced to a great extent. However labour cost cannot be completely eliminated even with fully automatic station, as they will still require some manpower for periodic inspection etc.
COST OF MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS In order to avoid plant breakdowns maintenance is necessary. Maintenance includes periodic cleaning, greasing, adjustments and overhauling of equipment. The material used for maintenance is also charged under this head. Sometimes an arbitrary percentage is assumed as maintenance cost. A good plan of maintenance would keep the sets in dependable condition and avoid the necessity of too many stand-by plants. Repairs are necessitated when the plant breaks down or stops due to faults developing in the mechanism. The repairs may be minor, major or periodic overhauls and are charged to the depreciation fund of the equipment. This item of cost is higher for thermal plants than for hydro-plants due to complex nature of principal equipment and auxiliaries in the former. COST OF STORES The items of consumable stores other than fuel include such articles as lubricating oil and greases, cotton waste, small tools, chemicals, paints and such other things. The incidence of this cost is also higher in thermal stations than in hydro-electric power stations.
SUPERVISION In this head the salary of supervising staff is included. A good supervision is reflected in lesser breakdowns and extended plant life. The supervising staff includes the station superintendent, chief engineer, chemist, engineers, supervisors, stores incharges, purchase officer and other establishment. Again, thermal stations, particularly coal fed, have a greater incidence of this cost than the hydro-electric power stations. TAXES The taxes under operating head includes the following:
(i) Income tax (ii) Sales tax (iii) Social security and employees security etc.
The load demand on a power system is governed by the consumers and for a system supplying industrial and domestic consumers, it varies within wide limits. This variation of load can be considered as daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. These curves are for a day and for a year and these show the load demanded by the consumers at any particular time. Such load curves are termed as Chronological load Curves. If the ordinates of the chronological load curves are arranged in the descending order of magnitude with the highest ordinates on left, a new type of load curve known as load duration curve is obtained. If any point is taken on this curve then the abscissa of this point will show the number of hours per year during which the load exceeds the value denoted by its ordinate. Another type of curve is known as energy load curve or the integrated duration curve. This curve is plotted between the load in kW or MW and the total energy generated in kWh. If any point is taken on this curve, abscissa of this point show the total energy in kWh generated at or below the load given by the ordinate of this point.
The lower part of the curve consisting of the loads which are to be supplied for almost the whole number of hours in a year, represents the Base Load, while the upper part, comprising loads which are required for relatively few hours per year, represents the Peak Load.
From the standpoint of equipment needed and operating routine, the ideal load on a power plant would be one of constant magnitude and steady duration. However, the shape of the actual load curve (more frequently realized) departs far from this ideal. The cost to produce one unit of electric power in the former case would be from 1/2 to 3/4 of that for the latter case, when the load does not remain constant or steady but varies with time. This is because of the lower first cost of the equipment due to simplified control and the elimination of various auxiliaries and regulating devices. Also, the ideal load curve will result in the -improved operating conditions with the various plant machines (for example turbine and generators etc.) operating at their best efficiency. The reason behind the shape of the actual realized load curve is that the various users of electric power (industrial, domestic etc.) impose highly variable demands upon the capacity of the plant.
Also, the ideal load curve will result in the -improved operating conditions with the various plant machines (for example turbine and generators etc.) operating at their best efficiency. The reason behind the shape of the actual realized load curve is that the various users of electric power (industrial, domestic etc.) impose highly variable demands upon the capacity of the plant.
3. Plant Operating Factor It is the ratio of the duration during which the plant is in actual service, to the total duration of the period of time considered.
4. Plant Capacity Factor It is the ratio of the average loads on a machine or equipment to the rating of the machine or equipment, for a certain period of time considered. Since the load and diversity factors are not involved with reserve capacity of the power plant, a factor is needed which will measure the reserve, likewise the degree of utilization of the installed equipment. For this, the factor Plant factor, Capacity factor or Plant Capacity factor is defined as, Plant Capacity Factor = (Actual kWh Produced)/(Maximum Possible Energy that might have produced during the same period) Thus the annual plant capacity factor will be,
= (Annual kWh produced)/[Plant capacity (kW) hours of the year]
The difference between load and capacity factors is an indication of reserve capacity.
5. Demand Factor The actual maximum demand of a consumer is always less than his connected load since all the appliances in his residence will not be in operation at the same time or to their fullest extent. This ratio of' the maximum demand of a system to its connected load is termed as demand factor. It is always less than unity. 6. Diversity Factor Supposing there is a group of consumers. It is known from experience that the maximum demands of the individual consumers will not occur at one time. The ratio of the sum of the individual maximum demands to the maximum demand of the total group is known as diversity factor. It is always greater than unity. High diversity factor (which is always greater than unity) is also a desirable quality. With a given number of consumers, higher the value of diversity factor, lower will be the maximum demand on the plant, since,
Diversity factor = Sum of the individual maximum Demands/Maximum demand of the total group
7. Load Curve It is a curve showing the variation of power with time. It shows the value of a specific load for each unit of the period covered. The unit of time considered may be hour, days, weeks, months or years. 8. Load Duration Curve It is the curve for a plant showing the total time within a specified period, during which the load equaled or exceeded the values shown. 9. Dump Power This term is used in hydro plants and it shows the power in excess of the load requirements and it is made available by surplus water. 10. Firm Power It is the power, which should always be available even under emergency conditions. 11. Prime Power It is power, may be mechanical, hydraulic or thermal that is always available for conversion into electric power. 12. Cold Reserve It is that reserve generating capacity which is not in operation but can be made available for service.
13. Hot Reserve It is that reserve generating capacity which is in operation but not in service. 14. Spinning Reserve It is that reserve generating capacity which is connected to the bus and is ready to take the load. 15. Plant Use Factor This is a modification of Plant Capacity factor in that only the actual number of hours that the plant was in operation is used. Thus Annual Plant Use factor is,
= (Annual kWh produced) / [Plant capacity (kW) number of hours of plant operation]
The escaping gland-seal steam is also collected and removed. In the BWR, the effluents come directly from the primary system. In the PWR, they come from the secondary system, so there is less likelihood of radio-active material being exhausted from a PWR than a BWR from these sources. The primary-coolant radioactivity comes about mainly from fuel fission products that find their way into the coolant through the few small cracks that inevitably develop in the very thin cladding of some fuel elements. Such activity is readily detectable. However, to avoid frequent costly shutdowns and repairs, the system is designed to operate as long as the number of affected fuel elements does not exceed a tolerable limit, usually 0.25 to 1 percent of the total. Also, some particulate matter finds its way into the coolant as a result of corrosion and wear (erosion) of the materials of the primary system components. These become radioactive in the rich neutron envi-ronment of the reactor core. Corrosion occurs because the radiolytic decomposition of the water passing through the core results in free O2 and free H and OH radicals as well as some H2O2. These lower the pH of the coolant and promote corrosion. Finally, radioactivity in the primary coolant may be caused by so-called tramp uranium. This is uranium or uranium dioxide dust that clings to the outside of the fuel elements and is insufficiently cleaned off during fabrication. It will, of course, undergo fission, and its fission products readily enter the coolant. Improved processing and quality control are minimizing the problem of tramp uranium.
Significant quantities of particulates and gases from fossil-fueled system, small quantities of radioactive gases from nuclear, have an impact upon an environment. Offshore sitting of power plants mitigates these problems of pollution. Offshore sitting of power stations also isolates the plants from earthquakes and provides the thermal enhancement of the water to increase recreational and commercial values. No doubt, offshore location requires new design consideration and floating platforms in the sea increasing the capital cost of the plant. 4. It was proposed that the thermal pollution of the atmosphere and the generation cost of the plant could be reduced by using the lowgrade energy exhausted by the steam. The ideal use for enormous quantity of residual energy from steam power plants requires large demand with unity power factor. Particularly in U.S.A., many uses of energy are available in winter, but not in summer therefore finding large-scale valuable uses of thermal energy is the key for developing beneficial uses. 5. Use the sun energy for the production of power that is absolutely free from air-pollution.