Philippine Executive Branch

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The President: The Country’s Chief Executive
• Executive power
• The power to administer and enforce laws and
ensure that they are observed by the people
 Entrusted by our Constitution to the President.

• President of the Philippines

 The title given to the country’s chief executive

• Malacanang Palace
 Official Residence of the President of the Philippines and also
serves as his/her office

 The president and Vice-president assume their office at the

beginning of their terms
• Compensation
 The salaries of the President and the Vice-president are
determined by law and are not decreased during their tenure.

 PRESENT: The President receives 300,000 PhP per annum, while

the Vice-president receives an annual income 240,000 PhP yearly

• State of The Nation Address

 The President reports the status of the nation and informs both
Chambers of Congress of his/her legislative agenda.

 Is an opportunity for opposition parties and civil groups to protest

against the government
Departments of Executive Branch
• Department of Agrarian Reform • Department of Justice
• Department of Agriculture • Department of Labor and
• Department of Budget and Employment
Management • Department of Natural Defense
• Department of Education • Department of Public Works and
• Department of Energy Highways
• Department of Environment and • Department of Science and
Natural Resources Technology
• Department of Finance • Department of Tourism
• Department of Foreign Affairs • Department of Trade and Industry
• Department of Health • Department of Social Welfare and
• Department of Interior and Local
Government • Department of Transportation and
Qualification for Election into Office
• A natural-born citizen of the Philippines
 A registered voter
 Able to read and write
 At least 40 years of the day of the election
 A resident of the Philippines for at least 10 years immediately preceding
such election
Power of the President
 Power of Executive Clemency
• Remission of fines and forfeitures-condoning the
 Power of Appointment financial problem and the return of properties
confiscated by reason of offense or conviction of the
 Power of Removal offender
• Reprieve-temporary relief from or postponement of
 Power of Control the execution of criminal punishment or sentence
• Commutation-changes a punishment to one which is
less severe
 Power of Supervision
• Pardon-act of grace that sets aside punishment for a
crime or an offense
 Military Power

 Diplomatic or Foreign Relations Power

• Power to recognize a newly established government or state
• Power to send and receive diplomatic missions
• The armed forces must be recruited proportionally from all provinces and cities as far as practicable
Constitutional safeguards to prevent the
president from ruling indefinitely under
emergency powers
• Martial law may be proclaimed by the President, but only for 60 days
• He/she has to notify the Congress of the institution of Martial law within
• Congress can revoke martial law by a simple majority vote
• The Supreme Court may review or invalidate a presidential proclamation of
martial law
• The president and Vice-president are not elected as a team
Succession of the Presidency
• Beginning of the term
 In case the president-elect fails to qualify, the Vice-president elect shall as
President until the President-elect shall have qualified.
 The Vice-president shall become President if the President-elect shall have died or
shall have become permanently disabled
• During the term
 Vice President – becomes the President to serve the unexpired term in case of death, permanent
disability, removal from office, or resignation of president.
 Speaker of the House of Representative – shall act as president until the President or Vice-president
shall have been elected or qualified in case of death, permanent disability, removal from office, or
resignation of both president and Vise president, the senate president, in case of his inability.
Removal from Office
Grounds for impeachment are as follows:

 Culpable violation of the institution

 Treason

 Bribery
 Graft and Corruption

 Betrayal of Public trust

 And other high crimes

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