Topic 2 - Normative Theories of Ethics (Week 3)
Topic 2 - Normative Theories of Ethics (Week 3)
Topic 2 - Normative Theories of Ethics (Week 3)
Consequentialist theories
The moral rightness of an action is determined solely by its results. If its consequences are good, then
the act is right; if they are bad, the act is wrong.
Consequentialists determine what is right by weighing the ratio of good to bad that an action will
Two other theories under consequentialist are Egoism and Utilitarianism. Both theories agree that
rightness and wrongness are solely a function of an action’s results.
Nonconsequentialist (or deontological) theories
Contend that right and wrong are determined by more than the likely consequences of an action.
Believe that other factors are also relevant to the moral assessment of an action.
e.g. Kevin break his promise to Cindy (the action is viewed as wrong because of the character
itself. Even if the consequences are more good than bad, the nonconsequentialist still
view it as wrong).
Egoism advocates individual self-interest as its guiding principle.
An act is morally right if and only if it best promotes the agent’s own interests. (Agent – can be
single person or a particular organization or group).
Egoism makes personal advantage (both short and long term) the standard for measuring an action’s
rightness. If an action will produce more good for the agent than the alternative action – the action
is morally right to perform.
Two kinds of egoism:
Personal egoists (claim they should pursue their best interests, but they don’t say what others should do).
Impersonal egoist (claim that everyone should let self-interest guide his or her conduct).
1)The greatest happiness for the greatest numbers – besides happiness must consider unhappiness or
a) Action One: 8 units of happiness
4 units of unhappiness
Net worth: 4 units of happiness
Playing radio loudly
Enhance a little pleasure – 2 persons
Cause significant discomfort – 2 persons
3) Actions produce different results in some particular circumstances, almost anything might, in
principle, be morally right in some particular circumstances
Example : Breaking a promise generally produces unhappiness but under certain
circumstances , happiness can be produced by breaking a promise than by
keeping it.
4) Long-term effect of an act must be considered
Example: Lying might seem a good way out of a tough situation, but if and when the people we
deceive find out not only will they be unhappy but our reputations and our relationship with them
will finally damage.
5) Choose the act that can give the likely or expected happiness which is as great as possible.
Only when we act from duty that our actions have moral worth.
Nothing is good in itself except Good will. Kant believed that their goodness depends on the will that
makes use of them.
e.g. Intelligence – is not good when exercised by an evil person.
“will” – human capacity to act from principle. Contained in the notion of good will is the concept of
Only when we act from a sense of duty does our action have moral worth.
When we act out of feeling, inclination, or self-interest, our actions do not have moral worth.
Example: Act of shopkeeper returning the extra cash.
The Categorical Imperative
An act is morally right only if we can will the principle of our action to become a universal law.
Example: A law that allowed promise breaking would contradict the very nature of a promise.
A law that allowed lying would contradict the very nature of serious communication.
Universal Acceptability
The moral rules that we obey are not imposed on us from the outside. They are self-imposed and
self-recognized, fully internalised principles.
To see whether a rule or principle is a moral law – ask if the rule would be acceptable to all
rational beings acting rationally.
The test of the morality of a rule is not whether people in fact accept it but whether all rational
beings thinking rationally would accept it regardless of whether they are the doers or the
receivers of the actions.
Humanity as an End, Never as Merely a Means
Every human being should treat everyone the way they themselves would want to be treated.
(2) Kant introduces a humanistic dimension into business decisions – business organizations involve
human beings working to provide goods and services
However, under certain circumstances, for example, when a life is at stake – it would be
morally permissible to break a promise.
Moral Rights
A right is an entitlement to act or have others act in a certain way.
Example: If you claim a “right” to drive, others have a duty to permit you to drive.
Moral rights, which are not the results of special relationship, are called human rights.
Characteristics of human rights:
(1) Universal
(2) Equal rights
(3) Not transferable
(4) Natural rights
Nonconsequentialism in an Organizational Context
Moral decision-making involves the weighing of different moral factors and considerations.
Acknowledges that the organization has its own legitimate goals to pursue – there are limits to the
demands of morality and an organization that fulfils its morally free to advance whatever ends it
Organization must consider carefully how its actions will impinge on the rights of individuals – not
just the rights of its members, such as stockholders and employees, but also the rights of others,
such as consumers.
Rule Utilitarianism
Maintains that the proper principles of right and wrong are those that would maximize
happiness if society adopted them.
The adoption of moral principles that guide individual action.
Concerns common to most ethical systems:
Every significant human action – personal and professional – arises in the context of human
These relationships can be the source of specific duties and rights – obligated to respect people’s
human rights
An ideal is some morally important goal, virtue, or notion of excellence worth striving for.
Different cultures impart different ideals .
Example: tolerance, loyalty, fairness
Effects of actions
When reflecting on a possible course of action, one needs to take into account its likely results.