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1SAP R2 Delegations and Workflow Substitutions v0 4

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1SAP Release 2b Delegation and

Workflow Substitution Process

1SAP R2b Process Forum
July 2011
Important Facts for Delegation in R2b
A Delegation is only to take place if an individual is unable to complete essential tasks necessary for business continuity
of critical processes and activities.

 In the event of a Delegation it is important to remember that appropriate system access will only be granted once all Global Mandatory Training
has been completed for the delegated GJG. Business Mandatory training should also be completed to ensure the Delegate has completed all
training relevant to that GJG.
 The delegation request will update system security access, organisational views.
 1Up Manager approval will be required for employee requested delegations
 Manager delegations requested on behalf of their employees are automatically processed
 A system check will ensure training gaps are identified and displayed based on the delegated GJG prior to the form being submitted
 An employee can only ever have one GJG assigned to their position. This means the delegate loses the link to their permanent GJG when they
are assigned the temporary GJG via the Delegation
 Where the delegate has not completed the Global Mandatory Training requirements the request may still be processed leading to the delegate
losing access to their current GJG and receiving the Business User GJG
 In a Delegation the delegate inherits the Chief Hat, GJG, Org Level & Approval Band level therefore it is advised that this is considered before
requesting a delegation. Important to note is that the Delegate will be able to view HR Data via My Reports in the Portal i.e. salary and
performance information for the direct reports of the delegator.
 If a Chief Hat Manager delegates to another Chief Hat in the organisation the delegate will still have access to approving and conducting Manager
tasks for their direct reports they simply inherit the delegators team responsibilities. A relationship is assigned to allow for both teams to be
managed. The only part that changes is the assignment of a new GJG where they are different between Delegator and Delegate.
 If a Delegation is required for more than 30 days an Org Reassignment form will need to be submitted to process a Temporary Assignment
 A BI Report will be run by HR to monitor use of the Delegation process.

1SAP R2b HR January 2011

Delegation Example 1

In this example, the Manager Operations is Delegating (including Workflow Substitution) to the
Superintendent Operations

Position Title Current Position Delegation Activities undertaken by the Delegate

Details Activated

Supply Mgmt GJG No Change Activities substituted to Superintendent Operations

Org Level F

Manager Supply Approval Band:

Chief Hat holder

Supply Mgmt GJG Supply Mgmt GJG •Org Level and Approval Band has Changed
•GJG changes – although it’s the same as existing
Org Level G Org Level F GJG
•Chief Hat Holder means they have Manager access
Superintendent Approval Band: US$5000 Approval Band: US$10,000 in My Services and approve HR, Supply and Finance
Supply Workflow/Requests
Chief Hat holder Chief Hat holder •Delegates GJG is the same as existing Delegator so
Operations no change in 1SAP Transaction Access & additional
GJG mandatory Training
Delegation Example 2

In this example, the Superintendent Operations is Delegating (including Workflow substitution) to the
Employee Operations

Position Title Current Position Delegation Activities undertaken by Delegatee

Details Activated

Supply Mgmt GJG N/A •All workflow and GJG associated 1SAP
transactions with Delegatee
Superintendent Org Level G
Approval Band: US$5000
Chief Hat holder
Procurement GJG Supply Mgmt GJG •GJG, Org Level &,Approval Band has changed
•Chief Hat has been transferred
Org Level H Org Level G •Can access and approve all workflow
•Can see HR Data for Superintendents direct
Business User Approval Band: $0 Approval Band: US$5000 reports
•Access to Supply Mgmt GJG 1SAP Transactions
Supply No Chief Hat Chief Hat holder given mandatory training has been completed
Operations •Lost access to Procurement GJG transactions
•Delegator position is duplicated and positioned
next to the delegate position in the org structure
in aid of illustrating where certain positions have
been delegated
Important Facts for Workflow Substitution
in R2b
 Workflow Substitutions can be activated as part of a Delegation or as a separate stand alone request via the portal
 A Manger can set up a workflow substitution on behalf of one of their employees if part of a delegation or the employee
can set up the substitution for themselves
 A individual can have more than one workflow substitution directed to them at one time, i.e. multiple substitutions are
 Workflow Substitutions includes substitution of HR, Supply and Finance Workflows and requests – these can not be
segregated to different individuals
 The nominated person who receives the Workflow Substitution inherits the organisational level and the approval band but
not the GJG
 If the nominated person is not a chief hat but holds the Business User GJG they can approve workflow items however can
not action Chief Hat tasks which form part of workflow ie. Request delegation on behalf of employee, they can only
approve a delegation request for employee
 Workflow substitution from Chief hat to Chief Hat allows all request and approvals to take place
 The person who receives the workflow substitution only cannot see HR Data via the Portal only workflow items
 The Workflow Substitution becomes active once the request has been processed
 HR Workflow will not escalate if a workflow substitution has not been activated
 Supply and Finance Workflow will escalate after three Calendar days if a workflow substitution has not been actioned.
Escalation will be sent to the 1 Up Manager.
 Important to note Leave and EEM now form part of workflow. If a leave request has been submitted to a person who has
substituted their workflow, e.g. whilst travelling for work, the request can now be actioned on their behalf.
Passive Workflow Substitution

 A passive substitution is the assignment of workflow items for cases where you are
unexpectedly absent from work.

 You can create several substitution rules to cover all possible scenarios – you can also
view others substitution rules which involve you.

 Employees/Managers can manage their workflow substitutions via the Universal Worklist

 You can define which tasks you want to assign to a nominee and either set them up as a
substitute for a known specified period of time (Active Substitution) or you can set them
up to ‘fill in’ for you – in the event of any unexpected absence. This is what we call a
Passive Substitution.

 You can turn the rule on and off at any time via the Substitution Rules Management screen
in the portal.
Mgt Rules
Workflow Design R2b

 One Workflow – All HCM Form Scenarios + EEM & Absences

 One Workflow – MDM Scenarios (R1)
 No workflows for:
 Timesheets (CATS)
 Performance Enhancement Process
 Payroll Bank File Approval

 Manager Work Centre used for Manager Approvals

 HR Work Centre Used for HR practitioners
 UWL used for Master Data Approvals & Processing

Slide 7
HCM Forms Workflow

Approvers • Passed to the Workflow - If the forms doesn’t have the Approvers – we don’t send

• If a Position Is vacant at the time of submission then the logic goes up

• If the position is not vacant but Manager has not workflow substituted the form will not
workflow up.

• All Org Structure climbing stops at the CEO – He can be 1 Up and 2 Up

Administrators • Configured using Rules - can be viewed in the system using OOCU_RESP

No Escalation • Process Discipline is required to ensure that approvals are processed in a timely manner

Substitution • Standard SAP Functionality available

Delegation • 1SAP functionality

Approval • Manager Work Centre

Support Transactions: • SWI5 – Display Work items for a user

• SWI1 – Display work items

Slide 8
MDM Workflow

Approvers • Determined within the workflow ( Manager logic is specific to HR – Chief Position)

• If a Position Is vacant at the time of submission then the logic goes up

Administrators • By Global Job Group

No Escalation • Process Discipline is required to ensure that approvals are processed in a timely manner

Substitution • Standard SAP Functionality available

Delegation • Not Applicable

Approval • Universal Work List

Email Notification • Approval / Rejection Email

Support Transactions: • SWI5 – Display Work items for a user

• SWI1 – Display work items

Slide 9

Approvers • Defaulted to Manager at Submission

• Manager PERNR is attached to leave request

• Employee Can choose alternate Approver - NO restriction.

• Cannot be changed after submission

• No forwarding
No Escalation • Process Discipline is required to ensure that approvals are processed in a timely manner

Substitution • Custom SAP Functionality available

Delegation • Custom SAP Functionality available

Approval • Manager Work Centre

Support Transaction • ZPT_RPTARQDBVIEW - Display Leave Requests (Database of Requests)

Slide 10

Approvers • Approval List determined when manager logs in - Dynamic

• Employee Can choose alternate Approver ( CR to switch off)

• If a vacant position then approvals sent to next level up ( By End of IT3)

No Escalation • Process Discipline is required to ensure that approvals are processed in a timely manner

Substitution • Custom 1SAP Functionality available

Delegation • Custom 1SAP Functionality available

Approval • Manager Work Centre

Email Notification • Approval / Rejection Email

Support Transactions: • PPSS – Display Structure

Slide 11

Approvers • Set against the performance document at submission

• PEP approver must be changed by Administrator

Administrators • By Global Job Group

No Escalation • Process Discipline is required to ensure that approvals are processed in a timely manner

Substitution • Not available

Delegation • Not Available

Approval • Standard SAP Applications

Support Transactions: • ZPD_ADMIN_PA – Performance Admin Workbench

Slide 12

Approvers • Approval List determined when manager logs in - Dynamic

• Vacant positions are not skipped

No Escalation • Process Discipline is required to ensure that approvals are processed in a timely manner

Substitution • Not available

Delegation • 1SAP solution is Available

Approval • Standard SAP Applications

Support Transactions: • PPSS – Display Structure

Slide 13
FAQ – Delegations & Substitutions

 Q: How are people notified that they've been substituted to/delegated to/had a passive substitution put in place on
them (this query is not referring to the approval process)?

 A: There is no system notification via email. The responsibility is with the Delegator/Substitutor   to ensure the person
who has been Delegated/Substituted to has been contacted and informed. In the Substitution Rules section of the
Portal a person can view the substitutions that they are involved with & the status of that substitution (on or off).

 Q: As an individual can be given a substitution multiple times - can they approve/reject it before its given to them? If so,
how is this done?

 A:  There is no system functionality for approving/rejecting substitutions. It is the responsibility of all Subsitutors to
ensure the person they are substituting to is engaged, agrees to the substitution & has capacity to complete the
workflow items as a result of the substitution

 Q: GJGs rule states that you can only hold one GJG at one time - in the event of a delegation, can two or more people
with the same GJG as you, delegate to you?

 A: The GJG is defined by the system having a one - one GJG to position relationships. Regardless of GJG there
cannot be multiple delegations to one person. The only situation in which you would delegate to someone with the
same GJG is if you require that person to also inherit the Chief Hat. For all other situations the more appropriate action
for two people with the same GJG would be to activate a workflow substitution or if for longer periods a temporary
FAQ – Delegations & Substitutions
 Q: How long does it take for a delegation to appear in the organisation chart (org. publisher)? Is it automatically removed
after 30 days? If not, does the individual who did the delegation have to turn it off in order for it to be removed?

 A: The Delegation appears in the org chart once the Delegation has become active. Yes it is automatically ended after 30
days as a Delegation cannot be created for longer than 30 days. If the individual would like to end the Delegation earlier
than originally planned this can be done by updating the end date in the Maintain Delegation Form that was used to create
the Delegation. This is done via the Maintain Delegations tab in the Portal.

 Q: How long does a unactivated passive substitution last in the system?

 A: It will last until it has been deleted by the creator. There is no restriction for substitutions (passive or active)

 Q: Do substitutions or delegations only commence on future workflow i.e if the person doing the substitution or delegation
is in the middle of a workflow then goes on leave, does the delegate/substitute pick up the workflow?

 A: If the person is in the middle of a workflow item it is locked to them and the person who has been substituted to will not
see this workflow. If there is existing workflow that has not been actioned, the subsitute will see this workflow from the time
the substitution becomes active

 Q: Will you be able to do a substitution and delegation in the Portal that will apply to both 1SAP and GSAP (for R3/R4 sites
that haven't gone live with all components of 1SAP)?

 A: R2b Subsitutions & Delegations will only apply for 1SAP functionality released to the site e.g. R3-5 sites Delegations &
Substitutions only apply for the scope of R2b 1SAP .
FAQ – Delegations & Substitutions

 Q. How long can you substitute workflow for? What happens at the end of the period – does it become a secondment?

 A. A workflow subsitute when requested as part of a delegation and via the form can only be requested for a maximum
of 30 days. A workflow substitution alone can be requested for longer than 30 days via the portal however will be
monitored via the Workforce Profile report. A passive subsitution may be used on an ongoing basis which enables the
ability to switch on and off for a period required by the substitutor.

 Q. Can I have more than one person substitute or delegate to me at the same time – with same GJG? You can have
multiple people workflow substitute to you at any one time.

 A.Substitute yes – Delegate No. You would probably not find the requirement to delegate to someone with the same

 Q. Can HR workflow be separated out from other workflow when doing a workflow substitution or delegation?

 A.No all workflow is substituted (Supply Finance HR)

FAQ – Delegations & Substitutions

 Q. Will line managers need to forward plan to ensure their 2IC has completed the required training in order to be
assigned a delegation?

 A. Yes – without the required training the delegate will not obtain the delegated GJG and will lose access to their own
Functional GJG and receive Business User access only.

 Q. Can we split workflow and tasks when delegating and substituting?

 A. Yes. You are able to delegate to one and workflow substitute to another

 Q. What’s the difference between a secondment and delegation?

 A. Secondment would take place as a Temporary Assignment – where the delegation of tasks and responsibilities will
stem longer than 30 days and the individual will physically move out of their position and into the position of the temp

 Q. Will you be able to create and action a leave request without doing a substitution or delegation?

 A. Yes Leave is now work-flowed therefore will be included in a workflow substitution

FAQ – Delegations & Substitutions

 Q. How do we know whether an individual has done the required training before delegating to them?

 A.The form will display the deltas of all training requirements the delegate will need to obtain to be successfully
provisioned with the delegated GJG. All training completed by the employee is displayed in their employee profile
accessed via My Services in the portal.

 Q. What happens if a line manager delegates to someone who does not do the mandatory 1SAP training? Can they
still perform delegation/substitution tasks?

 A. No. Workflow will substitute however they will lose access to their own GJG and not obtain the delegates GJG and
will therefore be unable to perform the delegated tasks.

 Q. Can an individual with a Business User GJG still see HR Workflow but not action it?

 A. If a Manager (Chief) workflow substitutes to a non chief Business User – they will obtain the ability to approve HR
requests. They will be unable to initiate HR requests if they are not a chief hat.

 Q. Can you see what’s been approved and/or actioned whilst you’ve been away, as a result of doing a delegation
and/or workflow substitution?

 A. Yes, There is a search functionality that can be used to view completed forms and check status at what stage the
form is at.
FAQ – Delegations & Substitutions

 Q. What happens in the organisation chart when someone is seconded?

 A. Secondment is treated as a temporary assignment and will be reflected in the Org structure - whereby
the secondee will physically move into the assigned position

 Q. If a line manager delegates to another line manager, can they carry out the required tasks for both
roles or does the recipient then need to delegate their own tasks?

 A. Depends if they also have the same GJG if yes then they will be able to do both roles and manage
both chiefs direct reports. If they have differing GJGs then the delegates current tasks may be unable to
be actioned due to the change in system access.

 Q. Can someone hold more than two roles at the same time?

 A. No - as per the Global Job Group design - each person fills one position and can only have one GJG
assigned at any one time.
FAQ – Delegations & Substitutions

 Q. Can I re-delegate/re-substitute workflow from another individual to someone else if I’m going to be away for a period
of time?

 A. No. The manager of the delegator will need to end date the current delegation and resubmit to an alternative

 Q. For a Manager Initiated delegation, if the delegates manager is different from the delegators manager (ie. Delegator
wants to delegate to someone that’s sits outside of their Org unit) does the form still workflow to the delegates
manager for an approval step?

 A. Yes, where the employee initiates or the Manager initiates the delegation the delagates Manager will need to
approve if situated in a differing org unit.

 Q. When someone is delegated to or workflow is substituted – will they have visibility of all data in the system relevant
to them or can visibility be limited?

 A. For Delegation there is no visibility restrictions once delegated to ie. Chief Hats will be delegated and allow for
access to direct report information including Remuneration. For Workflow substitution you will also be able to view and
approve HR requests however unable to initiate if not a chief hat.
FAQ – Delegations & Substitutions

 Q. If an employee delegates their Manager (Chief) up or laterally to another person with a Chief does this
mean they still keep their area responsibilities as Manager (Chief) of original org. unit, as well as carry the
new org. unit responsibilities as well?

 A. Yes correct

 Q. Will people be able to delegate GJGs/tasks across different operations/assets?

 A. Yes however the delegations report will highlight these occurrences as this is obviously not advised to
be requested.

 Q. How long can you be seconded into a position (as a result of time limit for delegations)?

 A. Secondments should be no longer than 3 months however there is no system restriction in place. The
term we use is Temporary Assignment.

 Q. What changes with the secondment apart from movement in org chart will the secondee take on?

 A. All org assignment attributes for that position will be inherited including org level, Chief Hat (if
applicable), Approval Band and GJG.
FAQ – Delegations & Substitutions

 Q. Can you do a substitution to someone who has not gone through 1SAP training for the GJG being substituted?

 A. For Delegations you must have done the Global Mandatory training associated with the delegated GJG, however for
substitutions the GJG is not substituted. Workflow substitution does not have any mandatory training requirements.

 Q. If an individual has put through a change of details for approval to his 2up manager, but the 2 up manager has
substituted workflow to the individual’s 1-up manager, will the 1-Up Manager approve this change (as the substitution
receiver) and be compliant with GLD requirements?

 A. Yes the 1-up manager as the nominated substitute will have the ability to approve the request.

 Q. Can a manager do a substitution only on behalf of a direct report whilst they are away?

 A. Not for workflow subsitution. A passive substitution must be in place for the substitute to activate the substitution in
the event the substitutor requires an unexpected ‘fill in’

 Q. Can a manager do a substitution/delegation for any report below them or only direct report?

 A. Currently all levels below where required – and a delegation can be set up down and across the organisation.

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