GCP 2017 Version 1.0 2017

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Good Clinical

Presented By :

Version: 1.0/2017 1
Good clinical Practices
• Good clinical practice (GCP): a standard for the design ,
conduct, performance, monitoring, auditing, recording,
analyses and reporting of clinical trials that provides assurance
that the data and reported results are credible and accurate
and that the rights, integrity, and confidentiality of trial
subjects are protected.

Version: 1.0/2017 2
13 GCP principles:
• 2.1 Clinical trials should be conducted in accordance with the ethical
principles that have their origin in the Declaration of Helsinki, and that are
consistent with GCP and the applicable regulatory requirement(s).
• 2.2 Before a trial is initiated, foreseeable risks and inconveniences should
be weighed against the anticipated benefit for the individual trial subject
and society. A trial should be initiated and continued only if the anticipated
benefits justify the risks.
• 2.3 The rights, safety, and well-being of the trial subjects are the most
important considerations and should prevail over interests of science and
• 2.4 The available nonclinical and clinical information on an investigational
product should be adequate to support the proposed clinical trial.

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13 GCP principles:
• 2.5 Clinical trials should be scientifically sound, and described in a clear,
detailed protocol.
• 2.6 A trial should be conducted in compliance with the protocol that has
received prior institutional review board (IRB)/independent ethics
committee (IEC) approval/favorable opinion.
• 2.7 :The medical care given to, and medical decisions made on behalf of,
subjects should always be the responsibility of a qualified physician or,
when appropriate, of a qualified dentist.
• 2.8: Each individual involved in conducting a trial should be qualified by
education, training, and experience to perform his or her respective
• 2.9: Freely given informed consent should be obtained from every subject
prior to clinical trial participation.

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13 GCP principles:
• 2.10: All clinical trial information should be recorded, handled,
and stored in a way that allows its accurate reporting,
interpretation and verification.
• 2.11: The confidentiality of records that could identify subjects
should be protected, respecting the privacy and confidentiality
rules in accordance with the applicable regulatory
• 2.12: Investigational products should be manufactured, handled,
and stored in accordance with applicable good manufacturing
practice (GMP). They should be used in accordance with the
approved protocol.
• 2.13 :Systems with procedures that assure the quality of every
aspect of the trial should be implemented.
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• Investigator : a person responsible for the conduct of
the clinical trial at a trial site. If a trial is conducted by
a team of individuals at a trial site, the investigator is
the responsible leader of the team and may be called
the principle investigator.

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• Sub-investigator - Any individual member of the clinical trial
team designated and supervised by the investigator at a trial
site to perform critical trial-related procedures and/or to make
important trial-related decisions (e.g., associates, residents,
research fellows). (1.56, ICH GCP 1996)

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• Sponsor – An individual, company, institution, or organization
which takes responsibility for the initiation, management,
and/or financing of a clinical trial. (1.53, ICH GCP 1996)

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Investigator :
• To be qualified , must be capable of doing their job
through their :
• Education
• Training
• Experience

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Investigator responsibilities
• 1.Gaining informed consent from study participants
• 2. Randomization procedures and un-blinding, when needed
• 3. Medical care of study participants
• 4. Communication with the IEC/IRB
• 5. Investigational product(s) handling and management at the site
• 6. Study protocol compliance
• 7. Qualified staff and agreements
• 8. Records and reports management
• 9. Safety reporting
• 10. Ensuring adequate resources
• 11. Management of premature termination or suspension of a study

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Informed consent:
• The investigator must always comply with the ethical and
regulatory international and local requirements for the
process of informed consent

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Informed consent
• Informed consent: A process by which a subject voluntarily
confirms his or her willingness to participate in a particular
trial, after having been informed of all aspects of the trial that
are relevant to the subject's decision to participate. Informed
consent is documented by means of a written, signed and
dated informed consent form. (1.28, ICH GCP 1996)

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Informed consent
• IRB/IEC must provide written approval before start of the
study for informed consent.
• During the consent process, the participant (or their legal
acceptable representative) must be fully informed of all
pertinent aspects of the study, including the approval by the
IEC/IRB. All oral and written communication and information
that they will be provided with must be in a non-technical and
understandable language. Never should any oral or written
study information waive a participant’s rights or release those
involved in running the research from liability for negligence.

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Informed consent
• If the individual cannot read, an impartial witness must be
present. The 2002 Council for International Organizations of
Medical Sciences (CIOMS) guidelines emphasis that if the
consent taker does not speak or read the language of the
participant they are not allowed to consent that person
without a witness who does understand the participant’s

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Informed consent overview
• The witness signs the Informed Consent Form (ICF) to confirm they
observed that the participant had the information sheet explained
to them, that they understood the information, that they had their
questions answered and that they freely consented. The participant
provides their mark/thumbprint and the consent taker writes their
• The participant must have signed/marked the consent form before
they can take part in the study. A signed/marked copy of the
consent form must be given to the participant; a copy of a blank
form is not acceptable to document the consent. The whole
informed consent process including all documentation regarding
communication of new information should be documented in the
medical records/source file
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What's included in the informed
consent process:
• information on all applicable parts of the study such as its purpose, duration, how
many will be recruited, required procedures (including randomization, if applicable),
the fact that it is research - not individualized medical treatment, and key contacts;
• Reassurance that the individual can always ask the research team for additional
information at any time and that, if they change their mind about participation, they
can leave the study without obligation to explain why;
• an explanation of the benefits and risks involved in taking part, costs involved and
any compensations that may be provided;
• details of what is expected of them, their length of involvement, what action will be
taken if they suffer a study related injury and whether there are any alternative
treatments/options open to them;
• information on who has the authority to view their personal details and how this
information will be handled;
• an explanation that if a better treatment is developed or if it is determined the study
is unsafe, the study could be stopped and their participation would be terminated.

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Informed consent
• The consent taker must allow the individual ample time and
opportunity to inquire about details of the study and to decide
whether or not to participate. All questions about the study
should be answered to the person’s satisfaction. A potential
participant should never be coerced or unduly influenced to
consent to participating.

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Informed consent :
• The investigator must obtain the sponsor’s approval (if one
exists) of any suggested revisions, prior to submission for
approval to the IEC/IRB. If important new information
becomes available which may be relevant to the participants,
any written material that they may receive must be revised to
reflect this information. Approval from the IEC/IRB is needed
for these amendments. Participants must be informed, in
writing, in a timely manner about the new information and
this should be documented.

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Informed consent process:
• When studies include individuals unable to consent for themselves
(e.g. minors, those with mental incapacities) the person should be
informed in a manner in which they can understand and if capable,
should assent and sign/mark an assent form. The informed
consent form will then be signed by their legal representative.
• In emergency situations, when prior consent of the participant is
not possible, the consent of their legally acceptable representative
should be sought. When prior consent is not possible and the
representative is not available, recruitment procedures should be
described in the protocol and will usually involve the use of an
impartial witness. This normally applies to studies that might
enroll trauma victims.

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Vulnerable populations
• Further consideration should be taken into account when taking informed
consent from a vulnerable person or population. According to CIOMS
(Guideline 13, CIOMS International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical
Research Involving Human Subjects, 2002.), in the context of research
ethics vulnerable persons are those who are relatively or absolutely
incapable of protecting their own interests. More formally, they may have
insufficient power, intelligence, education, resources, strength, or other
needed attributes to protect their own interests. The full ICH-GCP
definition of a vulnerable subject is available by clicking here: (1.61, ICH-
GCP 1996)
• Special justification is required to invite vulnerable individuals to
participate in research. If selected, their rights and welfare must be strictly
protected and participation is only justified if the research is responsive to
their or their community's needs and priorities

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Randomization procedures and un-
• Randomization :Random allocation, the process of selecting entities, for
example, treatment regimens, using a formal system whereby each
entity has a known, generally an equal chance of being selected. This
may be accomplished by means of a table of random numbers, toss of a
coin, or some other system in which selection or non-selection is
determined by chance alone. (Farlex, 2012)
• Blinding :The concealment of group assignment to either the treatment
or control group from the knowledge of patients and/or investigators in
a clinical trial of whether a drug or therapy being administered is a
placebo/sham treatment i.e., the control group or the drug/treatment
being investigated. (Farlex, 2012)
• Unblinding: for the identification of the treatment code of a
subject/patient or grouped results in studies where the treatment
assignment was unknown to the subject and investigators (Farlex, 2012)
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Randomization and un-blinding
• Allocation of the intervention by random is introduced into
controlled research studies with the aim to reduce the chance
of selection bias so that the participants in one group are not
in some way different from those on another group. Various
methods for randomization are available and usually the
statistician will decide on the appropriate method for the
research question and study design. The investigator must
strictly follow the randomization scheme to ensure unbiased
allocation of participants into comparable groups.

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• If unblinding is necessary, GCP guideline suggest
that the investigator adheres to the following:
• unblinding is carried out only in accordance with the protocol.
• the sponsor should be notified immediately, and, where appropriate,
might need to be contacted before the unblinding procedure can be
undertaken. However it is important to remember a pragmatic
approach should be taken, for example it might be impractical to do
this in emergency situations, in which case the sponsor should be
notified as soon as possible after the unblinding takes place.
• there is full documentation of the unblinding which must include the
justification for the action.

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• There are occasions when it may be necessary to un-blind the
intervention a participant has received. Lu and Davis (2010)
state ‘there are very few appropriate reasons for breaking the
study blinding but they include situations in which the course
of a participant’s treatment depends on knowledge of which
study agent was administered’. The protocol should contain
the procedure to be followed when unblinding is required and
the investigator must be familiar with and follow these

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IEC /IRB approvals and
• IEC - An independent body (a review board or a committee,
institutional, regional, national, or supranational), constituted
of medical professionals and non-medical members, whose
responsibility it is to ensure the protection of the rights, safety
and well-being of human subjects involved in a trial and to
provide public assurance of that protection, by, among other
things, reviewing and approving / providing favorable opinion
on, the trial protocol, the suitability of the investigator(s),
facilities, and the methods and material to be used in
obtaining and documenting informed consent of the trial
subjects. (1.27, ICH GCP 1996)

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IEC /IRB approvals and
• IRB - An independent body constituted of medical, scientific,
and non-scientific members, whose responsibility is to ensure
the protection of the rights, safety and well-being of human
subjects involved in a trial by, among other things, reviewing,
approving, and providing continuing review of trial protocol
and amendments and of the methods and material to be used
in obtaining and documenting informed consent of the trial
subjects. (1.31, ICH GCP 1996)

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IEC /IRB approvals and
• IEC/IRB approval must be sought for all procedures which will involve
participants. This includes approval for the recruitment procedures
(including advertisements), any documents that will be given to
potential participants before or during the informed consent procedure
and for everything given to participants once they are involved in the
study. This approval encompasses any planned compensations for time,
inconvenience, etc and any other material or written information to be
provided to participants. Further documents submitted for review
include the study protocol, the Investigator’s Brochure.
• The study cannot begin until IEC/IRB approval has been obtained. Once
approval is granted, evidence of it must be kept clearly indicating which
documents were submitted for approval. Care should be taken to ensure
that the approval clearly mentions and covers all required items

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IEC /IRB approvals and
• During the trial the investigator must ensure that all updates
of approved documents are submitted to the IEC/IRB for
review. Some IEC/IRB requires an annual renewal of the
approval and a summary report after the end of the trial. The
investigator must submit annual progress report During the
trial the investigator must ensure that all updates of approved
documents are submitted to the IEC/IRB for review. Some
IEC/IRB requires an annual renewal of the approval and a
summary report after the end of the trial. The investigator
must submit annual progress report on the study to the

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Investigational product (IP)
• An Investigational Product is a pharmaceutical form of an
active ingredient or placebo being used in a clinical study
including variations of an already approved product. The ICH
GCP guideline states that the investigator is responsible for the
accountability of the investigational product at the site that is
being used in the study. The investigator may, however, assign
the duties to a qualified pharmacist.

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Investigational product (IP)
• Investigator responsibilities :
• maintaining the investigational products records which include
information on amounts delivered, dispensed, and returned/destroyed;
• ensuring proper storage conditions are maintained and documented
including details of dates, quantities, batch numbers, expiry dates;
• ensuring the investigational products are only used as specified by the
approved protocol;.
• keeping a list of randomization code numbers assigned to participants;
• explaining the correct use of investigational products to the participants;
• reconciling all investigational products received.

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• Generally the protocol will have been signed by both the investigator and the sponsor
to confirm their agreement. It is essential that the investigator does not deviate from
the processes and procedures laid out in the protocol or make any changes to the
protocol before IEC/IRB and sponsor approval.
• The study must be conducted according to the approved protocol, GCP and applicable
regulatory requirements. If, during the course of the study, it is found that changes
need to be made then approval must be sought again from the same IEC/IRB that has
approved the first version. With a few exceptions e.g. where urgent safety measures
may be required, approval must be obtained before the amendment is implemented.
• It is, according to the 1996 ICH GCP guideline, acceptable to deviate from the protocol
when the purpose of the deviation is to eliminate an immediate hazard to the
participants. If such a deviation is necessary, the sponsor, IEC/IRB and, if required, the
regulatory authority should be informed as soon as possible after the event.
• Any protocol deviations, whether under the investigator’s control or not, and the
reasons for them, should be documented in detail.

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• Substantial amendments are those that could affect the:
• safety or physical or mental integrity of the participants
• scientific value of the study
• conduct or management of the study
• quality or safety of any medicinal product used for clinical trials
• Non-substantial amendments are those that do not impact on
these factors and are usually things like administrative changes
e.g. the member joins or leaves the Steering Committee. The
IEC/IRB needs only to be notified in writing of this type of

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• The investigator should be ‘qualified by education, training, and
experience to assume responsibility for the proper conduct of
the trial, should meet all the qualifications specified by the
applicable regulatory requirement(s), and should provide
evidence of such qualifications through up-to-date curriculum
vitae and/or other relevant documentation requested by the
sponsor, the IEC/IRB, and/or the regulatory authorities’ (ICH
GCP 1996).
• In the case of marketed products the investigator should be
familiar with the product information such as the Summary of
Product Characteristics and what it is normally used for, any
contraindications ,etc.
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• The investigator can delegate duties to adequately qualified
study staff; for example, a qualified pharmacist can be in
charge of the day to day storage and delivery of the IMP but
the overall responsibility of that duty is the investigators. Any
delegated responsibility must be clearly recorded in the study
delegation log.
• The investigator must allow the study to be Monitored,
Audited and Inspected to enable oversight by the sponsor and
regulatory authorities.

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• Monitoring - The act of overseeing the progress of a clinical trial, and of ensuring
that it is conducted, recorded, and reported in accordance with the protocol,
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Good Clinical Practice (GCP), and the
applicable regulatory requirement(s). (1.38, ICH GCP 1996)
• Audit - A systematic and independent examination of trial related activities and
documents to determine whether the evaluated trial related activities were
conducted, and the data were recorded, analyzed and accurately reported according
to the protocol, sponsor's standard operating procedures (SOPs), Good Clinical
Practice (GCP), and the applicable regulatory requirement(s). (1.6, ICH GCP 1996)
• Inspection - The act by a regulatory authority(ies) of conducting an official review of
documents, facilities, records, and any other resources that are deemed by the
authority(ies) to be related to the clinical trial and that may be located at the site of
the trial, at the sponsor's and/or contract research organization’s (CRO’s) facilities, or
at other establishments deemed appropriate by the regulatory authority(ies). (1.29,
ICH GCP 1996)

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Records and reports management
• It is the investigator’s responsibility to ensure that all records are accurately maintained
and all reports are completed and submitted on time. All the information required for
each trial subject as specified in the protocol is recorded in a Case Report Form (CRF);
this is usually a printed, optical or electronic document.
• Source Data - All information in original records and certified copies of original records
of clinical findings, observations, or other activities in a clinical trial necessary for the
reconstruction and evaluation of the trial. Source data are contained in source
documents (original records or certified copies). (1.51, ICH GCP 1996)
• Source Documents - Original documents, data, and records (e.g., hospital records,
clinical and office charts, laboratory notes, memoranda, subjects' diaries or evaluation
checklists, pharmacy dispensing records, recorded data from automated instruments,
copies or transcriptions certified after verification as being accurate copies, microfiches,
photographic negatives, microfilm or magnetic media, x-rays, subject files, and records
kept at the pharmacy, at the laboratories and at medical/ technical departments
involved in the clinical trial). (1.52, ICH GCP 1996)
• Essential documents - Documents which individually and collectively permit evaluation
of the conduct of a study and the quality of the data produced (1.23, ICH-GCP 1996)
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Records and reports management
• Data in the CRF should be:
• reported accurately, complete, legible and timely;
• consistent with the source documents;
• clearly marked where corrections were made, with a date, initial, and
explanation without obscuring the original entry; and
• available for access when required by the appropriate bodies (e.g.
auditor, sponsor, IEC/IRB, etc)
• Additionally, the investigator must maintain all essential
documents and retain them as long as stipulated by the
sponsor after the completion of the trial. The study’s financial
aspects should be documented as agreed upon by the sponsor
and the investigator.

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Records and reports management
• The clinical monitor, auditor, IRB/IEC and regulatory authority
should be granted direct access to all trial related documents.
The investigator should submit summary reports to the
IRB/IEC on the progress of the study at least annually. Written
reports of significant amendments to the study or increased
risk to participants should be promptly reported to the
sponsor, IRB/IEC and relevant bodies. Upon completion of the
trial, the investigator should provide the sponsor with all the
required reports before providing a final summary report of
the study and its outcomes to the IRB/IEC, regulatory bodies
and the community where the participants were recruited
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Safety reporting
• All Adverse Events (AE) and abnormal laboratory results
should be documented and reported to the sponsor and all
appropriate groups as required by applicable regulations and
the protocol. This includes Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs),
Unexpected ADRs and Serious Adverse Events (SAEs). An ADR
is when there is reasonable possibility that an AE has a causal
relationship to the medicinal product being tested (1.1, ICH-
GCP 1996). An Unexpected ADR is when an adverse reaction is
inconsistent with the characteristics of the medicinal product
or its applicable product information (1.60, ICH-GCP 1996).

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Adverse event :
• Adverse Event - Any untoward medical occurrence in a patient
or clinical investigation subject administered a pharmaceutical
product and which does not necessarily have a causal
relationship with this treatment. An adverse event (AE) can
therefore be any unfavorable and unintended sign (including
an abnormal laboratory finding), symptom, or disease
temporally associated with the use of a medicinal
(investigational) product, whether or not related to the
medicinal (investigational) product. (1.2, ICH GCP 1996)

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Adverse event :
• It is essential to remember that the rights, safety and well-
being of the research participants always take precedence
over the interests of science and society. Therefore study
participants should be monitored and any suspected adverse
events (AE) should be at tended to by the study physician.
• Any AE, illness or clinically significant abnormal laboratory
values, actions taken and treatments provided should be
documented. It should also be recorded if the individual
withdraws, and this should include the reason for withdrawal,
if the participant is willing to supply one.

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Adverse event :
• Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) or Serious Adverse Drug Reactions
(Serious ADRs) -
• Any untoward medical occurrence that at any dose:
• results in death,
• is life-threatening,
• requires inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization,
• results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity,
• is a congenital anomaly/birth defect (1.50, ICH-GCP 1996)
• The investigator should:
• report AEs / laboratory abnormalities that are critical to safety evaluations as laid
out in the protocol
• report all SAEs immediately to the sponsor
• send promptly detailed written follow-up reports on SAEs
• supply additional information on reported deaths

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Safety reporting
• Individual safety reports should not identify the individual but
bear the subject code numbers for identification.
• The investigator must ensure that relevant site staff are aware of
safety recording and reporting requirements.
• SAEs are usually collected on a specially designed form. SAEs
should normally be reported to the sponsor within 24 hours.
• SAEs that are life-threatening or resulted in death, and which are
unexpected and possibly related to the study intervention needs
to be reported to the IEC/IRB usually within seven calendar days,
other SAEs within 15 calendar days, .The protocol defines for the
purpose of the study which SAEs needs not to be reported
immediately and what constitutes unexpected ADRs.
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Ensuring adequate resources
• To conduct a sound and valid study the
investigator must be able to demonstrate that
there is:
• Reasonable potential for recruiting the required number of individuals to
the study.
• the appropriate amount of time scheduled to carry out and complete the
study effectively
• an adequate supply of suitably qualified staff and appropriate facilities for
the duration of the study to see it to a successful and safe conclusion.
• appropriate training on the study protocol, about any investigational
product and about their duties to allow the staff to carry out their tasks
safely and effectively

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Management of premature termination
or suspension of a trial
• Once the decision is taken to terminate or suspend a study, all
relevant bodies should be notified as soon as possible, stating
the reasons for the suspension or termination.
• Following the decision to terminate or suspend the study the
investigator must:
• inform all participants promptly and as appropriate, e.g., by phone,
letter, etc.
• assess treatment requirements and develop a follow-up schedule for all
• arrange to see participants individually, if necessary
• inform the institution, sponsor, IEC/IRB and other relevant bodies
involved and provide a detailed written report, as appropriate

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• GCP is defined as an international ethical and quality ‘standard for the design, conduct, performance,
monitoring, auditing, recording, analyses and reporting of clinical trials that provides assurance that the
data and reported results are credible and accurate, and that the rights, safety and well-being of study
participants are protected.
• The rights, safety and well-being of the study participants always take precedence over all else.
• Studies must be scientifically sound guided by a protocol and respect ethical principles in all of their
• Individuals involved in running studies should be qualified by education, training and experience to perform
their tasks.
• GCP is a legal requirement in Europe and the USA for specific types of studies; however the principles
should be adopted by all types of clinical studies to ensure that all research is conducted to a similar
• The investigator must always comply with the ethical requirements and national and local expectations for
the process of informed consent.
• Informed consent must be given freely by the participant, without undue influence, after receiving all
information about the study pertinent to their participation.
• There are only few appropriate reasons for unblinding and one is where the participant's medical
management depends on knowing what intervention they received.
• In any interventional studies must be a qualified doctor who makes all of the study related medical
• IEC/IRB approvals must be obtained after review of all relevant documentation and materials that are
intended to be given to study participants. Version: 1.0/2017 46
• A protocol amendment which might have an impact upon the participants’ safety
or the conduct of the study requires IEC/IRB approval. Administrative changes do
not require approval, but the IEC/IRB should be informed of it.
• All SAEs must be reported to the sponsor as defined in the protocol and to the
IEC/IRB according to their requirements.
• The investigator must be able to show that the study is valid and sound by
demonstrating that the required number of individuals can be recruited, ample
time has been scheduled, appropriately qualified staff and suitable facilities are
available and that adequate training has been provided to allow staff to
undertake their tasks safely and efficiently.
• If a study is suspended or terminated the investigator must notify all relevant
bodies and all participants as soon as possible.
• GCP should be applied in a pragmatic manner, taking into account the needs and
requirements of the community within which the research is being carried out.

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• Declaration of Helsinki 2008
• 1996 ICH GCP Guidelines
• WHO 2005 Draft Guidelines for Adverse Event Reporting and
Learning Systems
• WHO 2002 Handbook for GCP: Guide to Implementation
• The Global Health Network ,www.theglobalhealthnetwork.org.

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Good Clinical Practice (GCP) :
Comprehension quiz

1) GCP principles are important in running a study because :

a) Applying the principles means that the investigator does not have to follow the study protocol
b) It means that the study will be run to a standard which assures the credibility and accuracy of the data and reported results
c) Demonstrating that GCP principles are being followed means the study does not need to be audited or send to the IRB for pre-
2) Which of the following is NOT a principle of GCP: (Please select all that apply)
a) Any foreseeable risks and inconveniences must be weighed up against any benefits
b) Information must be recorded, handled and stored in a manner that allows accurate reporting, interpretation and verification
and which ensures the confidentiality of participants’ records.
c) Publication of results is not required if the study results were not as expected.
d) The study protocol must provide inclusion and exclusion criteria, monitoring details and a publication policy.
e) Available non-clinical and clinical information on the investigational medicinal product being used must be adequate to support
the study.
f) The study must be conducted according to the Nuremberg Code of 1947
3) ICH-GCP guidelines are a regulatory requirement and studies found not following it will be terminated and
facility will be audited:
a) True
b) False
4) Which of the following is NOT true about the informed consent process: (Please select all that apply)
a) IEC/IRB approval must be gained for all participant related materials and documents.
b) Details of any alternative treatments/options must be given to participants after they have given consent
c) Consent must be given freely without coercion or undue influence.
d) A participant can withdraw from the study at any time without providing a reason.
e) If the participant cannot read or write the consent form can be marked/signed at any time during participation as long as the
participant has agreed to join the study. Version: 1.0/2017 49
5. Participants in a study with an investigational product should only contact the study physician if feeling unwell :
a) True
b) False

6. Approval from the IEC/IRB is not required for which of the following:
a) Study management plan
b) Study protocol
c) Compensation plans

7. The IMP temperature was not recorded for 3 days, according to protocol this should have been monitored daily;
who will you hold responsible?
a) Laboratory technician
b) Sponsor
c) Investigator
d) Nurse

8. The protocol is replaced by which of the following:

a) GCP guidelines
b) Standard operating procedures
c) Statistical analysis plan
d) Study management plan
e) None of the above
f) All of the above

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9. Adverse events (AEs) and (Sever Adverse Events) SAEs, as defined by the protocol, are:
a) Only recorded in the case of severe injury or death
b) Carefully and systematically recorded
c) A routine part of all studies and should be ignored
d) Do not need to be reported to the investigator

10. Suspension or termination of the study by the investigator should be reported to which of the following groups:
a) Sponsor
d) Collaborators
e) All of the above

11. The investigator involved in running a study should be qualified by: (Please select all that apply)
a) Training
b) Education
c) The World Health Organisation
d) Experience
e) An academic institution

12. Which of the following are GCP responsibilities of the investigator: (Please select all that apply)
a) Ensuring all study staff are sufficiently qualified
b) Communication with participants family members
c) Compliance with study protocol
d) Compensation of study participants
e) Reporting Serious Adverse Events Version: 1.0/2017
13. Which of the following are key principles of GCP (Please select all that apply)
a) The rights, safety and well-being of participants always take precedence over the interests of science and society.

b) Individuals involved in running studies should be qualified by training to perform their tasks.

c) The research protocol must receive approval from the IEC/ IRB and needs to be followed

d) Investigational products must be used in accordance with the standard operating procedure.

14.When conducting a clinical trial in accordance with GCP, what is the most important consideration

above all else?

a) Protection of participants

b) Protocol adherence

c) Accuracy of data

d) Profitability margin

15.In accordance with GCP the investigator must ensure which of the following: (Please select all that

a) Recruitment of an adequate number of participants

b) An appropriate amount of time is scheduled to carry out and complete the study effectively

c) Appropriate facilities for the duration of the study Your correct answer

d) All staff receive appropriate training on the study protocol, the investigational product and their duties

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