External Flow
External Flow
External Flow
External Flows
The fluid velocity varies from zero at the solid surface to the velocity of
free-stream flow away from the solid surface.
This thin layer of decelerated fluid is called boundary layer.
Boundary Layer
Due to viscosity, the fluid is decelerated close to the solid surface, and immediately
at the surface, the flow velocity is zero (no-slip condition).
The distance from the flat plate to a point at which the flow velocity is 99% of the
free-stream velocity (Uo) is called the boundary layer thickness (δ), as shown in the
Reynolds Number (Re)
One of most important dimensionless numbers in fluid mechanics
Reynolds number is ratio of two forces:
Inertial Forces
Viscous Forces
ρ is the density
V is the velocity
l is the characteristic length
µ is the dynamic viscosity
v is the kinematic viscosity
The thickness of boundary layer for incompressible, turbulent flow over a flat
plate, at a distance x from the leading edge is
Velocity Profile
The velocity in the turbulent boundary layer is "fuller" and has more
Use air density as 1.225 kg/m3 and dynamic viscosity as 1.802 x 10-5
Question 1
1.6 m
7.5 cm
What is an Airfoil?
Consider a wing of an airplane as shown in Fig. 1. The wing extends in
the y-direction (the span direction).
Figure 2. Aeroplanes.
Figure 13. Pressure contour at α = 0°. Figure 14. Pressure contour at α = 10°.
Figure 15. Pressure coefficient
With increasing α: at different α.
Suction on the upper surface increase.
This causes the lift to increase.
The drag also increases as α increases
Lift Characteristics
The lift increases with increasing α.
Lift or Lift Coefficient
Angle of Attack, a
Figure 16. Lift characteristics at different α.
Friction and Pressure Drag
The drag force is the net force exerted by a fluid on
a body in the direction of the flow due to the
combined effects of wall shear and pressure forces.
Drag is the resistance to motion.
Pressure Drag (Form Drag)
Pressure Drag (FD_Pressure) is that part of the drag that is due directly to
the pressure on an object.
Pressure drag is a function of:
magnitude of pressure
Skin Friction Drag
Friction Drag (FD_Friction) is that part of the drag that is due directly to the
shear stress on the object.
It is function of:
magnitude of the wall shear stress
viscosity, and increases with increasing viscosity.
Type of Drag and body
Friction Drag
Streamline body
Pressure Drag
Bluff body
Type of Drag and body
Drag on Vehicles
Drag on Vehicles
Question 4
During a high Reynolds number experiment, the total drag acting
on a spherical body of diameter 12 cm subjected to flow at 1 atm and
5°C is measured to be 5.2 N. The pressure drag acting on the body
was calculated to be 4.9 N using pressure sensors. Determine the
friction drag coefficient of the sphere.