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External Flow

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CV 222/MM 222 – Fluid Mechanics

External Flows

Lecture By : Deepak Prasad

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this chapter you should be able
Calculate lift and drag acting on an airfoil
Explain how an airfoil generates lift
Differentiate between pressure drag and skin friction drag
External Flow
External flows past objects encompass an extremely wide variety of
fluid mechanics phenomena.
Clearly, the character of the flow field is a function of the shape of the
External Flow
External Flow
For a given shaped object, the characteristics of the flow depend very
strongly on various parameters such as:
Fluid properties
External Flow
External Flow
External Flow
Boundary Layer
When a fluid flows around an object or when the object moves through
a fluid, there exists a thin layer of fluid close to the solid surface.
In this thin layer, shear stresses significantly influence the velocity

The fluid velocity varies from zero at the solid surface to the velocity of
free-stream flow away from the solid surface.
This thin layer of decelerated fluid is called boundary layer.
Boundary Layer

 Due to viscosity, the fluid is decelerated close to the solid surface, and immediately
at the surface, the flow velocity is zero (no-slip condition).
 The distance from the flat plate to a point at which the flow velocity is 99% of the
free-stream velocity (Uo) is called the boundary layer thickness (δ), as shown in the
Reynolds Number (Re)
One of most important dimensionless numbers in fluid mechanics
Reynolds number is ratio of two forces:
Inertial Forces
Viscous Forces
 ρ is the density
 V is the velocity
 l is the characteristic length
 µ is the dynamic viscosity
 v is the kinematic viscosity

Laminar flow if Re < 3 x 105

Turbulent flow if Re > 5 x 105
Boundary Layer
The thickness of boundary layer for incompressible, laminar flow over a flat
plate, at a distance x from the leading edge is

The thickness of boundary layer for incompressible, turbulent flow over a flat
plate, at a distance x from the leading edge is
Velocity Profile
The velocity in the turbulent boundary layer is "fuller" and has more

Velocity distributions in laminar and turbulent boundary layers

Question 1
The wing of a general aviation aircraft is rectangular, with a chord length
of 1.6 m. The aircraft is flying at a speed of 50 m/s under sea-level
conditions. Calculate the boundary layer thickness at:

a) a distance of 7.5 cm from the leading edge

b) the trailing edge of the wing.

Use air density as 1.225 kg/m3 and dynamic viscosity as 1.802 x 10-5
Question 1
1.6 m
7.5 cm
What is an Airfoil?
Consider a wing of an airplane as shown in Fig. 1. The wing extends in
the y-direction (the span direction).

Figure 1. Airfoil section

The freestream V∞ is parallel to the xz plane. Any section of the wing
cut by a plane parallel to the xz plane is called an airfoil.
Applications of Wings/Airfoils

Figure 2. Aeroplanes.

Figure 3. Wind turbine.

Applications of Wings/Airfoils

Figure 4. Racing cars. Figure 5. Production cars.

What Causes Aerodynamics Forces?
Forces acting on the airfoil/wing comes from 2 sources:
Pressure distribution (P) over the body surface. (P)
 Acts normal to the surface.  

Figure 7. Pressure distribution.

Shear stress (t) distribution over the body surface.

 Acts tangential to the surface.

Figure 8. Shear stress distribution.

Resolving the Aerodynamics Forces?
V∞ = free-stream velocity
α = angle of attack and is defined as the angle between chord line (c) and V∞
Total aerodynamic force, R, can be resolved
into two force components

Lift, L: Component of R perpendicular

to free-stream velocity
Drag, D: Component of R parallel
to free-stream velocity

Figure 9. Resultant aerodynamics forces.

Lift and Drag Force

The unit for lift and drag is Newtons, N.

A = Planform Area [A= C × b (b is the span)]

ρ = is the density
CL is the coefficient of lift (Dimensionless)
CD is the coefficient of drag (Dimensionless)
V∞ is the free-stream velocity
L/D is the lift to drag ratio
Forces Acting on a Plane During Flight
During a horizontal flight
Lift = weight
Thrust = Drag
Power generated as the plane moves
forward is

Figure 10. Forces acting on a plane.

Question 2
The wing of a small airplane is rectangular in plan having a span of 9 m
and chord length of 1.5 m. In a horizontal flight at 200 km/hr, the
aerodynamic lift force acting on the wing is 20 kN. If the lift-to-drag ratio
is 10, make calculations for

a) the lift and drag coefficients, and

b) power required for the flight.

Take density of air as 1.2 kg/m3.

Question 2
Question 2
Question 3
A small airplane has a mass of 1800 kg and a wing area of
42 m2. Determine the lift and drag coefficients of this
airplane while cruising at an altitude of 4000 m at a
constant speed of 280 km/hr and generating 190 kW of

Take density of air as 0.819 kg/m3.

How Does an Airfoil Generate Lift?
Bernoulli’s Principle

Figure 11. Velocity streamline. Figure 12. Pressure contour.

Lift Characteristics

Figure 13. Pressure contour at α = 0°. Figure 14. Pressure contour at α = 10°.
Figure 15. Pressure coefficient
 With increasing α: at different α.
 Suction on the upper surface increase.
 This causes the lift to increase.
 The drag also increases as α increases
Lift Characteristics
The lift increases with increasing α.
Lift or Lift Coefficient

It reaches a maximum and then

starts to drop.
 This is known as stalling which is
caused by flow separation.
 The drag increases significantly after

Angle of Attack, a
Figure 16. Lift characteristics at different α.
Friction and Pressure Drag
The drag force is the net force exerted by a fluid on
a body in the direction of the flow due to the
combined effects of wall shear and pressure forces.
Drag is the resistance to motion.

Total Drag = Pressure Drag + Friction Drag

Which one will experience greater drag?

Pressure Drag (Form Drag)
Pressure Drag (FD_Pressure) is that part of the drag that is due directly to
the pressure on an object.
Pressure drag is a function of:
magnitude of pressure
Skin Friction Drag
Friction Drag (FD_Friction) is that part of the drag that is due directly to the
shear stress on the object.
It is function of:
magnitude of the wall shear stress
viscosity, and increases with increasing viscosity.
Type of Drag and body
Friction Drag

Streamline body

Pressure Drag

Bluff body
Type of Drag and body

Drag on Vehicles
Drag on Vehicles

Question 4
During a high Reynolds number experiment, the total drag acting
on a spherical body of diameter 12 cm subjected to flow at 1 atm and
5°C is measured to be 5.2 N. The pressure drag acting on the body
was calculated to be 4.9 N using pressure sensors. Determine the
friction drag coefficient of the sphere.

For turbulent flow over a sphere (Re ≥ 2 × 106), the CD = 0.2

Use air density as 1.269 kg/m3 and dynamic viscosity as 1.75 x 10-5
Question 5
The drag coefficient of a car at the design conditions
of 1 atm, 25°C, and 90 km/hr is to be determined
experimentally in a large wind tunnel in a full-scale
test. The height and width of the car are 1.40 m and
1.65 m respectively. If the horizontal force acting on
the car is measured to be 300 N, determine the total
drag coefficient of this car.
Parallel flow over flat plates
For parallel flow over a flat plate, the pressure drag is zero
and thus the drag coefficient is equal to the friction drag
coefficient or simply the friction coefficient.
Once the average friction coefficient is available, the drag (or
friction) force over the surface can be determined from
Parallel flow over flat plates
The average friction coefficient is given by

Laminar Flow Turbulent Flow

For some cases, plate is long enough so that the flow

becomes turbulent after a region of laminar flow.

where L is the length of the plate and

Question 6
Hot engine oil at 40°C flows over a 4 m long flat
plate with a free-stream velocity of 3 m/s. determine
the drag force acting on the plate.

Density = 876 kg/m3

Kinematic viscosity = 2.485 × 10-4 m2/s
Question 6
Question 7
The top surface of the passenger car of a train is
moving at a velocity of 70 km/h is 3.2 m wide and 8 m
long. If the outdoor air is at 1 atm and 25°C, determine
the drag force acting on the top surface of the car.
Air density = 1.184 kg/m3
Dynamic viscosity = 1.849 × 10-5 kg/m.s
Effect of Pressure Gradient on a Flow
Upstream of the highest point, the streamlines of the outer flow
converge, resulting in a increase of U(x) and a decrease in pressure.
Downstream of the highest point the streamlines diverge, resulting in a
decrease of U(x) and a rise in pressure.

If pressure falls along the

direction of flow, dp/dx < 0
"favorable“ PG
 If the pressure rises along the
direction of flow, dp/dx > 0
"adverse" PG.
Flow Separation
Under a strong APG, the flow next to the wall reverses direction,
resulting in a region of backward flow, as shown in the figure. The
reversed flow meets the forward flow at some point A at which the
fluid near the surface is transported out into the mainstream. We say
that the flow separates from the wall
Flow Separation
Evidence indicates that the point of separation is insensitive to the
Reynolds number as long as the boundary layer is laminar.
However, a transition to turbulence delays boundary layer separation;
that is, a turbulent boundary layer is more capable of withstanding an
adverse pressure gradient.
This is because the velocity profile in a turbulent boundary layer is "fuller"
and has more energy.
Flow Separation
How strong an adverse pressure gradient the boundary layer can
withstand without undergoing separation depends on the geometry of
the flow, and whether the boundary layer is laminar or turbulent?
A steep pressure gradient, such as that behind a blunt body, invariably
leads to a quick separation.
In contrast, the boundary layer on the trailing surface of a thin body
can overcome the weak pressure gradients involved.
Therefore, to avoid separation and large drag, the trailing section of a
submerged body should be gradually reduced in size, giving it a so-
called streamlined shape.

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